School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

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 111 (School News #7): Community Outraged By Teacher Who Tells Kids the Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1751

From the New York Post (which is not a good newspaper): Elementary School Teacher Tells Kids There's No Santa Claus By Todd Venezia and Jennifer Bain Even the Grinch wouldn’t be this mean. A sourpuss teacher in Rockland County ruined Christmas for a class full of second-graders this week, when she told them that there is no Santa Claus during a lesson about the North Pole. The evil educator even told the youngsters — mostly 7- and 8-year-olds — that the presents under their trees were put out by their parents, and not St. Nick. Read More here... Video: Santa Claus Bailout Hearings

 111 (School News #7): Community Outraged By Teacher Who Tells Kids the Truth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1751

From the New York Post (which is not a good newspaper): Elementary School Teacher Tells Kids There's No Santa Claus By Todd Venezia and Jennifer Bain Even the Grinch wouldn’t be this mean. A sourpuss teacher in Rockland County ruined Christmas for a class full of second-graders this week, when she told them that there is no Santa Claus during a lesson about the North Pole. The evil educator even told the youngsters — mostly 7- and 8-year-olds — that the presents under their trees were put out by their parents, and not St. Nick. Read More here... Video: Santa Claus Bailout Hearings

 110: School Sucks At the Movies (#1) - The Cartel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2400

Today we'll discuss sound, the f-word in Christmas songs and a documentary called The Cartel. This film looks at various levels of corruption in the government school system, primarily using New Jersey as a case study. The filmmaker, Bob Bowden supports voucher programs and the expansion of charter schools. Although I have always opposed vouchers as a "solution" to a "problem," the stories in the film got me thinking about this issue in new ways. However, I am still not a proponent of vouchers. Look Closer: The Cartel Website An Unfavorable Review of The Cartel $700 Billion Bank Bailout was Secretly $7 Trillion

 110: School Sucks At the Movies (#1) - The Cartel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2400

Today we'll discuss sound, the f-word in Christmas songs and a documentary called The Cartel. This film looks at various levels of corruption in the government school system, primarily using New Jersey as a case study. The filmmaker, Bob Bowden supports voucher programs and the expansion of charter schools. Although I have always opposed vouchers as a "solution" to a "problem," the stories in the film got me thinking about this issue in new ways. However, I am still not a proponent of vouchers. Look Closer: The Cartel Website An Unfavorable Review of The Cartel $700 Billion Bank Bailout was Secretly $7 Trillion

 109: Homeschool Oversight and Regulation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5025

Laurette Lynn and I discuss homeschooling with Professor Robert Kunzman. From Dr. Robert Kunzman, associate professor at Indiana University teaches courses related to secondary education curriculum and instruction, including an ongoing seminar in the Community of Teachers Program. Professor Kunzman has conducted independent research on homeschooling. You can review his work on his website. Professor Kunzman’s book Write These Laws On Your Children is also available. While he supports home education as a reasonable option, he does still feel that home ed families should be supervised and subject to standards and regulation by the board of education. It’s for the protection of the children. Now anyone familiar with me and Unplugged Mom already knows that I’m not exactly in agreement with regulation on home education so there was a matter of disagreement there. However, I have to say that despite our differences there were many points of agreement. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with the Professor, I am grateful for the time he gave us to discuss his work and thoughtful opinions and would be honored to talk education and home ed with him sometime again. Look Closer: Unplugged Mom Unplugged Mom On Blog Talk Radio Write These Laws On Your Children, by Robert Kunzman BOOK REVIEW: Write These Laws On Your Children, by Robert Kunzman

 109: Homeschool Oversight and Regulation? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5025

Laurette Lynn and I discuss homeschooling with Professor Robert Kunzman. From Dr. Robert Kunzman, associate professor at Indiana University teaches courses related to secondary education curriculum and instruction, including an ongoing seminar in the Community of Teachers Program. Professor Kunzman has conducted independent research on homeschooling. You can review his work on his website. Professor Kunzman’s book Write These Laws On Your Children is also available. While he supports home education as a reasonable option, he does still feel that home ed families should be supervised and subject to standards and regulation by the board of education. It’s for the protection of the children. Now anyone familiar with me and Unplugged Mom already knows that I’m not exactly in agreement with regulation on home education so there was a matter of disagreement there. However, I have to say that despite our differences there were many points of agreement. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with the Professor, I am grateful for the time he gave us to discuss his work and thoughtful opinions and would be honored to talk education and home ed with him sometime again. Look Closer: Unplugged Mom Unplugged Mom On Blog Talk Radio Write These Laws On Your Children, by Robert Kunzman BOOK REVIEW: Write These Laws On Your Children, by Robert Kunzman

 108 (Supplemental): Free Radical Radio With John Kurtz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2847

From Free Radical Radio with John Kurtz and Whitcomb Kincaid, Broadcasted Monday thru Friday at 7PM on 810 AM WEUS Orlando’s Real Talk is one of the most unique and informative talk-radio shows on Central Florida Radio. Premiering in September of 2011, this refreshing program breaks away from the typical Conservative – Liberal Paradigm and discusses the issues of the day in a truthful, no holds barred approach. The program has grown a very large following with its in depth and firsthand knowledge and experiences of its hosts, providing an entertaining yet thought provoking radio experience. Free Radical Radio is one of the most active and interactive local Orlando talk shows with a very high volume of call ins, online listeners and podcast downloads. Lyrics For the Sing-Along: Yo quiero tocar la guitarra y necesito a bailar a la música Yo quiero tocar la guitarra y necesito a bailar a la música Cantando y bailando me hace muy feliz Te vas a divertir cantando. Cantando me Junto a mí y haremos algo de música. Ven a mi casa a mear en mi boca. Show Website: Free Radical On Facebook:

 108 (Supplemental): Free Radical Radio With John Kurtz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2847

From Free Radical Radio with John Kurtz and Whitcomb Kincaid, Broadcasted Monday thru Friday at 7PM on 810 AM WEUS Orlando’s Real Talk is one of the most unique and informative talk-radio shows on Central Florida Radio. Premiering in September of 2011, this refreshing program breaks away from the typical Conservative – Liberal Paradigm and discusses the issues of the day in a truthful, no holds barred approach. The program has grown a very large following with its in depth and firsthand knowledge and experiences of its hosts, providing an entertaining yet thought provoking radio experience. Free Radical Radio is one of the most active and interactive local Orlando talk shows with a very high volume of call ins, online listeners and podcast downloads. Lyrics For the Sing-Along: Yo quiero tocar la guitarra y necesito a bailar a la música Yo quiero tocar la guitarra y necesito a bailar a la música Cantando y bailando me hace muy feliz Te vas a divertir cantando. Cantando me Junto a mí y haremos algo de música. Ven a mi casa a mear en mi boca. Show Website: Free Radical On Facebook:

 106: A Young Person's Guide To Politics (Appendix A) - Ron Paul, The Final Fantasy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4293

Over two years ago, we discussed the futility and the dangers associated with believing in the possibility government solutions to government problems. Today, there are two growing movements that may lure young people into the cage match of political participation. Critical Thinking Question: How are we going to get all of the corruption, and abuse, and predation out of our government? Followed by some other questions that make equally as much sense (none). Topic: Stephanie Murphy and George Mandrik join me to discuss their experiences and lessons learned from the 2008 Ron Paul Presidential Campaign. We also ruminate on what motivates people to participate in politics in the first place. Bumper Music: "Angry Young Man" Billy Joel Look Closer; "Democracy--the god that failed: the economics and politics of monarchy" By Hans-Hermann Hoppe The Myth of Democratic Peace: Why Democracy Cannot Deliver Peace in the 21st Century by James Ostrowski Death by government By R. Rummel Freedomain Radio-True News 5: The Truth About Voting Democracy Is Not Freedom by Rep. Ron Paul, MD FDR1980 Walter Block vs Stefan Molyneux vs Ron Paul! FDR 972 The Ron Paul Revolution - A Postmortem (and prescription)

 106: A Young Person's Guide To Politics (Appendix A) - Ron Paul, The Final Fantasy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4293

Over two years ago, we discussed the futility and the dangers associated with believing in the possibility government solutions to government problems. Today, there are two growing movements that may lure young people into the cage match of political participation. Critical Thinking Question: How are we going to get all of the corruption, and abuse, and predation out of our government? Followed by some other questions that make equally as much sense (none). Topic: Stephanie Murphy and George Mandrik join me to discuss their experiences and lessons learned from the 2008 Ron Paul Presidential Campaign. We also ruminate on what motivates people to participate in politics in the first place. Bumper Music: "Angry Young Man" Billy Joel Look Closer; "Democracy--the god that failed: the economics and politics of monarchy" By Hans-Hermann Hoppe The Myth of Democratic Peace: Why Democracy Cannot Deliver Peace in the 21st Century by James Ostrowski Death by government By R. Rummel Freedomain Radio-True News 5: The Truth About Voting Democracy Is Not Freedom by Rep. Ron Paul, MD FDR1980 Walter Block vs Stefan Molyneux vs Ron Paul! FDR 972 The Ron Paul Revolution - A Postmortem (and prescription)

 104: Discovering Doublespeak! (Part Three) - Legalese v. Curiosity and Critical Thought | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2580

Marc Stevens, author of Adventures In Legal Land and host of the No State Project, joins me to illuminate the dark and bizarre world of the so-called justice system. With this focus on law and the courts, we discuss the second form of doublespeak: jargon. Marc also explains his Socratic approach to defending against the doublespeak of lawyers, judges and tax collectors. "Doublespeak is not lying, nor is it merely sloppy language. It is the intentional use of euphemisms, synonyms, jargon, and vagueness which pretends to communicate but really does not, or implies the opposite of what it would appear to communicate." -Metta Winte Bumper Music: "One Million Lawyers" Tom Paxton Look Closer: The Doublespeak Dictionary by Leslie Starr O’Hara Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living : How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You, by William Lutz Adventures In Legal Land No State Project William Lutz Biography

 104: Discovering Doublespeak! (Part Three) - Legalese v. Curiosity and Critical Thought | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2580

Marc Stevens, author of Adventures In Legal Land and host of the No State Project, joins me to illuminate the dark and bizarre world of the so-called justice system. With this focus on law and the courts, we discuss the second form of doublespeak: jargon. Marc also explains his Socratic approach to defending against the doublespeak of lawyers, judges and tax collectors. "Doublespeak is not lying, nor is it merely sloppy language. It is the intentional use of euphemisms, synonyms, jargon, and vagueness which pretends to communicate but really does not, or implies the opposite of what it would appear to communicate." -Metta Winte Bumper Music: "One Million Lawyers" Tom Paxton Look Closer: The Doublespeak Dictionary by Leslie Starr O’Hara Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living : How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You, by William Lutz Adventures In Legal Land No State Project William Lutz Biography

 103: Discovering Doublespeak! (Part Two) - The Cacophemism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2910

With a focus on the intellectually insulting tactics of the mainstream media, I discuss an often overlooked form of doublespeak: the cacophemism (aka malphemism or dysphemism). In language, dysphemism (from the Greek dys δύς "mis-" and pheme φήμη "reputation"), malphemism (in Latin malus "bad"), and cacophemism (in Greek kakos κακός "bad") refer to the usage of an intentionally harsh word or expression instead of a polite one. -Wikipedia Defining attributes of doublespeak: -misleads -distorts reality -pretends to communicate -avoids or shifts responsibility -makes the negative appear positive -creates a false verbal map of the world -limits, conceals, corrupts, and prevents thought -makes the unpleasant appear attractive or tolerable -creates incongruity between reality and what is said or not said (William Lutz, Doublespeak) Bumper Music: "That's Not My Name" The Ting Tings Look Closer: The Doublespeak Dictionary by Leslie Starr O’Hara Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living : How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You, by William Lutz

 103: Discovering Doublespeak! (Part Two) - The Cacophemism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2910

With a focus on the intellectually insulting tactics of the mainstream media, I discuss an often overlooked form of doublespeak: the cacophemism (aka malphemism or dysphemism). In language, dysphemism (from the Greek dys δύς "mis-" and pheme φήμη "reputation"), malphemism (in Latin malus "bad"), and cacophemism (in Greek kakos κακός "bad") refer to the usage of an intentionally harsh word or expression instead of a polite one. -Wikipedia Defining attributes of doublespeak: -misleads -distorts reality -pretends to communicate -avoids or shifts responsibility -makes the negative appear positive -creates a false verbal map of the world -limits, conceals, corrupts, and prevents thought -makes the unpleasant appear attractive or tolerable -creates incongruity between reality and what is said or not said (William Lutz, Doublespeak) Bumper Music: "That's Not My Name" The Ting Tings Look Closer: The Doublespeak Dictionary by Leslie Starr O’Hara Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living : How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You, by William Lutz

 102: Discovering Doublespeak! (Part One) - The Euphemism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2400

With a focus on the misleading and manipulative language of the military, I discuss the first form of doublespeak: the euphemism. Defining attributes of doublespeak: -misleads -distorts reality -pretends to communicate -avoids or shifts responsibility -makes the negative appear positive -creates a false verbal map of the world -limits, conceals, corrupts, and prevents thought -makes the unpleasant appear attractive or tolerable -creates incongruity between reality and what is said or not said (William Lutz, Doublespeak) Look Closer: The Doublespeak Dictionary by Leslie Starr O’Hara Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living : How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You, by William Lutz Government by Euphemism, by Sheldon Richman Rendition: a dangerous euphemism Propaganda, American-style by Noam Chomsky


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