059 A Deep Dive into Visual Replay: How it works and Why the World needs it!

PurePerformance show

Summary: Visual Replay gives you full film-like replay of your end users, including clicks, mouse moves swipes and scrolls. It helps you optimize user experience by addressing problems where end users struggle, e.g: not finding that button, an overlay dialog hiding critical elements or a 3rd party browser plugin that messes with your page. It also supports compliance use cases such as allowing you to proof what information you really showed to the end user when they conducted online business with you.<br><br>To learn more about this use cases and the technical implementation details of visual replay technology we invited Simon Scheurer, Chief Software Architect at Dynatrace (<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonscheurer/)" rel="noopener">https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonscheurer/)</a>, to this podcast. He educates us on the latest of this disruptive technology!<br><br>And besides that we also learn about how awesome Simon’s hometown Barcelona, Spain is.