103: Discovering Doublespeak! (Part Two) - The Cacophemism

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: With a focus on the intellectually insulting tactics of the mainstream media, I discuss an often overlooked form of doublespeak: the cacophemism (aka malphemism or dysphemism). In language, dysphemism (from the Greek dys δύς "mis-" and pheme φήμη "reputation"), malphemism (in Latin malus "bad"), and cacophemism (in Greek kakos κακός "bad") refer to the usage of an intentionally harsh word or expression instead of a polite one. -Wikipedia Defining attributes of doublespeak: -misleads -distorts reality -pretends to communicate -avoids or shifts responsibility -makes the negative appear positive -creates a false verbal map of the world -limits, conceals, corrupts, and prevents thought -makes the unpleasant appear attractive or tolerable -creates incongruity between reality and what is said or not said (William Lutz, Doublespeak) Bumper Music: "That's Not My Name" The Ting Tings Look Closer: The Doublespeak Dictionary by Leslie Starr O’Hara http://www.thedoublespeakdictionary.com/ Doublespeak: From Revenue Enhancement to Terminal Living : How Government, Business, Advertisers, and Others Use Language to Deceive You, by William Lutz http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2151216.Doublespeak