PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 061 Serverless Performance, Monitoring and Best Practices from Fender | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3280

Serverless comes with its own set of best practices, quirks and benefits when it comes to monitoring and performance engineering.In this episode we have Michael Garski, Director of Platform Engineering at Fender Musical Instruments ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/mgarski/ ), giving us a technical deep dive into lessons learned and best practices they learned when re-platforming their architecture to AWS Lambda. We get to learn about optimizing Cold Starts, Re-Using HTTP Connections, Leveraging API Gateway Caching and finding the sweet spot for CPU & Memory settings to optimize price/performance of AWS Lambda executions.For more details check out Michael’s slides on Innovating Through React Native Mobile Apps. ( https://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/innovating-through-react-native-mobile-apps-with-fender-musical-instrumentspdf )

 061 Serverless Performance, Monitoring and Best Practices from Fender | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3280

Serverless comes with its own set of best practices, quirks and benefits when it comes to monitoring and performance engineering.In this episode we have Michael Garski, Director of Platform Engineering at Fender Musical Instruments ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/mgarski/ ), giving us a technical deep dive into lessons learned and best practices they learned when re-platforming their architecture to AWS Lambda. We get to learn about optimizing Cold Starts, Re-Using HTTP Connections, Leveraging API Gateway Caching and finding the sweet spot for CPU & Memory settings to optimize price/performance of AWS Lambda executions.For more details check out Michael’s slides on Innovating Through React Native Mobile Apps. ( https://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/innovating-through-react-native-mobile-apps-with-fender-musical-instrumentspdf )

 060 Reactive Spring, Microservices, Serverless and Micrometer with Josh Long | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3415

Josh Long ( https://twitter.com/starbuxman ), Developer Advocate at Pivotal, Java Champion and author of 5 books, gives us a great tour through the latest that is happening in the Spring Universe. If you are new to Spring check out http://start.spring.io/ and create your first project within minutes. When it comes to Reactive make sure to check out https://projectreactor.io/ and dive into https://micrometer.io/ to learn more about how to extract metrics from Spring applications. As Josh is constantly traveling the world chances are high you can meet him at a local conference.

 060 Reactive Spring, Microservices, Serverless and Micrometer with Josh Long | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3415

Josh Long ( https://twitter.com/starbuxman ), Developer Advocate at Pivotal, Java Champion and author of 5 books, gives us a great tour through the latest that is happening in the Spring Universe. If you are new to Spring check out http://start.spring.io/ and create your first project within minutes. When it comes to Reactive make sure to check out https://projectreactor.io/ and dive into https://micrometer.io/ to learn more about how to extract metrics from Spring applications. As Josh is constantly traveling the world chances are high you can meet him at a local conference.

 059 A Deep Dive into Visual Replay: How it works and Why the World needs it! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2406

Visual Replay gives you full film-like replay of your end users, including clicks, mouse moves swipes and scrolls. It helps you optimize user experience by addressing problems where end users struggle, e.g: not finding that button, an overlay dialog hiding critical elements or a 3rd party browser plugin that messes with your page. It also supports compliance use cases such as allowing you to proof what information you really showed to the end user when they conducted online business with you.To learn more about this use cases and the technical implementation details of visual replay technology we invited Simon Scheurer, Chief Software Architect at Dynatrace (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonscheurer/), to this podcast. He educates us on the latest of this disruptive technology!And besides that we also learn about how awesome Simon’s hometown Barcelona, Spain is.

 059 A Deep Dive into Visual Replay: How it works and Why the World needs it! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2406

Visual Replay gives you full film-like replay of your end users, including clicks, mouse moves swipes and scrolls. It helps you optimize user experience by addressing problems where end users struggle, e.g: not finding that button, an overlay dialog hiding critical elements or a 3rd party browser plugin that messes with your page. It also supports compliance use cases such as allowing you to proof what information you really showed to the end user when they conducted online business with you.To learn more about this use cases and the technical implementation details of visual replay technology we invited Simon Scheurer, Chief Software Architect at Dynatrace (https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonscheurer/), to this podcast. He educates us on the latest of this disruptive technology!And besides that we also learn about how awesome Simon’s hometown Barcelona, Spain is.

 058 The State of CI, CD & Observability: Why you don’t have to build it yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2623

You wouldn’t build your own Jenkins – would you? Neither would you build your own CRM, Office or Email service. So why are the “cool” DevOps kids still building their own continuous delivery scripts, log analytics and monitoring and showing it off on GitHub or conferences?In this episode we invited Steve Burton (@BurtonSays), CD geek at harness.io, and discussed the current state of Continuous Delivery and the role of Observability (that’s Monitoring++). We learn about use cases that commercial vendors in these spaces provide out-of-the-box, the APIs they offer to integrate these tools into a larger eco-system and why we believe it’s time to stop building your own tools but investing in building better software for your users. We also learn about Blue/Green deployments, Canary Releases, Continuous Verification and Rollback vs Roll-forward.

 058 The State of CI, CD & Observability: Why you don’t have to build it yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2623

You wouldn’t build your own Jenkins – would you? Neither would you build your own CRM, Office or Email service. So why are the “cool” DevOps kids still building their own continuous delivery scripts, log analytics and monitoring and showing it off on GitHub or conferences?In this episode we invited Steve Burton (@BurtonSays), CD geek at harness.io, and discussed the current state of Continuous Delivery and the role of Observability (that’s Monitoring++). We learn about use cases that commercial vendors in these spaces provide out-of-the-box, the APIs they offer to integrate these tools into a larger eco-system and why we believe it’s time to stop building your own tools but investing in building better software for your users. We also learn about Blue/Green deployments, Canary Releases, Continuous Verification and Rollback vs Roll-forward.

 057 Ensuring Blockchain Performance with David Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2290

If you still believe Blockchain is just about Bitcoin or that Blockchain is a super safe, high performing platform that simply runs then listen in to this podcast.With David Jones ( https://twitter.com/davidlewisjones ) –AIOps Evangelist – we learn about the different use cases of Blockchain technology, the two top frameworks Ethereum ( https://www.ethereum.org/ ) and Hyperledger ( https://www.hyperledger.org/ ), and also discuss how to monitor both usage and operation of Blockchain to ensure performance for end user applications. As a great read check out his recent blog post on AI-based Monitoring to ensure Blockchain Performance: https://www.dynatrace.com/blog/using-dynatrace-ai-based-monitoring-ensure-blockchain-performance/

 057 Ensuring Blockchain Performance with David Jones | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2290

If you still believe Blockchain is just about Bitcoin or that Blockchain is a super safe, high performing platform that simply runs then listen in to this podcast.With David Jones ( https://twitter.com/davidlewisjones ) –AIOps Evangelist – we learn about the different use cases of Blockchain technology, the two top frameworks Ethereum ( https://www.ethereum.org/ ) and Hyperledger ( https://www.hyperledger.org/ ), and also discuss how to monitor both usage and operation of Blockchain to ensure performance for end user applications. As a great read check out his recent blog post on AI-based Monitoring to ensure Blockchain Performance: https://www.dynatrace.com/blog/using-dynatrace-ai-based-monitoring-ensure-blockchain-performance/

 056 The State of Monitoring in a Kubernetes World with Brian Gracely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3085

New to Kubernetes? Already a pro? In both cases, tune in to this episode, as we have something for both sides of the aisle.Kubernetes seems to have won the container orchestration game. Major cloud and PaaS vendors are supporting Kubernetes, and attendance at KubeCon in Dec 2017 skyrocketed. Today we chat with Brian Gracely ( https://twitter.com/bgracely ), Director of Strategy at Red Hat. Brian also co-hosts @PodCTL ( https://twitter.com/PodCTL ) – a podcast dedicated to containers, OpenShift, Kubernetes, and Cloud Native. In our chat we learn where and what Kubernetes is right now, where its heading (e.g: providing better onboard experience with developers, more APIs …), why we have to pay attention to Service Mesh ( http://philcalcado.com/2017/08/03/pattern_service_mesh.html ), and why it is important to have a good cross technology monitoring strategy that supports both your brown field legacy services as well as the green field cloud native. We also enlighten you about what the BWI (Brian Wilson Indicator) is!

 056 The State of Monitoring in a Kubernetes World with Brian Gracely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3085

New to Kubernetes? Already a pro? In both cases, tune in to this episode, as we have something for both sides of the aisle.Kubernetes seems to have won the container orchestration game. Major cloud and PaaS vendors are supporting Kubernetes, and attendance at KubeCon in Dec 2017 skyrocketed. Today we chat with Brian Gracely ( https://twitter.com/bgracely ), Director of Strategy at Red Hat. Brian also co-hosts @PodCTL ( https://twitter.com/PodCTL ) – a podcast dedicated to containers, OpenShift, Kubernetes, and Cloud Native. In our chat we learn where and what Kubernetes is right now, where its heading (e.g: providing better onboard experience with developers, more APIs …), why we have to pay attention to Service Mesh ( http://philcalcado.com/2017/08/03/pattern_service_mesh.html ), and why it is important to have a good cross technology monitoring strategy that supports both your brown field legacy services as well as the green field cloud native. We also enlighten you about what the BWI (Brian Wilson Indicator) is!

 055 Monitoring in the Time of Cloud Native with James Turnbull | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3939

James Turnbull ( https://jamesturnbull.net/ ) is an author of 10 books on topics like Docker, Packer, Terraform, Monitoring, … and is currently writing a book on Monitoring with Prometheus https://prometheusbook.com/ . We got to chat about what modern monitoring approaches look like, how to pull in developers to start building monitoring into their systems and how to bridge the gap between monitoring for operations vs monitoring for business. Having a monitoring expert like James that knows many tools in the space was great to validate what we at Dynatrace have been doing to solve modern monitoring problems. We learned a lot about key monitoring capabilities such as capturing data vs capturing information, providing just nice dashboards vs providing answers to known and unknown questions and making monitoring easy accessible so that monitoring can benefit both business, operations and developers.We hope you enjoy the conversation and learn as much as we did. A blog we have been referencing several times during the talk was this one from Cindy Sridharan on Monitoring in the time of Cloud Native: https://medium.com/@copyconstruct/monitoring-in-the-time-of-cloud-native-c87c7a5bfa3e

 055 Monitoring in the Time of Cloud Native with James Turnbull | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3939

James Turnbull ( https://jamesturnbull.net/ ) is an author of 10 books on topics like Docker, Packer, Terraform, Monitoring, … and is currently writing a book on Monitoring with Prometheus https://prometheusbook.com/ . We got to chat about what modern monitoring approaches look like, how to pull in developers to start building monitoring into their systems and how to bridge the gap between monitoring for operations vs monitoring for business. Having a monitoring expert like James that knows many tools in the space was great to validate what we at Dynatrace have been doing to solve modern monitoring problems. We learned a lot about key monitoring capabilities such as capturing data vs capturing information, providing just nice dashboards vs providing answers to known and unknown questions and making monitoring easy accessible so that monitoring can benefit both business, operations and developers.We hope you enjoy the conversation and learn as much as we did. A blog we have been referencing several times during the talk was this one from Cindy Sridharan on Monitoring in the time of Cloud Native: https://medium.com/@copyconstruct/monitoring-in-the-time-of-cloud-native-c87c7a5bfa3e

 Dynatrace PERFORM 2018 Wednesday Afternoon Break | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3331


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