040 Keys (Installment #3): Transition

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Picture: Pragmatists love charts. Charts that illustrate effects. So here's a chart showing how much government school sucks. It's also pretty representative of all 'services' provided at gunpoint, in terms of cost verses quality. Critical Thinking Questions: -Why do people accept government education? -Why do people need tangible alternatives? Topic: Kate Richards from The Scholars' Academy joins me to discuss the possibility of non-government solutions and alternatives to public education. Although we are both supporters of unschooling, we discuss the importance of recognizing the harsh reality of the current situation: government school today holds over 90% of the young people in this country and eats up 600 billion dollars a year. Therefore, it is important to contemplate options and ideas for the transition from where we are to where we would like to be. Kate explains that people are more willing to seriously consider alternatives if they can be presented with something tangible, already in operation. In our arguments for the abolition of public education, we often face two significant challenges: 1. Well-grained societal illusions about the benevolence or the necessity of government school 2. The apparent lack of alternatives, or 'abstract' explanations of other ways young people can learn Please visit schoolsucksproject.com for full show notes, references and links.