School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

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 039 School News (#2): Too Fat To Fight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 960

Picture: Hey kids! The military wants you to know that if you eat right and exercise, a nice box like one of these could have your name on it one day. School lunches called a national security threat! Retired military officers say kids are growing up too pudgy for service WASHINGTON - School lunches have been called many things, but a group of retired military officers is giving them a new label: national security threat. That's not a reference to the mystery meat served up in the cafeteria line either. The retired officers are saying that school lunches have helped make the nation's young people so fat that fewer of them can meet the military's physical fitness standards, and recruitment is in jeopardy.. Read More Here

 038: UConn-athon! (Students For Liberty Discussion Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

On Wednesday April 14th, I was invited to speak to the UConn Students For Liberty at the University of Connecticut. I had prepared a thirty-minute speech, and planned to devote another 30 minutes to Q&A. However, the audience included several socialists, and the entire event wound up running three hours. I gave some of the speech. Even though the outcome was different from what I anticipated, and I didn't counter their objections as well as I would've liked, I thought the whole experience was great. I have split it into two parts. This part includes a bit of political discussion. I also talk in depth about my difficulties in trying to figure out my role as a tutor, and dealing with parents. NOTE: The first minute overlaps the the end of the last part (the Prussian discussion). NOTE: Special thanks to Jon Mohrbacher, Ryan Safner and Howie Reith. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 038: UConn-athon! (Students For Liberty Discussion Part 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

On Wednesday April 14th, I was invited to speak to the UConn Students For Liberty at the University of Connecticut. I had prepared a thirty-minute speech, and planned to devote another 30 minutes to Q&A. However, the audience included several socialists, and the entire event wound up running three hours. I gave some of the speech. Even though the outcome was different from what I anticipated, and I didn't counter their objections as well as I would've liked, I thought the whole experience was great. I have split it into two parts. This part includes a bit of political discussion. I also talk in depth about my difficulties in trying to figure out my role as a tutor, and dealing with parents. NOTE: The first minute overlaps the the end of the last part (the Prussian discussion). NOTE: Special thanks to Jon Mohrbacher, Ryan Safner and Howie Reith. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 037: UConn-athon! (Students For Liberty Discussion Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Picture: My estimate of the audience members' average political position, based on the World's Smallest Political Quiz. On Wednesday April 14th, I was invited to speak to the UConn Students For Liberty at the University of Connecticut. I had prepared a thirty-minute speech, and planned to devote another 30 minutes to Q&A. However, the audience included several socialists, and the entire event wound up running three hours. I gave some of the speech. Even though the outcome was different from what I anticipated, and I didn't counter their objections as well as I would've liked, I thought the whole experience was great. I have split it into two parts. This first part will include a lot of repeated information, as I planned to speak to a number of people who were unfamiliar with the show. The second part is more of a discussion. NOTE: The first few minutes are clipped off as I was walking around and having the audience fill out Nolan Charts, so I could have a better sense of the political viewpoints. NOTE: Special thanks to Jon Mohrbacher, Ryan Safner and Howie Reith. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 037: UConn-athon! (Students For Liberty Discussion Part 1) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Picture: My estimate of the audience members' average political position, based on the World's Smallest Political Quiz. On Wednesday April 14th, I was invited to speak to the UConn Students For Liberty at the University of Connecticut. I had prepared a thirty-minute speech, and planned to devote another 30 minutes to Q&A. However, the audience included several socialists, and the entire event wound up running three hours. I gave some of the speech. Even though the outcome was different from what I anticipated, and I didn't counter their objections as well as I would've liked, I thought the whole experience was great. I have split it into two parts. This first part will include a lot of repeated information, as I planned to speak to a number of people who were unfamiliar with the show. The second part is more of a discussion. NOTE: The first few minutes are clipped off as I was walking around and having the audience fill out Nolan Charts, so I could have a better sense of the political viewpoints. NOTE: Special thanks to Jon Mohrbacher, Ryan Safner and Howie Reith. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 036 (Supplemental): NH Capital Access TV Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Topic: From Capitol Access Website: Denis and Lydia interview Brett V., host of the School Sucks Podcast and creator of -- a project concerning, in his words, "the END of public education" Brett is a professional educator who has come to realize that the basic design of public school "sucks" the creative capacity out of children, and also "sucks" wealth away from more productive uses. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 036 (Supplemental): NH Capital Access TV Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Topic: From Capitol Access Website: Denis and Lydia interview Brett V., host of the School Sucks Podcast and creator of -- a project concerning, in his words, "the END of public education" Brett is a professional educator who has come to realize that the basic design of public school "sucks" the creative capacity out of children, and also "sucks" wealth away from more productive uses. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 035: Problem. Reaction. Solution. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5256

Critical Thinking Question: Statism appears to be only example of a system of ongoing attack and predation where the aggressors seem to be more fearful of victims than the victims are of the aggressors. How do the aggressors manage these fears? Topic: An email from a listener gets me thinking about conspiracy theories. We'll divert our attention from the roots of the tree I like to think we're chopping at, to jump down a nearby rabbit hole. Let's see where it takes us! -Vietnam -Iraq and 9/11 -Climate Change -Health Care -19th Century German "Philosophers" What is the Hegelian Dialectic? And how does it relate to last episode's formula: ...the use of force leads to perverse unintended consequence leads to new problem leads to demand for government action leads to the use of force... Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 035: Problem. Reaction. Solution. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5256

Critical Thinking Question: Statism appears to be only example of a system of ongoing attack and predation where the aggressors seem to be more fearful of victims than the victims are of the aggressors. How do the aggressors manage these fears? Topic: An email from a listener gets me thinking about conspiracy theories. We'll divert our attention from the roots of the tree I like to think we're chopping at, to jump down a nearby rabbit hole. Let's see where it takes us! -Vietnam -Iraq and 9/11 -Climate Change -Health Care -19th Century German "Philosophers" What is the Hegelian Dialectic? And how does it relate to last episode's formula: ...the use of force leads to perverse unintended consequence leads to new problem leads to demand for government action leads to the use of force... Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 034 (Supplemental): Cary Grove Student Discussion/Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

ABOVE: Cary-Grove High is home of the "Trojans" and I've included the horse because we talk about government school. Topic: A recent discussion with Michael, a high school junior from Illinois, and a couple of friends named James. One James took a pro-government school position, and I took objection to that. Most of the discussion is between James and myself. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 034 (Supplemental): Cary Grove Student Discussion/Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

ABOVE: Cary-Grove High is home of the "Trojans" and I've included the horse because we talk about government school. Topic: A recent discussion with Michael, a high school junior from Illinois, and a couple of friends named James. One James took a pro-government school position, and I took objection to that. Most of the discussion is between James and myself. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 033 (Supplemental): NH Liberty Forum and Free Talk Live Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

A quick summary of my thoughts about the NH Liberty Forum, along with a clip of me on my favorite radio show. With Gard Goldsmith and Mark Edge. March 19th, 2010.

 033 (Supplemental): NH Liberty Forum and Free Talk Live Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

A quick summary of my thoughts about the NH Liberty Forum, along with a clip of me on my favorite radio show. With Gard Goldsmith and Mark Edge. March 19th, 2010.

 032 School News! (#1): The Pledge of Xenophobia and Intolerance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Pledge of Allegiance Apology Will Come From Montgomery Teacher By Jenna Johnson and Michael Birnbaum Are people outraged at the teacher? Or the student? The answer...will not surprise you. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 032 School News! (#1): The Pledge of Xenophobia and Intolerance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 113

Pledge of Allegiance Apology Will Come From Montgomery Teacher By Jenna Johnson and Michael Birnbaum Are people outraged at the teacher? Or the student? The answer...will not surprise you. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.


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