School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

Summary: We need 150 monthly subscribers! If you are employed and you listen to the show and enjoy the videos, please consider making a commitment of $6.00 per month, or about $.20 per day. When we launch the new site, you have access to a bonus content section that will be updated weekly. Please click here to sign up. $6.00/Month Subscribe! You can help the show grow by committing to one of these monthly subscription levels (demonstrating how inflation affects the price of another source of knowledge). It is greatly appreciated! A New Book!(in 1960) $3/ mo A New Book! (in 1972) $6/mo A New Book! (in 1981) $9/mo A New Book! (in 1995) $15/mo A New Book! (Today) $25/mo Angel Investor $999.99/mo Contact Brett, leave comments and view shows by series: In my 10+ years of teaching, "school sucks" is perhaps the most common phrase I've heard students use to describe their feelings about public education. But this seemingly bitter and reductive slogan is actually quite clever. When taken literally, "school sucks" is perhaps the most accurate and astute synopsis of the system I've ever heard. Here's why... 1. The twelve-year process of an American public education has a dramatic effect on the mind of a child. When we first enter school at age six, many of our best personal attributes are already in place. We are curious, innovative, unique, creative and hopeful in ways that we will rarely be able to replicate throughout the rest of our lives. But over time, school sucks those essential attributes out of too many of us...and replaces them with predictability, obedience and apathy. 2. The public school system sucks off the productive capacity of hard-working people. The system is coercively funded through taxation. In other words, whether public education succeeds or fails (spoiler alert: it fails) at providing real education to the public, the cost goes up every year. There are no refunds. The END of Public Education? 1. END: It's over, irrelevant, useless, needs to be done away with. Does more harm than good. 2. END: (As in means to an end) We'll also explore the true intentions behind the system, which have very little to do with real education. There is substantial evidence that its failure to educate is no accident. Above all, this is a show about what one might do about these problems...

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 138: Cevin Soling - The War On Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3465

Cevin Soling, the director of the documentary The War On Kids joins me to discuss the film, his research and the pathologizing of normal youth behavior. Fortunately the 2009 film is now back in the news. Bumper Music: "Living In A Box" by Living In A Box Look Closer: Colbert Report The War On Kids (Trailer)

 136: The American Way Expanded (3 of 3): The Matches | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8404

Picture: The Nazis were certainly not atheists Part 3 of 3 in an expansion of the School Sucks: The American Way You Tube Video. Topic: The American way... What is this way? Where does it come from? And where does it lead? In this show: The Chronology A meandering monologue covering 1000 years of German history. -The Holy Roman Empire and Biblical Prophecy -Otto Von Bismark -The Franco-Prussian War -German Unification -The Welfare State -Imperialism -Woodrow Wilson and Edward House -WWI and the Treaty of Versailles -The Great Depression -The Rise of Nazism -Policies of the Third Reich -The Real Hitler Look Closer: INTRODUCING OBJECTIVISM Objectivism, Hitler, and Kant, by David Gordon A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz John Gatto Prussian Education Bismarck’s “Blood and Iron” Speech Germans on Welfare: From Weimar to Hitler By David F. Crew Nazi Germany Timeline

 136: The American Way Expanded (3 of 3): The Matches | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8404

Picture: The Nazis were certainly not atheists Part 3 of 3 in an expansion of the School Sucks: The American Way You Tube Video. Topic: The American way... What is this way? Where does it come from? And where does it lead? In this show: The Chronology A meandering monologue covering 1000 years of German history. -The Holy Roman Empire and Biblical Prophecy -Otto Von Bismark -The Franco-Prussian War -German Unification -The Welfare State -Imperialism -Woodrow Wilson and Edward House -WWI and the Treaty of Versailles -The Great Depression -The Rise of Nazism -Policies of the Third Reich -The Real Hitler Look Closer: INTRODUCING OBJECTIVISM Objectivism, Hitler, and Kant, by David Gordon A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz John Gatto Prussian Education Bismarck’s “Blood and Iron” Speech Germans on Welfare: From Weimar to Hitler By David F. Crew Nazi Germany Timeline

 137: Live Show #6, Hour 1: Indoctrination Songs, Movie Talk, Dumbification Statistics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4679

Jason Osborne, Dale Everett and I discuss films and film making, We also look at some statistics about the effectiveness of the public schools. Later in the show, we take a call from a listener who studies music, and we discuss the power of song for indoctrination and education. This is hour one Gardner Goldsmith's Liberty Conspiracy live show, from April 1st, 2012. The show airs Sunday through Thursday at 10pm EST on the Liberty Radio Network. Look Closer: Liberty Conspiracy Flaming Freedom - Bringing the flame to freedom PorcFest 2012 Help School Sucks: Become A Monthly Subscriber Help School Sucks, Tragedy and Hope and John Taylor Gatto:

 137: Live Show #6, Hour 1: Indoctrination Songs, Movie Talk, Dumbification Statistics | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4679

Jason Osborne, Dale Everett and I discuss films and film making, We also look at some statistics about the effectiveness of the public schools. Later in the show, we take a call from a listener who studies music, and we discuss the power of song for indoctrination and education. This is hour one Gardner Goldsmith's Liberty Conspiracy live show, from April 1st, 2012. The show airs Sunday through Thursday at 10pm EST on the Liberty Radio Network. Look Closer: Liberty Conspiracy Flaming Freedom - Bringing the flame to freedom PorcFest 2012 Help School Sucks: Become A Monthly Subscriber Help School Sucks, Tragedy and Hope and John Taylor Gatto:

 135: The American Way Expanded (2 of 3): Pyromania | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8036

Part 2 of 3 in an expansion of the School Sucks: The American Way You Tube Video. Topic: The American way... What is this way? Where does it come from? And where does it lead? In this show: Power, Obedience and Collectivism -The Milgram Experiment -Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment -Immanuel Kant -The Threat of Losing Control -Carl Von Clausewitz and Total War -Marxism -Fabian Socialism and Gradualism Look Closer: INTRODUCING OBJECTIVISM Kant made simple What is the Hegelian Dialectic? Objectivism, Hitler, and Kant, by David Gordon How The Nazis Usurped the History of The Teutonic Order The Stanford Prison Experiment Stanley Millgram: Obedience to Authority Philip Zimbardo: Why ordinary people do evil ... or do good Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz John Gatto Prussian Education The Lucifer Effect, by Phillip Zimbardo

 135: The American Way Expanded (2 of 3): Pyromania | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8036

Part 2 of 3 in an expansion of the School Sucks: The American Way You Tube Video. Topic: The American way... What is this way? Where does it come from? And where does it lead? In this show: Power, Obedience and Collectivism -The Milgram Experiment -Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment -Immanuel Kant -The Threat of Losing Control -Carl Von Clausewitz and Total War -Marxism -Fabian Socialism and Gradualism Look Closer: INTRODUCING OBJECTIVISM Kant made simple What is the Hegelian Dialectic? Objectivism, Hitler, and Kant, by David Gordon How The Nazis Usurped the History of The Teutonic Order The Stanford Prison Experiment Stanley Millgram: Obedience to Authority Philip Zimbardo: Why ordinary people do evil ... or do good Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz John Gatto Prussian Education The Lucifer Effect, by Phillip Zimbardo

 134: The American Way Expanded (1 of 3): The Gasoline-Soaked House | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5730

Picture: It takes more than a couple of matches... Part 1 of 3 in an expansion of the School Sucks: The American Way You Tube Video. Topic: The American way... What is this way? Where does it come from? And where does it lead? In this show: Philosophy In school we are led to believe that we are all living in an ideal vision of what society should be... But who's vision is it? And what were their ideals? -Objectivism vs. German Idealism -Immanuel Kant -George Hegel -Johann Fichte -Friedrich Nietzsche Look Closer: INTRODUCING OBJECTIVISM Kant made simple Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy Objectivism, Hitler, and Kant, by David Gordon Fichte A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn Identity And Causality, And The Use Of Logic Quantum Shift TV: The underground history of North American education Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz John Gatto Prussian Education

 134: The American Way Expanded (1 of 3): The Gasoline-Soaked House | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5730

Picture: It takes more than a couple of matches... Part 1 of 3 in an expansion of the School Sucks: The American Way You Tube Video. Topic: The American way... What is this way? Where does it come from? And where does it lead? In this show: Philosophy In school we are led to believe that we are all living in an ideal vision of what society should be... But who's vision is it? And what were their ideals? -Objectivism vs. German Idealism -Immanuel Kant -George Hegel -Johann Fichte -Friedrich Nietzsche Look Closer: INTRODUCING OBJECTIVISM Kant made simple Analytic-Synthetic Dichotomy Objectivism, Hitler, and Kant, by David Gordon Fichte A People's History Of The United States by Howard Zinn Identity And Causality, And The Use Of Logic Quantum Shift TV: The underground history of North American education Hitler's War Against the Jews: A Young Reader's Version of The War Against the Jews, 1933-1945, by Lucy S. Dawidowicz John Gatto Prussian Education

 133 (Supplemental): Fajita Fun Time - Exposing New World Order Shills...Wait...What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3176

Recommended for Wheels Off Liberty fans only. Maybe Alex Jones fans too. Not a real show. Look Closer: The Fajita Fun Time Podcast Wheels Off Liberty

 133 (Supplemental): Fajita Fun Time - Exposing New World Order Shills...Wait...What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3176

Recommended for Wheels Off Liberty fans only. Maybe Alex Jones fans too. Not a real show. Look Closer: The Fajita Fun Time Podcast Wheels Off Liberty

 131 (School News! #8): El Cambio and Occupy Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4450

Topic: Shane James, one of the founding members of El Cambio (which is allied with the Occupy Movement), joins me to discuss a recent walkout at his high school, and the response from police and administrators. We also discuss the goals of his activism, the meaning/purpose of education, and the Occupy Movement. And I try to sprinkle a few seeds. Bumper Music: "Necessary Trouble" Hard-Fi Look Closer: Attack Dogs used on a High School Walkout in MD School Officials, Students Spar in Northwestern Protest Debate

 131 (School News! #8): El Cambio and Occupy Education | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4450

Topic: Shane James, one of the founding members of El Cambio (which is allied with the Occupy Movement), joins me to discuss a recent walkout at his high school, and the response from police and administrators. We also discuss the goals of his activism, the meaning/purpose of education, and the Occupy Movement. And I try to sprinkle a few seeds. Bumper Music: "Necessary Trouble" Hard-Fi Look Closer: Attack Dogs used on a High School Walkout in MD School Officials, Students Spar in Northwestern Protest Debate

 130: Logic Saves Lives (Introduction) - Empowerment and Self-Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5385

"In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind." -Edward Bernays Topic: Richard Grove and Tony Myers from join me for a general introduction to the series on logical fallacies. Our discussion covers how fallacies fit into the larger picture of critical thinking principles and the trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric). We also talk about the recent Republican debates, identifying techniques used by certain candidates. And the primary benefits of learning logic: 1. SELF DEFENSE: If you are a young person, targets are all over you; many different interests are trying to influence your values and actions. 2. PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT Effective communication, logical organization of thoughts and freedom from contradictions. Bumper Music: "Mohammad's Radio" Wareen Zevon Look Closer: Logical Fallacies Basics Mission: Mind Control (ABC NEWS SPECIAL, 1979 The Century of Self 1 - Happiness Machines I'M OK YOU'RE NOT OK Is Kony 2012 a propaganda campaign? History...So It Doesn't Repeat James Corbett - Skeptical on Syria: 'Media reports framed & manipulated' Trivium Richard Grove's Show-Notes: Logic Saves Lives / School Sucks episode 130 Help School Sucks, Tragedy and Hope and John Taylor Gatto: Enter the coupon code: "SCHOOLSUCKS"

 130: Logic Saves Lives (Introduction) - Empowerment and Self-Defense | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5385

"In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind." -Edward Bernays Topic: Richard Grove and Tony Myers from join me for a general introduction to the series on logical fallacies. Our discussion covers how fallacies fit into the larger picture of critical thinking principles and the trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric). We also talk about the recent Republican debates, identifying techniques used by certain candidates. And the primary benefits of learning logic: 1. SELF DEFENSE: If you are a young person, targets are all over you; many different interests are trying to influence your values and actions. 2. PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT Effective communication, logical organization of thoughts and freedom from contradictions. Bumper Music: "Mohammad's Radio" Wareen Zevon Look Closer: Logical Fallacies Basics Mission: Mind Control (ABC NEWS SPECIAL, 1979 The Century of Self 1 - Happiness Machines I'M OK YOU'RE NOT OK Is Kony 2012 a propaganda campaign? History...So It Doesn't Repeat James Corbett - Skeptical on Syria: 'Media reports framed & manipulated' Trivium Richard Grove's Show-Notes: Logic Saves Lives / School Sucks episode 130 Help School Sucks, Tragedy and Hope and John Taylor Gatto: Enter the coupon code: "SCHOOLSUCKS"


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