How not to start with Kubernetes – Lessons learned from DevOps Engineer Christian Heckelmann

PurePerformance show

Summary: To k8s or not – that should be the first question to answer before considering k8s. Granted – in many cases k8s is going to be the right choice but don’t just default to k8s because its hip or cool.<br><br>In this episode we have Christian Heckelmann (@wurstsalat), DevOps Engineer at ERT, talking about his journey with k8s which started with installing k8s 1.9 on bare metal. He gives a lot of great advice based on his presentation “How not to start with k8s” such as Understand Networking, Don’t use :latest, Set Resource Limits, Train The People, Provide Templates and more.<br><br>To get started with Kubernetes we encourage you to look at the YouTube Tutorials posted on TechWorld with Nana.<br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a>=id.g5420f4ebeb_0_5<br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a>