A Voice for Men show

A Voice for Men

Summary: Did you ever feel like there was something really wrong in the world of men and women, but could not put your finger on it? Well, Neo, to find your answer all you have to do is take the Red Pill. Join your host, men's activist Paul Elam, as we explore the world of modern men and women in ways far too real for the Matrix of the mainstream media. You will need to buckle up for this one. Seriously. Everything you have ever thought about men, women and maybe even yourself is about to change.

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 Feminists, what are you so afraid of? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:20:00

What are you so frightened of. This is a question directed mostly towards feminists. Your compatriots in the activist arm of your gender ideology, which might include you, are publicly crapping their pants. I know they're pretending to oppose such monstrosities as child rape and wife battery – but when this takes the form on screaming abuse at young and vulnerable men you've never met – the illusion rather refutes itself. Similarly, attacking Warren Farrell if he's a promoter of violence does suggest to outside observers that you've lost the plot. Its obvious to those with an understanding of human behavior that your escalating hatred, violence and hysteria is fear driven, and the fear isn't of being raped or assaulted, its of loss of the totality of control feminism has long enjoyed. It's fear of accountability. Its the fear, misplaced as it is, that as the men's rights movement achieves a growing success, that we will respond with the retributive violence and hatred that you seen in your own motivation and tendency. Thankfully, we wont, which doesn't mean terrible violence isn't coming. But it's your camp bringing it. It's your violence, its your hate, and it's your fear we'll be talking about tonight, on A voice for men Radio.

 Tales from the Infrared:Attack of the killer attention whore | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:20:00

Geek culture from a men's rights/red pill perspective. Special guest host: Wooly Bumblebee and xxToyedxx!! Show notes: http://www.avoiceformen.com/a-voice-for-men/tfi-attack-of-the-killer-attention-whores/ Topics include Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, Anita Sarkeesian and other attention whores in the gaming industry such as Frag Dolls, Truth and Oblivion comics, Who Needs Feminism, Michael Coren, Michael Calleri, Violent abusive stalinist thugs, Suzanne Venker and the War on Men, Permutation of Ninjas, women are not always the gentler sex, Girl Writes What, White Knights, and more!

 Tonight: Patrickhenryist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:00

Tonight on AVFM News and Activism we have as our guest Patrickhenryist, an up and coming MRA youtuber.  Patrickhenryist has gained notoriety for his frank interpretation of men's rights issues and his notable contributions on A Voice for Men as well as his youtube channel. We will be talking about his work and his experiences with taking the red pill and becoming an MRA and the men's movement in general.  Do not miss out on talking with Patrickhenryist as he is bound to be one of the more stimulating guests we have had on to date. The show starts tonight, December 11, 1012 at 9:00 PM Eastern, 8:00 PM Central, which is 2:00 AM December 12 in London and 11:00 AM December 12 in Brisbane. After show party in Stickam

 Street Fightin' Woman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:08:00

Dear feminists, I see you, and I hear you, and I notice the knife in your hand, and the machine gun drawn on your placard. I get it, you’re not kidding, and I know you are not speaking metaphorically. You want to kill. We all get that you are entirely serious. But your violence – as you obviously dial it upwards will not be met. It will not be answered and you are uninvited from the rumble. But where are you going with this brutality? Do you really want this to devolve to a street-fight? Really? John the Other, Girl Writes What Paul Elam and James Huff will not be at the rumble, but they'll all be on AVFM this week  

 Tales from the Infrared: Rerun of Episode 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:00

This week we are on hiatus, so will be re-running episode 1 for those of you who may have missed it. Copy of the show notes can be found here if you want to follow along on the stories: http://www.avoiceformen.com/updates/radio-updates/avfm-radio-tales-from-the-infrared-debuts/ Look for a new episode next week, featuring The Wooly Bumblebee!

 AVFM News and Activism: Solaris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:10:00

Solaris of the Nice Guy's American Women (Mostly) Suck! Will be joining us tonight on AVFM News and Activism.   We will be discussing the concepts surrounding MGTOW, the bridge between MRAs and MGTOW adherents, and the history of MGTOW as a modern social phenomenon.  There will also be a discussion about the changing nature of MGTOW, and how it is currently viewed in society. For those of you who are interested in speaking to one of the founders of the modern MGTOW concepts, feel free to call in and speak to Solaris. The show starts tonight, December 4th, 1012 at 9PM Eastern Time, 8PM central, which is 2AM December 5th in London and 11AM December 5th in Brisbane. There will be an after show party in Stickam

 The Rape Fantasy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:29:00

We live in a society that exists in a very strange dichotomy where it concerns rape. On one hand it is a criminal offense that sometimes leaves lasting psychological damage to victims, regardless of their sex. On the other hand, for a great many women, likely even the majority, the fantasy of rape is a source of intense sexual arousal. It is an area where the lines seem to blur and a split occurs, not in the social or legal arena, but between the mind and the body of woman being raped. One psychotherapist, a victim of rape herself, reported that not only did she experience an orgasm during her rape, but that some of the clients also reported similar experiences. What does this say about the human condition? Is sexual aggression hard wired into the species as a part of reproductive strategy? Is the rape “fantasy” just a deeply embedded remnant; an expression of the common sexual psyche of female humans. It is a tough subject, but it is on for tonight on AVfM Radio. And tonight the show will be hosted by Girl Writes What and Paul Elam, teaming up together for the first time to take their shot at cracking this very tough nut. The show starts at 8:00 PM Central Time, 9:00 PM Eastern. The call in number is 310-388-9709. 

 Tales from the Infrared: Fear the men who fear! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:32:00

Links to all items discussed in today's show are at http://www.avoiceformen.com/updates/radio-updates/tfi-fear-the-men-who-fear/ Show topics tonight: Good news on domestic violence research from professor Don Dutton, , good news on boys in education, new A Voice for Boys site, Richmond Virginia newscaster Mark Holmberg takes a chance, feminist attacks against Warren Farrell rebuffed, latest Walking Dead game review, castration in comics featuring Habibi by Craig Thompson, movie reviewer Michael Calleri wants us to fear reactionary men who fear strong women, tropebusting: patriarchy and matriarchy in fiction, Over 9000 pen*ses! and Oprah Winfrey, Gangnam Style, Know your Meme, reproductive freedom for men and apparently refusing to understand John the Other. Also, ministry of fear alert and men with cats!

 The hormone of hate and violence | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Tonight on a voice for men, we'll be talking about the hormone of violence. The thing that makes human beings violent, emotionally unstable, self serving deceivers, and prone to use force often through indirection. That thing responsible for the common knowledge that  man are the cause of all war and conflict, and that obviously, if women ran the world, there would be no war.   Whoops, wasn't this show supposed to be about testosterone, which according to a number of recent scientific studies has the effect on human behavior of increased fairness, honesty and compassion.  So what is it that causes violence and aggression then? Tonight on a vice for men, join Girl Writes What and John The Other as we discuss the hormone of aggression and violence.

 Tales from the Infrared: The Peniz of Terror | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:00

Episode 2: Links to all show stories discussed here: http://www.avoiceformen.com/a-voice-for-men/tales-from-the-infrared-the-weaponized-pen/ Topics include: Man hovers over cat, Fathers allowed to be part of family parade, pushback against Movember, Warren Farrell blockaded by violent feminist thugs, update on banning from Halo 4 for sexist language, Wonder Woman needs man-hating sex, castration in comics trope, the weaponized pen*s myth, feminists create wall of censorship in science fiction and then declare it a ghetto, Girl Writes What gets University and High School exposure, The Young Turks marginalize and laugh at a rape victim, Battlestar Galactica returns via Machinima & discussion of how the 2000s reimagining challenges gender stereotype and ideology, Bob's Burgers, The Ministry of Fear and the Cat Hovering Incident.

 AVFM News and Activism: Valsan Lucian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:14:00

Tonight on AVFM News and Activism:  News from Romania!Valsan Lucian joins us for his first time as the new European News Correspondent providing a much needed perspective from an important battleground for men’s rights.  We will be talking about Feminist politics in Eastern Europe and Feminism’s overt association with Marxism in that part of the world.  We are delighted that AVFM has a competent and passionate MRA joining our growing news team and look very much forward to hearing more from him in the future.  Do take this opportunity to engage in a discussion about international politics and gender issues.  The show starts tonight, November 20, 2012 at 9 PM Eastern Time, 8 Central, which is 2:00 AM Nov 21 in London and 21 AM Nov. 21 in Brisbane.

 Her body, her choice. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:47:00

Her body, her choice. Her body, her choice. Anyone who questions this particular mantra is most definitely a villain; a cackling cad in a cape, twirling his mustache as he ties a crying damsel to the train tracks. But there are some unexamined assumptions at the core of “her body, her choice” and foremost among them is that, somehow, society respects men’s bodily autonomy more then women’s. Let me say that again. Society respects men’s bodily autonomy more then women’s. Heh. Yeah. Join JohntheOther, Typhonblue and Girl Writes What as we take a look at “her body, her choice” and ask ourselves, “what about his body, his choice?”

 A Voice for Men: Tales from the Infrared! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:16:00

Geek culture from a Red Pill pespective! Did you ever think there was a problem with the way men and women interact in geek and gaming culture? We think so too, and it's not what either the feminists or the conservative traditionalists think it is either. It's the way we demonize, marginalize, shame, and demean men and boys, and it's even begun to infect geek culture. As geeks ourselves, we've had about enough. As Men's Rights Activists (MRAs), male and female alike, we're ready to talk about our perspective on it. In a departure from all our other shows, we have a "show notes" page where you can review every item we talk about either before, during, or after the show. Find it here: http://www.avoiceformen.com/updates/radio-updates/avfm-radio-tales-from-the-infrared-debuts/ So check your preconceptions at the door and come listen to this, the inaugural episode of Tales from the Infrared: Geek Culture from a Red Pill Perspective, with Dean Esmay, Typhon Blue, and special guest host PwnySlayStation01. Art by Roger O. Thornhill. Music by Mathis & Michael Music Publishing, LLC: Inc. http://www.mathisandmichaelmusic.com/

 AVFM News and Activism: Bernard Chapin | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

Tonight on AVFM News and Activism we have none other than Bernard Chapin of Chapin’s Inferno who will be talking about the election last week and give his analysis of the political landscape.  We will cover how gender played a big role in the results and what it means for men and men’s rights in the future.  A staunch conservative, Chapin as long argued that the war on men is an all but entirely partisan one with the democratic party being the primary agent against men.   Many MRAs disagree and we are looking forward to an engaging debate with Chapin and of course with callers. The show starts tonight, November 13, 2012 at 9 PM Eastern Time, 8 Central, which is 2:00 AM Nov 14 in London and 11 AM Nov. 14 in Brisbane. Stickam

 Hypergamy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:00

Did you ever notice the tendency in most women to constantly crave something a little, uh, better when it comes to the men in tbeir lives? Do women remain on the lookout for men with more money, power, prestige, social standing or sex appeal than the men they already have in their lives? Yes, as a matter of fact most of them do.  Tonight,, Join Girl Writes What, TyphonBlue and Robert O'hara, who is standing in for regular host John the Other for all the hype on hypergamy, that dirtly little secret that seems to catch most men blindside because they don't know what they are looking for or why they should. The show starts tonight, November 8, 2012 at 9 PM Eastern Time, 8 Central, which is 2:00 AM Nov 9 in London and 11 AM Nov. 9 in Brisbane.


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