School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

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 011: First-Person Plural Pronouns...and YOU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3762

Pictured ABOVE: Most of the people you know (Foreground) Topic: How does training in conformity scale up to collectivism in society? Wes Bertrand joins me to discuss conformity and collectivism (Part 1 of 2) I also talk about Ayn Rand's novelette, "Anthem" (1938) (NOTE: I have to apologize for a few snaps, crackles and pops; I was experimenting with a different call-recording process) Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 010: (Hidden Lesson Two) The Silencing of the Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1789

The second episode in a series aimed at detailing and dismantling specific elements of the destructive hidden curriculum in public education. Topic: The second embedded lesson of public education: Conformity This is what Alexander Inglis called the "Integrating Function" of secondary education. We certainly pick it up in elementary school as well. And who has benefited? Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 010: (Hidden Lesson Two) The Silencing of the Self | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1789

The second episode in a series aimed at detailing and dismantling specific elements of the destructive hidden curriculum in public education. Topic: The second embedded lesson of public education: Conformity This is what Alexander Inglis called the "Integrating Function" of secondary education. We certainly pick it up in elementary school as well. And who has benefited? Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 009 (Supplemental): Brett On Freedomain Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3189

My interview on Freedomain Radio from September 27th, 2009. I've added a quick introduction about the discussion and about my thoughts on Freedomain Radio. Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 009 (Supplemental): Brett On Freedomain Radio | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3189

My interview on Freedomain Radio from September 27th, 2009. I've added a quick introduction about the discussion and about my thoughts on Freedomain Radio. Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 008: Conformity & Compliance vs. Conscience & Consistency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3761

(ABOVE: There's that tree I'm always talking about) Topic: Daniel Lakemacher ( joins me to discuss obedience. He also shares his personal story of how he freed himself (within the last year) from three types of crippling obedience training - public education, religion and military. Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 008: Conformity & Compliance vs. Conscience & Consistency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3761

(ABOVE: There's that tree I'm always talking about) Topic: Daniel Lakemacher ( joins me to discuss obedience. He also shares his personal story of how he freed himself (within the last year) from three types of crippling obedience training - public education, religion and military. Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 007: (Hidden Lesson One) - Obedience Is A Virtue? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2360

The first in a series of episodes aimed at detailing and dismantling specific elements of the destructive hidden curriculum in public education. Topic: An experience I had with students last Saturday led to a web of ideas about the problem of obedience training and about the philosophical path toward the solution... The effect of this obedience training on 3 Values: Reason, Purpose and Self-Esteem “There is no neutral education. Education is either for domestication or for freedom.” -Joao Coutinho Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 007: (Hidden Lesson One) - Obedience Is A Virtue? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2360

The first in a series of episodes aimed at detailing and dismantling specific elements of the destructive hidden curriculum in public education. Topic: An experience I had with students last Saturday led to a web of ideas about the problem of obedience training and about the philosophical path toward the solution... The effect of this obedience training on 3 Values: Reason, Purpose and Self-Esteem “There is no neutral education. Education is either for domestication or for freedom.” -Joao Coutinho Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 006: Conformity & Compliance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2163

(Introduction to the Hidden Lessons of School) Topic: Introducing the three aims of public education: blind obedience, assimilation, and the surrender of self-ownership The Matrix and Plato's Allegory of the Cave What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about? Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 006: Conformity & Compliance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2163

(Introduction to the Hidden Lessons of School) Topic: Introducing the three aims of public education: blind obedience, assimilation, and the surrender of self-ownership The Matrix and Plato's Allegory of the Cave What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about? Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 005: Authoritarian Absurdities vs. The Philosophy of Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2423

A Young Person's Guide to Politics III(Conclusion) Topic: A comparison between a cluster of degrading and crippling ideas (referenced throughout the show as the "Authoritarian Absurdities") which I believe are prerequisites for embracing the political process and...The Philosophy of Liberty, based on the principles of self-ownership and property rights. A brief discussion of popular rationalizations for these absurdities and my rebuttals. Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 005: Authoritarian Absurdities vs. The Philosophy of Liberty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2423

A Young Person's Guide to Politics III(Conclusion) Topic: A comparison between a cluster of degrading and crippling ideas (referenced throughout the show as the "Authoritarian Absurdities") which I believe are prerequisites for embracing the political process and...The Philosophy of Liberty, based on the principles of self-ownership and property rights. A brief discussion of popular rationalizations for these absurdities and my rebuttals. Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 004: Politics Is Force | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2801

A Young Person's Guide to Politics II Topic: Continued explanation of why I am against political solutions for education or anything else, AKA using the system to change the system by working within the system. Further explanation of the political process in the United States. Shocking comparison between the government and the mafia. I also talk about Ron Paul's principles compared to other politicians, but let's be clear: a Ron Paul Presidency would solve nothing. (See article by Per Bylund below) Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.

 004: Politics Is Force | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2801

A Young Person's Guide to Politics II Topic: Continued explanation of why I am against political solutions for education or anything else, AKA using the system to change the system by working within the system. Further explanation of the political process in the United States. Shocking comparison between the government and the mafia. I also talk about Ron Paul's principles compared to other politicians, but let's be clear: a Ron Paul Presidency would solve nothing. (See article by Per Bylund below) Please visit the website for full show notes, references and links.


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