School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation

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 092: Osama Bin Laden - Any Questions? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5399

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." -Viktor E. Frankl This is not an investigation into the veracity of the claims that the US military killed Bin Laden. It is an examination of why - once again - there is so little curiosity or doubt from the public and the media. Topics: -What 9/12/01 looked and felt like -"Choices" for travel, TSA -The argument from authority easily prevails in the absence of critical thinking -Lessons in authority worship from school -Obama speech mock press conference -My reaction to the public reaction -A closer look at al Qaeda, Bin Laden and intelligence relationships -Confirmation Bias -Logical fallacies Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 092: Osama Bin Laden - Any Questions? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5399

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." -Viktor E. Frankl This is not an investigation into the veracity of the claims that the US military killed Bin Laden. It is an examination of why - once again - there is so little curiosity or doubt from the public and the media. Topics: -What 9/12/01 looked and felt like -"Choices" for travel, TSA -The argument from authority easily prevails in the absence of critical thinking -Lessons in authority worship from school -Obama speech mock press conference -My reaction to the public reaction -A closer look at al Qaeda, Bin Laden and intelligence relationships -Confirmation Bias -Logical fallacies Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 090: Teachers Unions 101 - This Is What Hypocrisy Looks Like | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1685

An introduction to a series of shows about the teachers and public sector unions, and the recent protests. It would have been nice to skip this topic, but we can't. Discussed: -Angry again -The Wisconsin situation spreads -Students protesting with and for teachers -Public sector union evasion -Voices -Choices -Consistency -The inverse relationship between obvious truth and the need for training Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 090: Teachers Unions 101 - This Is What Hypocrisy Looks Like | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1685

An introduction to a series of shows about the teachers and public sector unions, and the recent protests. It would have been nice to skip this topic, but we can't. Discussed: -Angry again -The Wisconsin situation spreads -Students protesting with and for teachers -Public sector union evasion -Voices -Choices -Consistency -The inverse relationship between obvious truth and the need for training Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 088 (Supplemental): More Discussion With Laurette Lynn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 260

At 52:53 in Keys #5: Unplugging and Activating, I cut out about 25 minutes of off-topic discussion to tighten up the show. However, I think it is definitely worth hearing. Discussed: -The War on Independent Thinking in schools, fact-checking teachers -The demand for "alternative" central plans -The futility of engaging the elders? -Can young people help their parents unplug? -Measuring personal success -Celebrity Worship -Self-trust Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 088 (Supplemental): More Discussion With Laurette Lynn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 260

At 52:53 in Keys #5: Unplugging and Activating, I cut out about 25 minutes of off-topic discussion to tighten up the show. However, I think it is definitely worth hearing. Discussed: -The War on Independent Thinking in schools, fact-checking teachers -The demand for "alternative" central plans -The futility of engaging the elders? -Can young people help their parents unplug? -Measuring personal success -Celebrity Worship -Self-trust Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 087 (Keys Installment #5): Unplugging and Activating - A Show For Parents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Topic: Laurette Lynn of joins me to discuss the challenges of home education and active parenting...and how to overcome them. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 087 (Keys Installment #5): Unplugging and Activating - A Show For Parents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3600

Topic: Laurette Lynn of joins me to discuss the challenges of home education and active parenting...and how to overcome them. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 086: Can We Blame the Students? (A Conversation With A College Professor) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3735

Topic: Aleks, a professor at Washington State University, joins me to discuss his blog entry: Education Reform-Can we blame the students? Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 086: Can We Blame the Students? (A Conversation With A College Professor) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3735

Topic: Aleks, a professor at Washington State University, joins me to discuss his blog entry: Education Reform-Can we blame the students? Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 085: Free Talk Live - Stephanie and I Discuss Teacher Unions And Wisconsin Students | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3935

Stephanie Murphy and I host the FTL Sunday Show (03-13-11). The very talented Hannah Hoffman joins us about half way into the show, so be sure to get the whole show from the FTL archives. This is only the first half. Discussed: -The Wisconsin situation, Students protesting with teachers -Public vs. private sector unions -The mind-numbing mainstream media -Republicans and Democrats -Corporations -Reformed conservative -Treatment of children in society -Listening -ROTC and Police "Explorers" Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 085: Free Talk Live - Stephanie and I Discuss Teacher Unions And Wisconsin Students | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3935

Stephanie Murphy and I host the FTL Sunday Show (03-13-11). The very talented Hannah Hoffman joins us about half way into the show, so be sure to get the whole show from the FTL archives. This is only the first half. Discussed: -The Wisconsin situation, Students protesting with teachers -Public vs. private sector unions -The mind-numbing mainstream media -Republicans and Democrats -Corporations -Reformed conservative -Treatment of children in society -Listening -ROTC and Police "Explorers" Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 084: Seeds (2 of 2) - Bullying, Way Up In the Tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2046

CHART: Some of the consequences of bullying Topic: This is my commentary on a NH Department of Education bullying seminar. The DoE's plan in a nutshell: If aggression causes aggression, try aggression. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 084: Seeds (2 of 2) - Bullying, Way Up In the Tree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2046

CHART: Some of the consequences of bullying Topic: This is my commentary on a NH Department of Education bullying seminar. The DoE's plan in a nutshell: If aggression causes aggression, try aggression. Please visit for full show notes, references and links.

 083: Seeds (1 of 2) - Small People Can Be Dangerous | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2700

(Part 1 of 2) For the last two months, I have been working primarily with younger kids (ages 6-10). While comparing and contrasting these recent experiences to my work with high school students, I gained a fresh perspective on this whole "school sucks" idea. Discussed: -Domination Systems -Crushing...courage, imagination, ambition, individuality -NCLB -Bureaucratic inertia in the tutoring business Please visit for full show notes, references and links.


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