PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 Dynatrace Perform 2017 Tuesday Morning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3998

Dynatrace Perform 2017 Tuesday Morning

 Welcome to Dynatrace Perform 2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3849

Woo hoo!! We're kicking off the Dynatrace conference in Las Vegas at the Cosmopolitan Hotel!

 027 Essential things to know about Kubernetes, Docker, Mesos, Swarm, Marathon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2995

Eric Wright (@discoposse) is a “veteran” and expert when it comes to virtualization and cloud technologies. He introduces us into the field of container and container orchestrations, the vendors in the space, the pros and cons and the key capabilities he things have to be considered when evaluating the next generation virtualization platform for your enterprise.If you want to learn more check out his podcast - http://gcondemand.podbean.com/ - as well as his publications on https://turbonomic.com/author/eric-wright/

 026 Love your Data and Tear Down Walls between Ops and Test | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3016

How often have you deployed an application that was supposed to be load tested well but then crashed in production? One of the reasons might be that you never took the time to really analyze real life load patterns and distributions. Brian Chandler (@Channer531) (https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-chandler-8366663b ) – Performance Engineer at Raymond James – has worked with their Operations Team to not only start loving application specific performance data captured in production. They starting breaking down the DevOps Walls from Right to Left by sharing this data with Testers to create more realistic load tests but also started education developers to learn from real life production issues.We hope you enjoy this one as we learn a lot of cool techniques, metrics and dashboards that Brian uses at Raymond James. If you want to see it live check out our webinar where he presented their approach as well: https://info.dynatrace.com/apm_wc_getting_started_with_devops_na_registration.htmlYou can view the screenshots we refer to at:https://assets.dynatrace.com/en/images/general/Chandler_01.jpghttps://assets.dynatrace.com/en/images/general/Chandler_02.jpg

 025 Evolution of Load Testing: The Past, The Present, The Future with Daniel Freij | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3036

HAPPY NEW YEARDaniel Freij (@DanielFreij) – Senior Performance Engineer and Community Manager at Apica – has been doing hundreds of load tests in his career. 5-10 years ago performance engineers used the “well known” load testing tools such as Load Runner. But things have changed as we have seen both a Shift-Left and a Shift-Right of performance engineering away from the classical performance and load testing teams. Tools became easier, automatable and cloud ready. In this session we discuss these changes that happened in the recent years, what it means for today’s engineering teams and also what might happen in 5-10 years from now. We also want to do a shout out to a performance clinic Daniel and Andi are doing on January 25th 2017 where they walk you through a modern cloud based pipeline using AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins, Apica and Dynatrace. Registration link can be found here: http://bit.ly/onlineperfclinicRelated Link:ZebraTester Community: https://community.zebratester.com/

 024 What the hell is “Continuous Acceleration of Performance”? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2071

Mark Tomlinson, still a veteran and performance god, is enlightening us on his concept of Continuous Acceleration of Performance. Continuous Delivery is all about getting faster feedback from code changes as code gets deployed faster in smaller increments to the end user. One aspect that is often left out is feedback on performance metrics and behavior. In the “old days” performance feedback was given very late – either in the load testing phase at the end of the project lifecycle or even as late as when it hits production. That could be too late and it makes it hard to fix the root cause.Listen to our conversation on how to accelerate performance related feedback loops without getting overwhelmed with too much data!

 023 Is DevOps the Killer of traditional Performance Engineering? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1977

Mark Tomlinson, “a veteran” in Performance Engineering, discusses how DevOps is a big opportunity for performance engineering – but also a threat for many that have been in the business for a long time. The big question is: are “traditional performance engineers” using their Load Runners or SilkPerformers at the end of the project lifecycle ready to change? Ready to learn new tools? Ready to think about automating performance engineering into the delivery pipeline and doing that in collaboration with the rest of the engineering team? Ready to “Check your Ego at the door”?Listen to our conversation where we also discuss how these roles have changed in organizations we recently interacted with.

 022 Latest trends in Software Feature Development: A/B Tests, Canary Releases, Feedback Loops | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2219

In Part II with Finn Lorbeer (@finnlorbeer) from Thoughtworks we discuss some of the new approaches when implementing new software features. How can we build the right thing the right way for our end users?Feature development should start with UX wireframes to get feedback from end users before writing a single line of code. Feature teams then need to define and implement feedback loops to understand how features operate and are used in production. We also discuss the power of A/B testing and canary releases as it allows teams to “experiment” on new ideas and thanks to close feedback loops will quickly learn on how end users are accepting it. *****Related Links:******Process Automation and Continuous Delivery at OTTO.dehttps://dev.otto.de/2015/11/24/process-automation-and-continuous-delivery-at-otto-de/Are we only Test Manager?http://www.lor.beer/are-we-only-test-manager/Sind wir wirklich nur Testmanagerinnen?https://dev.otto.de/2016/06/08/sind-wir-wirklich-nur-testmanagerinnen/

 021 How Thoughtworks helped Otto.de transform into a real DevOps Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2457

Finn Lorbeer (@finnlorbeer) is a quality enthusiast working for Thoughtworks Germany. I met Finn earlier this year at the German Testing Days where he presented the transformation story at Otto.de. He helped transform one of their 14 “line of business” teams by changing the way QA was seen by the organization. Instead of a WALL between Dev and Ops the teams started to work as a real DevOps team. Further architectural and organizational changes ultimately allowed them to increase deployment speed from 2-3 per week to up to 200 per week for the best performing teams.*****Related Links:******Process Automation and Continuous Delivery at OTTO.dehttps://dev.otto.de/2015/11/24/process-automation-and-continuous-delivery-at-otto-de/Are we only Test Manager?http://www.lor.beer/are-we-only-test-manager/Sind wir wirklich nur Testmanagerinnen?https://dev.otto.de/2016/06/08/sind-wir-wirklich-nur-testmanagerinnen/Das Leben ist hasselhoffhttp://giphy.com/search/david-hasselhoff

 020 DevOps Stories, Practices and Outlooks with Gene Kim: Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1220

Gene Kim has been promoting a lot of the great DevOps Transformation stories from Unicorns (Innovators) but more so from "The Horses" (Early Adopters). The next DOES (DevOps Enterprise Summit) is just on its way helping him with his mission to increase DevOps adoption across the IT world.In our 3 podcast sessions we discussed the success factors of DevOps adoption, the reasons that lead to resistance as well as how to best measure success and enforce feedback loops.Thanks Gene for allowing us to be part of transforming our IT world.Related Link:Get a free digital 160 page DevOps Handbook Excerpthttp://itrevolution.com/handbook-excerpt?utm_source=PurePerformance&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=handbookexcerpt&utm_content=podcast

 019 DevOps Stories, Practices and Outlooks with Gene Kim: Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1604

Gene Kim has been promoting a lot of the great DevOps Transformation stories from Unicorns (Innovators) but more so from "The Horses" (Early Adopters). The next DOES (DevOps Enterprise Summit) is just on its way helping him with his mission to increase DevOps adoption across the IT world.In our 3 podcast sessions we discussed the success factors of DevOps adoption, the reasons that lead to resistance as well as how to best measure success and enforce feedback loops.Thanks Gene for allowing us to be part of transforming our IT world.Related Link:Get a free digital 160 page DevOps Handbook Excerpthttp://itrevolution.com/handbook-excerpt?utm_source=PurePerformance&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=handbookexcerpt&utm_content=podcast

 018 DevOps Stories, Practices and Outlooks with Gene Kim: Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2056

Gene Kim has been promoting a lot of the great DevOps Transformation stories from Unicorns (Innovators) but more so from "The Horses" (Early Adopters). The next DOES (DevOps Enterprise Summit) is just on its way helping him with his mission to increase DevOps adoption across the IT world.In our 3 podcast sessions we discussed the success factors of DevOps adoption, the reasons that lead to resistance as well as how to best measure success and enforce feedback loops.Thanks Gene for allowing us to be part of transforming our IT world.Related Link:Get a free digital 160 page DevOps Handbook Excerpthttp://itrevolution.com/handbook-excerpt?utm_source=PurePerformance&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=handbookexcerpt&utm_content=podcast

 017 Features and Feedback Loops @ Dynatrace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2854

Guest Star: Anita Engleder - DevOps Manager at DynatraceIn this second part of our podcast Anita gives us more insights into how new features actually get developed, how they measure their success and how to ensure that the pipeline keeps up with the ever increasing number of builds pushed through it.We will learn more about the day-to-day life at Dynatrace engineering but especially about the “Lifecycle of a Feature, its feedback loop and what the stakeholders are doing to make it a success”Related Links:Dynatrace UFOhttps://github.com/Dynatrace/ufo

 016 Transforming 6 Months Release Cycles to 1hr Code Deploys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2040

Guest Star: Anita Engleder - DevOps Manager at DynatraceAs a follow up to our podcast with Bernd Greifender, CTO and Found of Dynatrace, who talked about his 2012 mission statement to the engineering team: “We go from 6 months 2 weeks release cycles” we now have Anita Engleder, DevOps Lead at Dynatrace on the mic.Anita has been part of that transformation team and in the first episode talks about what happened from 2012 until 2016 where the engineering team is now deploying a feature release every other week, makes 170 production deployment changes per day and can push a code change into production within an hour if necessary. She will give us insights in the processes, the tools but more importantly about the change that happened with the organization, the people and the culture. She will also tell us what she and her “DevOps” team actually contribute to the rest of the organization. Are they just another new silo? Or are they an enabler for engineering to push code faster through their pipeline?

 015 Leading the APM Market from Enterprise into Cloud Native | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3137

We got to talk with Bernd Greifeneder, Founder and CTO of Dynatrace, who recently gave a talk on “From 0 to NoOps in 80 Days” explaining the “Digital Transformation Story of Dynatrace – the product as well as the company”The transformation started in 2012 when Dynatrace used to deploy 2 major releases of its Dynatrace AppMon & UEM product to the market. The incubation of the startup Ruxit within Dynatrace allowed engineering, marketing and sales to come up with new ways and ideas that allow continuous innovating. In 2016 the incubated team was brought back to Dynatrace to accelerate the “Go To Market” of all the innovations. A new version of its Dynatrace SaaS and Managed offering is now released every 2 weeks with 170 production updates per day. Many aspects were also applied to all other product lines and engineering teams which boosted the output and raised quality of these enterprise products.


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