109: Homeschool Oversight and Regulation?

School Sucks: Higher Education For Self-Liberation show

Summary: Laurette Lynn and I discuss homeschooling with Professor Robert Kunzman. From unpluggedmom.com: Dr. Robert Kunzman, associate professor at Indiana University teaches courses related to secondary education curriculum and instruction, including an ongoing seminar in the Community of Teachers Program. Professor Kunzman has conducted independent research on homeschooling. You can review his work on his website. Professor Kunzman’s book Write These Laws On Your Children is also available. While he supports home education as a reasonable option, he does still feel that home ed families should be supervised and subject to standards and regulation by the board of education. It’s for the protection of the children. Now anyone familiar with me and Unplugged Mom already knows that I’m not exactly in agreement with regulation on home education so there was a matter of disagreement there. However, I have to say that despite our differences there were many points of agreement. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with the Professor, I am grateful for the time he gave us to discuss his work and thoughtful opinions and would be honored to talk education and home ed with him sometime again. Look Closer: Unplugged Mom http://www.unpluggedmom.com/laurette-lynn/ Unplugged Mom On Blog Talk Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/unpluggedmom Write These Laws On Your Children, by Robert Kunzman http://www.amazon.com/Write-These-Laws-Your-Children/dp/0807032913 BOOK REVIEW: Write These Laws On Your Children, by Robert Kunzman http://homeedmag.com/newscomm/3774/review-write-these-laws-on-your-children/