Feminist Pr0n

A Voice for Men show

Summary: We've all watched pr0n. In fact, that claim doesn't need to be stated in the past tense. We all watch pronography is also true. Mostly because we're men, and that's what men do – at least according to one or two of the opponents of human rights for men and boys. But women watch  too, because they've been mind controlled by the patriarchy, or something. Or, possibly because we're all social animals, men and women, and the sight of other members of our species engaging in mating behavior – you know – that which propagates the species – is something we find fundamentally compelling. But in the pseudo modern context of the western world, this is called pron, and radical feminists tell us it's bad, and so are we. But radical feminists have their own Pr0n. Radical feminist pr0n depicts an unreal fantasy world too, but not a fantasy world focused on sex. Radical feminist pr0n isn't about the physical actualization of sex. It's about a different kind of emotional gratification. However unlike sexual pronography, in which both male and female characters portray an unnaturally heightened sexuality, and an artificially exaggerated willingness to get naked and horizontal, in radical feminist pron, male characters demonstrate heightened willingness to kill, and to die for female whim. And female characters are universally helpless. There's another difference too, when radical feminists watch their pr0nography, with exaggerated male disposability, hyper violence, and cartoonishly inflated levels of female helplessness and non agency, they don’t realize that they’re watching pr0n. Fortunately, James Huff, Girl Writes What and Paul Elam are here to let them know, tonight on AVFM Radio.