PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 How I became an SRE in FinTech and what this means with Diana Najda | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2538

“I was not that interested in coding but more in understanding the impact of software on human beings” says Diana Najda, SRE & Monitoring Lead, when we asked her how she ended up leading the efforts around Site Reliability Engineering.Tune in to our conversation and learn how Diana is bridging the gap between Dev, Ops and Business by ensuring that the right people get the right telemetry data from their observability platform. She gives us insights into her definition of DevOps and SRE, how she helps teams setting up SLOs (Service Level Objectives) and how she proves the ROI (Return On Investment) into the SRE practices!Last piece of advice Diana gives everyone interested: “SRE might be buzzword it loses the buzz the more you hear it – BUT - its really cool because SREs make the life of Dev and Ops easier every day”If you want to connect with Diana reach her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diannajda/

 How to fail at Serverless (without even trying) with Kam Lasater | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2913

Serverless and other emerging technologies hide the complexity of the underlying runtimes from developers. This is great for productivity but can make it really hard when troubleshooting behavior that needs deeper insight into those runtimes, platforms or frameworks.In this episode we hear from Kam Lasater, Founder of Cyclic Software. Kam has run into several walls while he was implementing solutions from scratch using Serverless technologies as well as other popular cloud services. He recently presented a handful of those scenarios at DevOpsDays Boston 2022.Tune in and learn from Kam as he walks us through two of those challenges he covered during his DevOpsDays talk. If you want to learn more make sure to watch the full talk on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB9vsSl93mE If you want to learn more from or about Kam check out the following links:YouTube video from DevOpsDays Boston: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB9vsSl93mECyclic Website: https://www.cyclic.sh/Cyclic Blog: https://www.cyclic.sh/blog/Twitter: https://twitter.com/seekayelPersonal Website: https://kamlasater.com/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kamlasater/

 How to optimize performance and cost of k8s workloads with Stefano Doni | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2587

Over the years we learned how to optimize the performance of our JVMs, our CLRs or our databases instances by tweaking settings around heap sizes, garbage collection behavior or connection and thread pools.As we move our workloads to k8s we need to adapt our optimization efforts as they are new nobs to turn. We need to factor in how resource and request limits on pods impact your application runtimes that run on your clusters. Out of memory problems are all of a sudden no longer just depending on the java heap size alone!To learn more about k8s optimization best practices we have invited Stefano Doni, CTO of Akamas. Stefano walks us through key learnings as the team at Akamas has helped organizations optimize the performance, resiliency and cost of their k8s workloads. You will learn about proper memory settings, CPU throttling and how to start saving costs as you move more workloads to k8s. To learn more about Akamas go here: https://www.akamas.io/If you happen to be at KubeCon 2022 in Detroit make sure to visit their boothShow Links:Stefano on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefanodoni/A Guide to Autonomous Performance Optimization with Dynatrace and Akamas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7MuEjeOvX0

 Value Streams – Tying Business Results to your DevOps & Cloud Transformation with Adam Dahlgren | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2794

In economic turbulent times leaders get asked questions like: “What’s the return on investment of your DevOps or Cloud Transformation? Did we really get better and more efficient? Or did we just blow a lot of money out the window?”Connecting business results with your technical initiatives is what would answer those questions. To learn how this works we invited Adam Dahlgren, SVP Product at Allstacks. From Adam we learn about Value Stream Management, how to align with your top level OKRs and how to improve your DORA and SPACE metrics. Because as Adam says in the beginning: “Inspection is coming especially during turbulent economic times and they will question your investment in transformation projects!” If you want to follow up with Adam check out the following links we discussed:LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-dahlgren/What are DORA Metrics: https://www.allstacks.com/blog/dora-metrics/?hsLang=enWhat is the SPACE Framework: https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3454124Allstack: https://www.allstacks.com/DevOps World sessions from Allstack: https://events.devopsworld.com/widget/cloudbees/devopsworld22/conferenceSessionDetails?tab.day=20220929&search=dora

 DevOps is 80% culture: But what does this really mean with April Edwards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2926

While this episode started out with a recap of April Edwards (@TheAprilEdwards) keynote called “Putting the Ops into DevOps” we quickly got April talk about what measures Microsoft has set to embrace the cultural change needed for their DevOps transformation: Every service has a public health dashboard, putting the customer in the center, make products open source, eat your own dog food, align your objectives with the team, …Besides this great conversation that finally gave some great input on what cultural change really looks like we learned from her background in Ops, moving to Dev, getting into the cloud and now inspiring Ops teams to have it easier in their job using automation. Tune in, learn and get inspired. We also talked about the late Abel Wang and how Microsoft UK is supporting Girls Who Code.Show Links:April on Linkedinhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/azureapril/April on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TheAprilEdwardsPutting the Ops into DevOps keynotehttps://globalazure.at/sessions/#323994Supporting Girls Who Code in memory of Abel Wanthttps://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/msbuild2022/?WT.mc_id=modinfra-67727-apedward

 Introducing OpenFeature – Stepping into the footsteps of OpenTelemetry with Mike Beamer and Todd Baert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2624

Feature Flagging has gained a lot of momentum which we can observe by counting the number of feature flagging solutions. To ensure a good developer experience when implementing feature flags the CNCF OpenFeature project was launched during KubeCon 2022 in Valencia. It is aiming to provide a feature flag standard similar to what OpenTelemetry did for Observability.Tune in to this podcast where we have two of the founding members Mike Beamer and Todd Baert explain why it was the right time to initiate the project, which problems it solves and what use cases feature flagging brings to organizations.If you want to learn more about the project check out the following resources discussed during the podcastWebSite: https://openfeature.dev/GitHub: https://github.com/open-featureCommunity: https://github.com/open-feature/communityITPro Today Launch Coverage: https://www.itprotoday.com/testing-and-quality-assurance/open-source-openfeature-project-takes-flight-advance-feature-flags

 Getting Started with Chaos Engineering through Game Days with Mandi Walls | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2849

How do you plan for unplanned work such as fixing systems when they unexpectedly break in production? Just like firefighters – the best approach to practice those situations so that you are better prepared when they happen.In this episode we have Mandi Walls, DevOps Advocate at PagerDuty, explain why she loves Game Days where she is “practicing for the weird things that might happen”. Prior to her current role she worked for Chef and AOL – picking up a lot of the things she is now advocating for. In our conversation Mandi (@lnxchk) gives us insights into how to best prepare and run game days, shared her thoughts on what good chaos scenarios (unreliable backend, slow dns …) are and which health metrics (team health, # incidents out of hours, …) to look at in your current incident response to figure out what a good game day scenario actually is.Mandi on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mandiwalls/In our talk we mentioned a couple of resources – here they are:Mandi’s talk at DevOpsDays Raleigh: https://devopsdays.org/events/2022-raleigh/program/mandi-wallsOps Guides: https://www.pagerduty.com/ops-guides/

 Why SREs are not your new Sys Admins with Hilliary Lipsig | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3058

“The most significant body of my SRE work is architectural reviews, disaster and failover planning and help with SLIs and SLOs of applications that would like to become SRE supported.”This statement comes from Hilliary Lipsig, Principal SRE at Red Hat, as her introduction to what the role of an SRE should be. Hilliary and her teams are helping organizations getting their applications cloud native ready so that the operational aspect of keeping a system up & running and within Error Budgets can be handled by an SRE Team.Listen in to this episode and learn about the key advices she has for every organization that wants to build and operate resilient systems. And understand why every suggestion she makes has to be and will always be evidence-based!In the talk we mentioned a couple of tools and practices. Here are the links:Hilliary on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hilliary-lipsig-a5935245/KubeLinter: https://docs.kubelinter.ioListen to talk Helm and Back again: an SRE Guide to choosing from DevConf.cz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQuK6txYS3g

 When DevOps, SRE and Keptn go on a road-trip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2123

The world is slowly moving back to having on-site meetings and conferences – such as DevOpsDays in Raleigh, NC where Andi presented on “Oh Keptn, my Keptn”.Besides presenting Andi also visited several organizations on his road trip through North Carolina and Texas. Listen in and learn what the adoption challenges of DevOps & SRE are, how to define good SLOs (Service Level Objectives) and how to explain the difference between containers and microservices. Also check out the following links Brian and Andi discussed:State of SRE Report: https://www.dynatrace.com/info/sre-report/DevOpsDays Raleigh: https://devopsdays.org/events/2022-raleigh/program/andreas-grabner SLOConf: https://www.sloconf.com/WTFisSRE: https://www.cloud-native-sre.wtf/Keptn: https://www.keptn.sh

 OpenTelemetry from a Contributors perspective with Daniel Dyla and Armin Ruech | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3176

OpenTelemetry, for some the biggest romance story in open source, as it took off with the merger of OpenCensus and OpenTracing. But what is OpenTelemetry from the perspective of a contributor? Listen to this episode and here it from Daniel Dyla, Co-Maintainer OTel JS and W3C Distributed Tracing WG, and Armin Ruech who is on the Technical Committee focusing on cross language specifications. They give us insights into what it takes to contribute and drive an open source projects and give us an update on OpenTelemetry, the current status, what they are working on right now as well as the near future improvements they are excited about.Show Links:The OpenTelemetry Projecthttps://opentelemetry.io/Daniel Dylahttps://engineering.dynatrace.com/persons/daniel-dyla/Armin Ruechhttps://engineering.dynatrace.com/persons/armin-ruech/List of instrumented librarieshttps://opentelemetry.io/registry/Contribute to OTelhttps://opentelemetry.io/docs/contribution-guidelines/OpenTelemetry Tutorials on IsItObservablehttps://isitobservable.io/open-telemetry

 Performance Engineering for Hybrid Cloud re-platforming with Klaus Kierer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3393

When moving to the cloud - have you thought of the performance difference between App Gateway and Application Load Balancers? The disk speed and disk cache limitations impacting Cassandra and or Elasticsearch Performance? Challenges with pre-built containers or resource limits on pods impacting Java Garbage Collection behavior?These are all performance considerations Klaus Kierer, Senior Software Engineer in the Cluster Performance Engineering Team at Dynatrace, has learned over the past months as he helped performance optimize the Dynatrace Platform as it was expanded from running on AWS Compute to run on Kubernetes hosted in Azure (AKS) or Google Cloud (GKE).Listen in and learn why Performance Engineering is more important than ever as you are moving your workloads to the “hyper-hybrid-cloud”.Show Links:Klaus on Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/klaus-kierer-67b83a81/Blog - When to use Azure Load Balancer or Application Gateway:https://blog.siliconvalve.com/2017/04/04/when-to-use-azure-load-balancer-or-application-gateway/K8ssandra performance benchmarks on cloud managed Kuberneteshttps://k8ssandra.io/blog/articles/k8ssandra-performance-benchmarks-on-cloud-managed-kubernetes/

 Cloud Migrations Gone Wild and other Patterns with Brian Chandler | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2305

Lift and Shift seems to be “the easiest” cloud migration scenario but can quickly go wrong as we hear from Brian Chandler, Principal Sales Engineer at Dynatrace, in this episode.Tune in and learn how latency can be the big killer of performance as you partially move services to the cloud. Brian (@Channer531) also reminds us about why you have to know about the N+1 query problem and the impact in cross cloud scenarios. Last but not least – Brian gives us insights into why Uber might be one of those companies who can change the SRE & SLO culture within partnering organizations.Show Links:Brian Chandler on Linkedinhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-chandler-8366663b/Brian Chandler on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/Channer531

 What we learned from Game Changers at Perform 2022 with Steve Tack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2996

Steve Tack has been leading Dynatrace Product Management for the past 10 years. He was one of the few Dynatracer’s delivering the key product announcements from Perform 2022 live from Vegas this year.In this session we recap the key product announcements, which breakouts to watch and which keynotes you don’t want to miss. To make it easier to follow up follow these links:On Demand sessions from Dynatrace Perform 2022Product Announcements: Observability in Multi-Cloud Serverless, Software Intelligence as Code, DevSecOps Automation Alliances, Real-Time Security Attack BlockingShow Links:Steve Tack on Linkedinhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/stevetack/Dynatrace Perform On-demand videoshttps://perform.dynatrace.com/2022-globalObservability for Multicloud Serverless Architectureshttps://www.dynatrace.com/news/press-release/dynatrace-delivers-the-industrys-most-complete-observability-for-multicloud-serverless-architectures/Software Intelligence as Codehttps://www.dynatrace.com/news/press-release/dynatrace-delivers-software-intelligence-as-code/DevSecOps Automation Alliance Partner Programhttps://www.dynatrace.com/news/press-release/dynatrace-launches-devsecops-automation-alliance-partner-program/Real-Time Attack Detection and Blockinghttps://www.dynatrace.com/news/press-release/automatic-detection-and-blocking-of-attacks/

 Agile for real? Or, Are you still faking it? with Leandro Melendez | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2892

Do you regularly go to the gym or are you just wearing your sweat pants and sneakers at home and think that will do it? Or how about agile practices? Do you think by religiously attending your daily standup your colleagues think your performance testing all of a sudden happens within each sprint?Leandro Melendez (aka Senor Performo), a DevRel Advocate for k6 load testing, tells us what he has seen in organizations he is helping to transform their performance engineering practices. The true benefit of becoming Agile, DevOps or whatever the next buzz word is, is to enable engineers with automated performance feedback on their changes. Listen in and also learn about Leandro’s ideas on PDD (Performance Driven Development).Show LinksLeandro on Linkedinhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/leandromelendez/Señor Performo Sitehttps://www.srperf.com/K6 Load Testinghttps://k6.io/

 Open Observability: The limits of the 3 pillars with Dotan Horovits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2810

“Whether open source or commercial – just focusing on logs, traces and metrics is limiting our conversation and missing the point what observability really is!”, says Dotan Horovits, Tech Evangelist at Logz, in his opening statement in this podcast. Listen an and learn more about why observability is not about collecting data. Observability is rather a data analytics problem as it needs to give humans answers to DevOps, SRE and Business questions.To learn more beyond what was discussed in this podcast listen in to OpenObservability Talks, stay up to date on OpenTelemetry or follow Dotan at @horovitsShow LinksDotan Horovits on Linkedinhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/horovits/Open Observability Talkshttps://openobservability.io/Open Telemetry Projecthttps://opentelemetry.io/Dotan Horovits on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/horovits


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