PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 Making the case for SRE in a DevOps organization with Bart Enkelaar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1795

How do you convince an organization that just went through a 2 year DevOps transformation to continue the journey by applying SRE practices? What is SRE anyway? What are good SLOs? And how do you get development teams to take responsibility for their code in production?Bart Enkelaar, Lead Site Reliability Engineer at bol.com, not only got their organization to apply SRE practices, define good SLOs and got dev teams to rotate on-call duties. He also followed the advice of Margaret, Chief Platform Officer, to bring his personal passion to the job. This led to inspiring and educating the community about SRE and SLO through music. To see what I mean check out Barts The Game of SLOs – a three part reliability musical from SLOConf or his funny tech conversations at Friendly Tech Chats.Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bart-enkelaar-02242710/Margaret, Chief Platform Officer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy1gUEhbnBMGame of SLOs: A 3 part reliability musical - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y53Pho93i-kFriendly Tech Chats - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChHHWkO537q6Yp2dXtJpOzQ/featured

 The future of security is open source and Falco leads the way with Dan Pop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2922

While some think about the late Austrian musician, Dan POP and the CNCF community thinks about modern security when it comes to Falco.Listen in and hear directly from Dan (@danpopnyc) who, besides doing many things in the CNCF community, also hosts POPCAST where he started connecting technology leaders during the last year. In the podcast you learn a lot about security, the power of eBPF and how Falco aims to contribute to runtime security like k8s contributed to distributed computing.Here the additional links we brought up during the conversation:Dan on Linkedinhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/danpapandrea/Dan on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/danpopnycPopcast Podcasthttps://github.com/danpopSD/popcastCyber Defenders Career Guide by Alyssa Millerhttps://www.manning.com/books/cyber-defenders-career-guideCloud Native TVhttps://www.twitch.tv/cloudnativefdnCNCF Tag Securityhttps://github.com/cncf/tag-securityFalco Tools, Frameworks & Articleshttps://github.com/developer-guy/awesome-falcoFalco Bloghttps://www.cncf.io/blog/2020/12/14/join-pop-falco-org/Falco Der Kommissarhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-bgiiTxhzM

 Roadmap to k8s, DevOps and more with Nana | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2965

Wonder what you learn when building k8s from scratch for a large enterprise? Wonder what you learn when automating delivery by connecting your different DevOps tools together?Nana Janashia runs one of the most successful technical YouTube channels called TechWorld with Nana where she covers topics ranging from containers, docker, k8s, cloud native and DevOps. She basically takes her lessons learned and explains technologies and concept in a very easy way especially for folks that want to get started with.In this episode we focus a lot on DevOps, what the right trades of a DevOps engineer are and how to get started. Thanks Nana for your time and all the additional resources we talked about during the episode that are listed below:DevOps Bootcamp: https://www.techworld-with-nana.com/devops-bootcampDevOps Roadmaps for Humans with Bret Fisher: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXf2c76KAyADevOps Roadmap: https://roadmap.sh/devopsLinkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nana-janashia/TechWorld with Nana YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdngmbVKX1Tgre699-XLlUA

 Old Patterns powering modern tech leading to same old performance problems with Taras Tsugrii | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3524

Have you ever thought about reorganizing data allocation based on production telemetry data? Have you ever thought about shifting compiler budgets to parts of your code that is heavily executed based on profiling information captured from your real end users? Whether the answer is yes or no you will be fascinated by Taras Tsugrii, Software Engineer at Facebook, who is sharing his experience on optimizing everything from compilers, to databases, distributed systems or delivery pipelines.If you want more after listening to this episode check out his recent talk at Neotys PAC titled “Old pattern powering modern tech”, subscribe to his substack newsletter, his hashnode blog, or the conference recordings of Performance Summit and Scaling Continuous Delivery.https://www.linkedin.com/in/taras-tsugrii-8117a313/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itOCQvk_LAshttps://softwarebits.substack.com/https://softwarebits.hashnode.dev/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt50fEvgrEuN9fvya8ujVzAhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWf9HxiBudKLzCFtgAAz8XQ

 The State of OpenTelemetry with Jaana Dogan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3091

Googles Census, OpenCencus, OpenTelemetry and AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry. Our guest Jaana Dogan, Principal Engineer at AWS, has been working in observability over many years and definitely had a positive impact on the where OpenTelemetry is today. In this episode Jaana (@rakyll) explains which problems the industry, and especially cloud vendors, try to solve with their investment in open source standards such as OpenTelemetry. She gives an update where OpenTelemetry is, the next upcoming milestones such as metrics and logs and what a bright future with OpenTelemetry being widely adopted could bring.https://twitter.com/rakyllIf you are interested in learning more – here are the links we discussed during the podcast: https://github.com/open-telemetryhttps://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specificationhttps://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-protohttps://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collectorhttps://github.com/open-telemetry/communityhttps://o11yfest.org/

 How to scale Performance Engineering in enterprises with Roman Ferstl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3242

Performance Engineering is not about running a performance test twice a year. That is just a poor attempt trying to validate your non functional requirements.Roman Ferstl, Managing Directory at Triscon, has discovered his love for performance engineering while optimizing code for software used in a space program. He then founded Triscon who is now helping to establish and scale performance engineering at large enterprises. In this episode we get his insights on how he approaches a new project, which bottlenecks to address first and how to motivate more people within an organization to invest in performance engineering.If you want to learn more don’t miss to check out Roman’s presentation from Perform 2021 titled “Turbocharging your Performance Engineering teams to scale efficiently”https://www.linkedin.com/in/roman-ferstl/https://www.triscon-it.com/en/https://perform.dynatrace.com/2021-americas/breakouts-single-day-3-turbocharging-your-performance-engineering-teams

 How not to start with Kubernetes – Lessons learned from DevOps Engineer Christian Heckelmann | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3134

To k8s or not – that should be the first question to answer before considering k8s. Granted – in many cases k8s is going to be the right choice but don’t just default to k8s because its hip or cool.In this episode we have Christian Heckelmann (@wurstsalat), DevOps Engineer at ERT, talking about his journey with k8s which started with installing k8s 1.9 on bare metal. He gives a lot of great advice based on his presentation “How not to start with k8s” such as Understand Networking, Don’t use :latest, Set Resource Limits, Train The People, Provide Templates and more.To get started with Kubernetes we encourage you to look at the YouTube Tutorials posted on TechWorld with Nana.https://twitter.com/wurstsalathttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EL9OYe-1eOPXh6U8SMHnQxs8pcmr01d-uwoWoFnzUaY/edit#slide=id.g5420f4ebeb_0_5https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdngmbVKX1Tgre699-XLlUA

 What is Liquid Software with Baruch Sadogursky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3644

You heard about Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment. Liquid Software aims to provide the next step towards Trusted Continuous Updates in the DevOps World.In this episode Baruch Sadogursky, DevOps Advocate from JFrog, explains how as engineers we need to add “Updateability” to our non-functional requirements and how product managers and marketing have to forget about traditional releases but think about incremental delivery of value. Baruch (@jbaruch) also promised to send everyone a hard copy of his book “Liquid Software” if you send him a direct message – so – make sure you do that and also check out the details on our discussion of uniquely identifying artifacts through Build-Info.https://www.linkedin.com/in/jbaruch/https://twitter.com/jbaruchhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1PUb67FxM-eTtdyLNGPc-fGTcCJii-keE/viewhttps://github.com/jfrog/build-info

 How to protect continuous software delivery against supply chain attacks with Michael Plank | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3534

Software security is about securing websites against malicious attacks or using firewalls to prevent hackers entering your enterprise network. While this is part of software security there is much more that needs to be done – especially as more organizations are developing critical software it is important to protect the whole software delivery lifecycle from any malicious attacks along the supply chain.In this episode we have Michael Plank, Technical Product Manager at Dynatrace, talk about his latest blog post titled How Dynatrace protects its software development and delivery life cycle against supply chain attacks. We learn about attack vectors from development workstation until production deployment. He covers the strategies ranging from static to dynamic code analysis, vulnerability detection or code signatures. Tune in and learn that building secure software is more than ensuring your users have hard to crack passwords!https://www.dynatrace.com/news/blog/how-dynatrace-protects-its-software-development-and-delivery-life-cycle-against-supply-chain-attacks/

 Bad Software Engineering killed Cyberpunk 2077 Release – What we can learn from it with Dave Farley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3942

If you are not a gamer you may have never heard about Cyberpunk 2077. If you are – you may know about the challenges during their latest release.Dave Farley (@davefarley77), Co-Author of best seller Continuous Delivery, has been an engineering large and complex systems for decades. His work helped elevate our industry around Continuous Delivery and DevOps. In this episode he shares his learnings from failed projects like Cyberpunk as well as his own latest experiences around that picking the latest technology might be fashionable but is not always the smartest choice.To learn more about Dave check out Continuous Delivery website that also links to his YouTube Channel hosting some of the episodes he was referencing in the podcast.https://twitter.com/davefarley77https://www.amazon.com/Continuous-Delivery-Deployment-Automation-Addison-Wesley/dp/0321601912#ace-g9859629705https://www.continuous-delivery.co.uk/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCfqyGl3nq_V0bo64CjZh8g

 Chaos Engineering Stories that could have prevented a global pandemic | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3149

Nobody has foreseen the global pandemic that put a lot of chaos in all our lives recently. Let’s just hope we learn from 2020 to better prepare on what might be next.The same preparation and learning also goes for Chaos in our distributed systems that power our digital lives. And to learn from those stories and better prepare for common resiliency issues we brought back Ana Medina (@ana_m_medina), Chaos Engineer at Gremlin. As a follow up to our previous podcast with Ana, she is now sharing several stories from her chaos engineering engagements across different industries such as finance, eCommerce or travel. Definitely worth listening in as Chaos Engineering was also put into the Top 5 Technologies to look into 2021 by CNCF.https://twitter.com/Ana_M_Medinahttps://www.spreaker.com/user/pureperformance/why-you-should-look-into-chaos-engineerihttps://twitter.com/CloudNativeFdn/status/1329863326428499971

 What is Data-Driven Continuous Delivery aka CDv2 with Tracy Ragan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2810

When moving to microservice architectures its time to re-think continuous delivery. Just as many software services rely on a core data analytics engine to make better automated decisions we need to apply the same for continuous delivery. We can assess the risk of every microservice deployment based on data from production and the desired change of configuration. We can assess the potential blast radius and mitigate it through modern delivery options such as blue/green, canaries or feature flags.Tracy Ragan, Creator & CEO of DeployHub, CDF board member and DevOps Institute Ambassador shares her thoughts on why we need to move to smarter data-driven delivery pipelines. Tracy (@TracyRagan) gives us insights into why not every microservice is created equal and what approaches we can take to better control updates that contain multiple microservice updates.Also make sure to check out their latest project Ortelius and take Tracy up on a virtual coffee chat as discussed in our podcast!https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-ragan-oms/https://twitter.com/TracyRaganhttps://github.com/orteliushttps://go.oncehub.com/15-30MinuteVirtualCoffeeWithTracy

 How to successfully run k8s software in SaaS and on-premise with Marc Campbell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2776

K8s enables organizations to more easily deploy their containerized solutions as it takes away a lot of the operational tasks which are built-into k8s. This in theory means that you can run your software anywhere and provide it as SaaS offering or deploy it behind corporate firewalls for those customers that demand an on-premise installation.In this episode we have Marc Campbell, Founder and CTO of Replicated, where they help the k8s community to deliver and manage apps on k8s anywhere. For anyone looking into running their apps on k8s you will learn the challenges of Day 1 (delivery, install) and Day 2 (operation, monitoring, troubleshooting) operations. Marc shares common performance and scalability challenges and how to prepare for them during development.In this episode we have Marc Campbell, Founder and CTO of Replicated, where they help the k8s community to deliver and manage apps on k8s anywhere. For anyone looking into running their apps on k8s you will learn the challenges of Day 1 (delivery, install) and Day 2 (operation, monitoring, troubleshooting) operations. Marc shares common performance and scalability challenges and how to prepare for them during development.https://www.linkedin.com/in/campbe79/https://www.replicated.com/https://www.heavybit.com/library/podcasts/the-kubelist-podcast/ep-7-keptn-with-andreas-grabner-of-dynatrace/https://troubleshoot.sh/https://kots.io/

 Scaling Dev Teams from Startup to Enterprise while keeping Agility with Stefan Frandl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2726

Stefan Frandl, Development Director, has a single digit employee number at Dynatrace and therefore seen a lot of agile transformation over the past 15 years – growing from a startup in Linz, Austria to now 800+ engineers across globally distributed labs. A visit to several “unicorns” such as Google, Facebook and Slack triggered the latest agile transformation.In this episode Stefan walks us through the implementation of the changes we discussed with Andrea Holl in her episode on “Scaling Agile at Dynatrace”. He shares the challenges around growing responsibilities of team leads, work left half-finished, overhead on hand-over and cross team collaboration. He then introduces us to the current structure and processes at Dynatrace such as Team Captains, Product Owners and Agile Advocates as well as Dev Directors and Lead Product Engineers. While Dynatrace has seen many benefits already, the journey is still ongoing as Dynatrace is continuously rethinking and improving the way we work and provide value to our customers!https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefan-frandl-aa86723/https://www.spreaker.com/user/pureperformance/scaling-agile-at-dynatrace-with-andrea-h

 Scaling Agile at Dynatrace with Andrea Holl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2837

SAFE, LESS or the Spotify Model? Which scaled agile method to apply for your transformation? Or are you unique enough like 44% of organizations based on a European research that are defining their own scaled agile approach to transform successfully?In this episode we sit down with Andrea Holl, Agile Coach at Dynatrace, and let her walk us through the different scaled agile frameworks. She discusses the pros and cons and why many organizations – including Dynatrace – are coming up with their own approaches. For Dynatrace it was about taking the best from the proven frameworks but adapting them to allow us continue or core cultural values such as full autonomy to teams and flexibility of tools and processes.If you are on the brink of a transformation make sure to listen to Andrea and how she and her teams have approached that transformational project!https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrea-elisabeth-holl-b2255a112/https://www.scaledagileframework.com/https://less.works/https://blog.crisp.se/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/SpotifyScaling.pdf


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