016 Transforming 6 Months Release Cycles to 1hr Code Deploys

PurePerformance show

Summary: Guest Star: Anita Engleder - DevOps Manager at Dynatrace<br><br>As a follow up to our podcast with Bernd Greifender, CTO and Found of Dynatrace, who talked about his 2012 mission statement to the engineering team: “We go from 6 months 2 weeks release cycles” we now have Anita Engleder, DevOps Lead at Dynatrace on the mic.<br><br>Anita has been part of that transformation team and in the first episode talks about what happened from 2012 until 2016 where the engineering team is now deploying a feature release every other week, makes 170 production deployment changes per day and can push a code change into production within an hour if necessary. She will give us insights in the processes, the tools but more importantly about the change that happened with the organization, the people and the culture. She will also tell us what she and her “DevOps” team actually contribute to the rest of the organization. Are they just another new silo? Or are they an enabler for engineering to push code faster through their pipeline?