Review Party Dot Com show

Review Party Dot Com

Summary: Every week, Brent and Matt peruse reviews from across the internet, on everything from products and services, to hotels and restaurants, found everywhere from Amazon to Google to Yelp. Then they explore the ridiculous realities of those reviewers, explaining the inexplicable and finding the insane in that mundane task of writing an internet review. These two plus you makes it a party; will you join? New episodes coming your way every TuesdayReviewsday! Jump in on any episode that strikes your fancy!

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  • Artist: Brent Nemetz and Matt Hellyer
  • Copyright: Brent Nemetz and Matt Hellyer


 RPDC 61: A Two-Man Orchestra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:31

A couple gentleman enter a dimly lit stage. The lights come up, they stand there motionless, yet exuding power, ready to burst forth with art and music; the art of laughter, and the music of comedy. Today’s topics include bread, facts, entire legends, chicken head guy, bomb bowling, wall beyblades, some deep seeded desires, scissors, great gifts for bar mitzvah, the very concept of grandmothers, kaiju beach balls, Totoro, and gay dungeon and dragons basement bars. Want more party? Check out

 RPDC 60: If I Had a DeLorean | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:26

If my podcast made me a million dollars, I’d have a DeLorean. That’s right, a nice reliant automobile. Today’s topics include just delicious water, drain-o, mattress related calculations, Uncle Joey, one house, a little elevator pitch, huge ships, jinglers, good times at Yellow Stone, and the big blue ocean. Want more party? Check out

 RPDC 59: A Mutual Hate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:38

This episode is like a yin yang where both sides hate each other. Is that just a normal yin yang? I don't think so, but listen to this comedy podcast episode for more insights into the matter. Today's topics include virgin bank accounts, the mind stone, Advice Party Dot Com, slapping water with pool noodles, the kilt lifestyle, snooty type ancestors, the Council of Brians, Praising Ben Stiller Party Dot Com, Owen Wilson the karaoke bar clerk, and the hands-free butt open. Want more party? Check out !

 RPDC 58: Big Chopsticks: Forever | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:32

Just another episode of your favorite Podcast Show, on the internet! Wow! Maracas, maracas! I said bring out the maracas! Yeah! Swing those f*ckers around make some cool noises! Now bring in the sleigh bells, out of nowhere! It's not Christmas! This one's just getting wild, Cake 1998 style! Today's topics include: being demoralized, being embarrassed, pranking, suction cups, or tongues, or anything, and international spellcasting range, being a great couple, being both chicken and human, crabs, Keanu, the string in the crack, and tiger masks. Want more party? Find it at

 RPDC 57: The Green Globber | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:20

Despite being drained of all comedy, the boys manage to clog this one up for your ears just in time. Not even The Green Globber can stop them! Today's topics include gangbusters, St. Louis Arch Eyebrows, naked steaks, being the Sherlock Holmes of reviews, Pokemon, you and 1000 imps, the Wall Drug, and trailer trash marriage arrangements.  Want more party? Check it out at

 Birthday Party Dot Com I: The Corpses of Reviews | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:27

We've been doing this podcast for a whole year! I could fill this description with schmoozing directed towards you, dear viewer who is reading this, but I'll let the hot and ready episode do the talking. Happy birthday Review Party Dot Com, and many more! Today's topics include disco infernos, Kevin McAlister's House, peanut butter, "Smooth" on repeat, whatever cults do with dead bodies, guilt, water into wine type stuff, the Great Boudini, A True Reviewer, five crimefighting marshmallows, and Listerine babies. Want more party? Find it at htttps://

 RPDC 55: Does it Have Outtakes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:08

Remember when Pixar was cool and did those fake outtakes during the credit roles? This episode is kind of like that, except there's a thunderstorm in the background and we had to walk to school 15 miles in the snow, both ways. Today's topics include "foompers", the full spread, Jackson Galaxy's guitar case, a tidal wave of hot grease, apologetic belligerence, lost children, Six Flags Great America, knock-off Bond villains, the benefit of the doubt, Jeff Bezos, red pillers, and plane crashes. Want more party? Check out

 RPDC 54: Tofu Supremacist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:52:06

Can I sub my beef for tofu? Or else? Today's topics include wounds, the T-rex, healers (spiritual and others), absorbing light, Cubone's dead mom, meat products, waffles, old dirty basement books, darkness, and pringles content. Want more party? Check out

 RPDC 53: Ever-Tightening Fetal Position | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:14

We're bringing those knees so close to your chest you're going to feel your heartbeat in your ankles! Clutch those babies CLOSE. Today's topics include veiled threats, bundt cakes and bundtlets, Adam Sandler's less successful friends, off the cage slam shows, mind palaces, razzleberry, classic internet video powerthirst, and everything (in bacon fat). Want more party? Get it at https:///

 RPDC 52: Bigfoot's Main Squeeze | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:31

I know a Bigfoot, and I think he loves his wife more than anything. Take it from me! Bigfoots be squeezing, mainly! Today's topics include dry counties, the Baconverse, Macho Man Randy: Hotel Savage, the slimey butterfly effect, natural propane springs, on-gridders, nerd summer camp, Man-Whore: Origins, and gundams. Want more party? Check out

 RPDC 51: Showering Naked | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:53:02

I know it sounds crazy, but you have to try it! Today's topics include ticks, American Public Schools, razorblade cars, baby Matt, sick and deplorable people, little chickadees, Tamagotchi Fax History Report, Australia, molten hot jams and jellies, Snacket VII, creepshows, and the perfect fart chamber.  Want more party? Find it at

 RPDC 50: An Underwater Picnic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:46

This is how Ariel found the dinglehopper. Today's topics include the Burger King Stacker Wikipedia page, having a meaty morning, being scared but also impressed, flyover children, a dwarven overlook, Twilight Zone but hosted by Ashton Kutcher, Mac n cheese farms, Whoopi Goldberg and abstinence, the holy sizzle, and being a part of a great community (of addicts). Want more party? Find it at!

 RPDC 49: These Ominous Pants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:59

Something wicked this way comes, and they're going to cover you from your ankles to your buttcheeks.  Today's topics include tightly packed meat tubes, factory standard toilet settings, gummi bear Hell, perforations, butt skulls, drip, three-star husbands, Malört, "randoms", having a ranch dressing soul, and authentic movie quality Godzilla masks. Want more party? Head over to!

 RPDC 48: A Huge Character Arc Moment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:19

We've reached it! The climax! Today's topics include the perfect gift for teens, elves, Tommy Pickle's bare midriff, Pikablu, The Handsome Gamer™, 3D data of the world around you, the ol' "lemon oopsie", Stephen King, Megaman-style power stealing, aggressive babies, Lil' Willy Wonka, laser feet, Achilles' mom, butt-like cheeks, Georgia O'Keefe, Sir Mix A Lot type giant asses. Want more party? Head over to

 RPDC 47: Ewoks X Karate Kid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:29

Sweep the leg, except it's a mech and you're sweeping the leg with your cute and primitive log technology. Today's topics include little speedy monkeys, waking up with ball hair, having literate children, explicit hot sauces, pinky problems, elation, duck dynasties, and ultra money. Want more party? Check out 


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