131 (School News! #8): El Cambio and Occupy Education

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Topic: Shane James, one of the founding members of El Cambio (which is allied with the Occupy Movement), joins me to discuss a recent walkout at his high school, and the response from police and administrators. We also discuss the goals of his activism, the meaning/purpose of education, and the Occupy Movement. And I try to sprinkle a few seeds. Bumper Music: "Necessary Trouble" Hard-Fi Look Closer: Attack Dogs used on a High School Walkout in MD http://www.thomhartmann.com/bigpicture/attack-dogs-used-high-school-walkout-md School Officials, Students Spar in Northwestern Protest Debate http://riverdalepark.patch.com/articles/school-officials-students-spar-in-northwestern-protest-debate#photo-9319654