School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

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 045[Abridged]: Christianity Kills Curiosity (And Vice-Versa) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1875

This is an abridged version of a longer show. PICTURE: What kind of a person commands other people to kneel in front of them? (Kids Are Not Defective Part 3) Topic: Ahhh, religion. Another great way to learn about all the things that are wrong with you. An examination of the amazing contradictions and inconsistencies in American Culture. Could culture even exist if people applied principles consistently? I also look back at my own Roman Catholic upbringing, specifically at an interaction with a nun resulting from my curiosity over the chronology of the life of Jesus. Then I imagine the same interaction with a more precocious and enlightened child. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 045[Abridged]: Christianity Kills Curiosity (And Vice-Versa) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1875

This is an abridged version of a longer show. PICTURE: What kind of a person commands other people to kneel in front of them? (Kids Are Not Defective Part 3) Topic: Ahhh, religion. Another great way to learn about all the things that are wrong with you. An examination of the amazing contradictions and inconsistencies in American Culture. Could culture even exist if people applied principles consistently? I also look back at my own Roman Catholic upbringing, specifically at an interaction with a nun resulting from my curiosity over the chronology of the life of Jesus. Then I imagine the same interaction with a more precocious and enlightened child. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 045: Curiosity Kills Christianity (And Vice-Versa) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2857

(Kids Are Not Defective Part 3) This is the long version. PICTURE: What kind of a person commands others to kneel in front of them? Topic: Ahhh, religion. Another great way to learn about all the things that are wrong with you. I receive an email from a Conservative Christian organization that sends me into an explosive rant and an examination of the amazing contradictions and inconsistencies in American Culture. Could culture even exist if people applied principles consistently? I also look back at my own Roman Catholic upbringing, specifically at an interaction with a nun resulting from my curiosity over the chronology of the life of Jesus. Then I imagine the same interaction with a more precocious and enlightened child. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 045: Curiosity Kills Christianity (And Vice-Versa) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2857

(Kids Are Not Defective Part 3) This is the long version. PICTURE: What kind of a person commands others to kneel in front of them? Topic: Ahhh, religion. Another great way to learn about all the things that are wrong with you. I receive an email from a Conservative Christian organization that sends me into an explosive rant and an examination of the amazing contradictions and inconsistencies in American Culture. Could culture even exist if people applied principles consistently? I also look back at my own Roman Catholic upbringing, specifically at an interaction with a nun resulting from my curiosity over the chronology of the life of Jesus. Then I imagine the same interaction with a more precocious and enlightened child. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 044: The True Self Vs. the Fantasy Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2455

(Kids Are Not Defective Part 2) Topic: After reflecting on the last show, I wanted to explore my family comments a bit more thoroughly. Why do adults jump so quickly to the defense of the authority figures in their lives? Why are so many people resistant to the idea that their childhoods were not exactly great? When and how will the effects of childhood mistreatment reveal themselves? Because they always do. To answer these questions, I briefly channel a "composite character" assembled from many of my past discussions about raising children. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 044: The True Self Vs. the Fantasy Family | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2455

(Kids Are Not Defective Part 2) Topic: After reflecting on the last show, I wanted to explore my family comments a bit more thoroughly. Why do adults jump so quickly to the defense of the authority figures in their lives? Why are so many people resistant to the idea that their childhoods were not exactly great? When and how will the effects of childhood mistreatment reveal themselves? Because they always do. To answer these questions, I briefly channel a "composite character" assembled from many of my past discussions about raising children. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 043: Kids Are Not Defective (Introduction) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3182

PICTURED: A listener sent me this example of his son's (first grade) school work, which includes the teacher's thoughts on his exercise of creativity. The introduction to a new series of shows about some other messages forced into the minds of children and young adults. These shows will include topics like medication, parenting, spanking, behavioral "disorders," bullying, "reward" systems and zero tolerance policies. Also, a discussion of how the state is "fed" by the schools and the family. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 043: Kids Are Not Defective (Introduction) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3182

PICTURED: A listener sent me this example of his son's (first grade) school work, which includes the teacher's thoughts on his exercise of creativity. The introduction to a new series of shows about some other messages forced into the minds of children and young adults. These shows will include topics like medication, parenting, spanking, behavioral "disorders," bullying, "reward" systems and zero tolerance policies. Also, a discussion of how the state is "fed" by the schools and the family. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 042 School News! (#3): School District Sues Taxpayers To Stop Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Picture: The primary lesson of public school politics. Congress, Ariz. school district sues taxpayers to stop questions Mark Flatten Goldwater Institute Watchdog Report March 10, 2010 The Goldwater Institute Watchdog Report is a periodic publication intended to identify government corruption and waste and to hold politicians and public agencies accountable to taxpayers. A handful of taxpayers in a small community north of Wickenburg, Arizona are being targeted by the local school district in a lawsuit that asks a judge to declare they have no right to request public records, sue the district, or complain to outside agencies. The Congress Elementary School District claims that past efforts by these residents to obtain documents such as minutes of board meetings and spending reports amount to harassment that should not have to be tolerated. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 042 School News! (#3): School District Sues Taxpayers To Stop Questions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Picture: The primary lesson of public school politics. Congress, Ariz. school district sues taxpayers to stop questions Mark Flatten Goldwater Institute Watchdog Report March 10, 2010 The Goldwater Institute Watchdog Report is a periodic publication intended to identify government corruption and waste and to hold politicians and public agencies accountable to taxpayers. A handful of taxpayers in a small community north of Wickenburg, Arizona are being targeted by the local school district in a lawsuit that asks a judge to declare they have no right to request public records, sue the district, or complain to outside agencies. The Congress Elementary School District claims that past efforts by these residents to obtain documents such as minutes of board meetings and spending reports amount to harassment that should not have to be tolerated. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 041: The Natural State? (American History F-ed, Conclusion) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4749

Critical Thinking Question: Imagine if we all woke up tomorrow and all government was just...gone. What's the worst thing that could happen? And how would statists feel about this most catastrophic outcome? The answer might surprise you. Topic: The three most persistent myths throughout history: 1. The State is essential for the survival of the human race 2. Slavery is essential for the prosperity of all societies reliant upon agriculture 3. God and religion are essential for establishing morality Two down, one to go. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 041: The Natural State? (American History F-ed, Conclusion) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4749

Critical Thinking Question: Imagine if we all woke up tomorrow and all government was just...gone. What's the worst thing that could happen? And how would statists feel about this most catastrophic outcome? The answer might surprise you. Topic: The three most persistent myths throughout history: 1. The State is essential for the survival of the human race 2. Slavery is essential for the prosperity of all societies reliant upon agriculture 3. God and religion are essential for establishing morality Two down, one to go. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 040 Keys (Installment #3): Transition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5890

Picture: Pragmatists love charts. Charts that illustrate effects. So here's a chart showing how much government school sucks. It's also pretty representative of all 'services' provided at gunpoint, in terms of cost verses quality. Critical Thinking Questions: -Why do people accept government education? -Why do people need tangible alternatives? Topic: Kate Richards from The Scholars' Academy joins me to discuss the possibility of non-government solutions and alternatives to public education. Although we are both supporters of unschooling, we discuss the importance of recognizing the harsh reality of the current situation: government school today holds over 90% of the young people in this country and eats up 600 billion dollars a year. Therefore, it is important to contemplate options and ideas for the transition from where we are to where we would like to be. Kate explains that people are more willing to seriously consider alternatives if they can be presented with something tangible, already in operation. In our arguments for the abolition of public education, we often face two significant challenges: 1. Well-grained societal illusions about the benevolence or the necessity of government school 2. The apparent lack of alternatives, or 'abstract' explanations of other ways young people can learn Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 040 Keys (Installment #3): Transition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5890

Picture: Pragmatists love charts. Charts that illustrate effects. So here's a chart showing how much government school sucks. It's also pretty representative of all 'services' provided at gunpoint, in terms of cost verses quality. Critical Thinking Questions: -Why do people accept government education? -Why do people need tangible alternatives? Topic: Kate Richards from The Scholars' Academy joins me to discuss the possibility of non-government solutions and alternatives to public education. Although we are both supporters of unschooling, we discuss the importance of recognizing the harsh reality of the current situation: government school today holds over 90% of the young people in this country and eats up 600 billion dollars a year. Therefore, it is important to contemplate options and ideas for the transition from where we are to where we would like to be. Kate explains that people are more willing to seriously consider alternatives if they can be presented with something tangible, already in operation. In our arguments for the abolition of public education, we often face two significant challenges: 1. Well-grained societal illusions about the benevolence or the necessity of government school 2. The apparent lack of alternatives, or 'abstract' explanations of other ways young people can learn Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 039 School News (#2): Too Fat To Fight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 960

Picture: Hey kids! The military wants you to know that if you eat right and exercise, a nice box like one of these could have your name on it one day. School lunches called a national security threat! Retired military officers say kids are growing up too pudgy for service WASHINGTON - School lunches have been called many things, but a group of retired military officers is giving them a new label: national security threat. That's not a reference to the mystery meat served up in the cafeteria line either. The retired officers are saying that school lunches have helped make the nation's young people so fat that fewer of them can meet the military's physical fitness standards, and recruitment is in jeopardy.. Read More Here


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