042 School News! (#3): School District Sues Taxpayers To Stop Questions

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Picture: The primary lesson of public school politics. Congress, Ariz. school district sues taxpayers to stop questions Mark Flatten Goldwater Institute Watchdog Report March 10, 2010 The Goldwater Institute Watchdog Report is a periodic publication intended to identify government corruption and waste and to hold politicians and public agencies accountable to taxpayers. A handful of taxpayers in a small community north of Wickenburg, Arizona are being targeted by the local school district in a lawsuit that asks a judge to declare they have no right to request public records, sue the district, or complain to outside agencies. The Congress Elementary School District claims that past efforts by these residents to obtain documents such as minutes of board meetings and spending reports amount to harassment that should not have to be tolerated. Please visit schoolsucksproject.com for full show notes, references and links.