060 Reactive Spring, Microservices, Serverless and Micrometer with Josh Long

PurePerformance show

Summary: Josh Long ( <a href="https://twitter.com/starbuxman" rel="noopener">https://twitter.com/starbuxman</a> ), Developer Advocate at Pivotal, Java Champion and author of 5 books, gives us a great tour through the latest that is happening in the Spring Universe. If you are new to Spring check out <a href="http://start.spring.io/" rel="noopener">http://start.spring.io/</a> and create your first project within minutes. When it comes to Reactive make sure to check out <a href="https://projectreactor.io/" rel="noopener">https://projectreactor.io/</a> and dive into <a href="https://micrometer.io/" rel="noopener">https://micrometer.io/</a> to learn more about how to extract metrics from Spring applications. As Josh is constantly traveling the world chances are high you can meet him at a local conference.