PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 051 Building a Zero-Dashboard Monitoring Culture with Erik Landsness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2418

Erik Landsness, Director Network Operations Center & SRE at Beachbody, talks us through his last 1.5 years in his role where he has been transforming the role and culture of the traditional NOC team from human-based Dashboard analytics to a Automated Self-Healing Zero-Dashboard Culture. While they haven’t yet reached that end state they have made big strides. Erik shares with us how to gradually transform into a modern operations team that automates things that humans shouldn’t do – such as staring at dashboards on walls

 050 How Infrastructure as Code and Immutable Infrastructure enabled us to scale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3150

Are you still deploying machines manually? Do you have to login to machines to apply changes? Do you spend hours or even days to detect infrastructure issues messing with your test execution or even production? We have the answer for your pain: Listen to this podcast!Markus Heimbach leads the Infrastructure and Service team at Dynatrace and explains how they got rid of Snowflakes (not in the political sense), tackled the Configuration Drift issue, and how his team became a Service Organization powering the innovation at Dynatrace R&D. Get a glimpse of his talk track from his presentation at #devone.at - https://speakerdeck.com/markusheimbach/infrastructure-as-code As another teaser: you will hear about Test Automation of Infrastructure Code, leveraging Docker and Kubernetes (k8s) and how to use and leverage Immutable Infrastructure!

 049 Traditional Ops to Agile Transformation at Citrix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3141

We typically hear about agile transformation being driven from development and eventually pushing it towards operations. But it doesn’t have to be that way as we hear from Nestor and Abeer who helped transform their operations team from Waterfall (Traditional Ops), to Partial Scrum (Intro to Agile) and then Kanban (more defined structures for Ops using Agile principles). Listen in and learn what the differences are between Agile in Dev and Agile in Ops, which metrics they use to measure the success and how they are now pushing towards a DevOps transformation from Ops towards Dev.If you want to chat live with Nestor and Abeer then take the chance and meet them at PERFORM 2018 ( http://perform.dynatrace.com ) where they give us more insights into their transformation

 048 101 Series: IoT with Harald Zeitlhofer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2500

Most of us remember the DDOS attack last year executed through thousands of Security Camera IoT devices. This raised security questions around IoT but also helped the public to understand that IoT (Internet of Things) is a real thing.In this session, we learn from Harald Zeitlhofer ( https://twitter.com/HZeitlhofer ) why he rather likes to call this hot trend IoE (Internet of Everything), what the key use cases of IoE are and how proper monitoring of these devices might have been the key to detect the attack before it actually happened.To learn more about this exciting next big thing we suggest to start with Harald’s latest blog posts on his most favorite topic.

 047 101 Series: OpenShift with Martin Etmajer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2961

If you believe OpenStack and OpenShift are pretty much the same thing. you better listen to this episode with Martin Etmajer ( https://twitter.com/metmajer ). He explains what OpenShift is, how it differentiates from Cloud Foundry and other PaaS platforms, and which major contribution it can have to successful DevOps transformations.To put it in his words: OpenShift provides great user experience for developers to push their code changes automatically, packaged as containers, into different environments without having to worry about where and how these containers run or how they scale up & down. You should also check out his presentations from Red Hat Summit on Monitoring and Logging in OpenShift ( https://www.slideshare.net/martinetmajer ) as well as more material on http://www.dynatrace.com/openshift.

 046 Java 9! A technical deep dive | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3050

Project Jigsaw, G1 as default garbage collector, ahead-of-time compilation, Stack Walking API and many more changes that you should be aware of when upgrading to Java 9. Philipp Lengauer, whom we met at devone.at, gives us all the answers and technical deep dive into all these JVM changes. Especially for performance engineers an episode worth while listening to.If you want to learn more check out Philipps presentation at devone:https://youtu.be/Nsg_rhlf4_U?list=PLfi6VUNSzNYmUyeZ2BTM_WmZjgi0FOqRl

 045 101 Series: AWS | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3538

If you thought EC2 was the first service offered by Amazon Web Services and if you think 53 in “Route 53” is just a random number then you should listen to this 101 on AWS Podcast. This time we got to chat with Wayne Segar ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/wayne-segar-6222ba57/ ) who has been helping companies to move to new cloud technologies and services such as AWS. Wayne gave us a great overview of the key services in Compute, Database, Storage, Management, Development as well as how Monitoring works with AWS.If you want to make your first steps with AWS, such as deploying your first EC2 Instance or Application on Elastic Beanstalk, then feel free to follow our 101 AWS Monitoring Tutorial:https://github.com/Dynatrace/AWSMonitoringTutorials

 044 101 Series: .NET Core and ASP.NET Core | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3093

Why would I move to .NET Core? If I move, can I just recompile my .NET code with the new .NET Core and run it on Linux? Or is there more to it? What is .NET Core at all and what does it provide as compared to ASP.NET Core? Can I still monitor my .NET Applications the same way as in the past or is there a new approach for tracing and monitoring? And is it true that all of this is now available on GitHub as Open Source project?Get answers to all these questions by listening to this episode where we got to talk with Christoph Neumueller @discostu105 ( https://twitter.com/discostu105 ) and Gergely Kalapos @gregkalapos ( https://twitter.com/gregkalapos ). Christoph and Gergely are two lead engineers for the Dynatrace .NET Agent technology. They are also code contributors to the .NET Open Source and other open source projects such as SuperDump ( https://github.com/Dynatrace/superdump ). Also check out their blogs ( https://www.dynatrace.com/blog/tag/net/ ) to learn more on .NET Core, ASP.NET Core and other .NET relevant performance topics. And, if you're a Dynatrace customer, make sure to up-vote the RFE to allow hot sensor placement for .net core. ( https://answers.dynatrace.com/spaces/151/product-feedback-and-enhancement-requests/idea/183988/hot-sensor-placement-for-net.html )Additional Links:TechEmpower Benchmark ( https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/ )Blog about performance improvements as a result of community input ( https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dotnet/2017/06/07/performance-improvements-in-net-core/ )Download and try out .Net Core ( http://dot.net )Dynatrace Free Trial ( https://www.dynatrace.com/trial/?vehicle_name=www.spreaker.com )

 043 101 Series: Visually Complete and Speed Index | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1771

Visually Complete and Speed Index have been introduced to better measure real end user performance experience. Klaus Enzenhofer @kenzenhofer ( https://twitter.com/kenzenhofer ) gives us a detailed description of these metrics, how they are getting calculated, and which problem they solve. What we also learn in this 101 is why now we finally have these metrics available not just for synthetic monitoring but also for real user monitoring. This can be attributed to the advances in browser technologies as well as to some smart engineering. In our discussion we also cover other recent advances and use cases in Web Performance Optimization – such as the usage of performance markers.If you want to learn more check out the blogs from Google on Speed Index ( https://sites.google.com/a/webpagetest.org/docs/using-webpagetest/metrics/speed-index ) as well as the blog from Klaus on how Speed Index and Visually Complete made it into RUM offerings ( https://www.dynatrace.com/blog/visually-complete-speed-index-for-real-user-monitoring-rum/ ).

 042 101 Series: Serverless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1611

Spoiler Alert: Serverless doesn’t mean that we got rid of servers. We just don’t have to think about them anymore as we can focus on coding functions that get executed when triggered through certain events. Daniel Khan (@dkhan) tells us more about use cases of Serverless or as he likes to call it “Function as a Service” (FaaS). We also chat a lot about monitoring and the challenges of actually monitoring and debugging serverless code. It is still a young technology but constantly evolving.

 041 BizOps, Digital Customer Experience Monitoring and Digital Transformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1314

It sounds like 3 buzzwords, But there is more than that. We were intrigued by the Digital Mastery & Joy ( https://info.dynatrace.com/apm_wc_panera_na_registration.html ) webinar Klaus Enzenhofer @kenzenhofer ( https://twitter.com/kenzenhofer ) did with Panera Bread. In his introductory statement, Klaus cited a recent study from IDG on Digital Customer Experience. The biggest challenges are data silos, poor data quality, redundant data, and missing coordination between departments that manage the individual digital touchpoint channels (Mobile, IoT, Web, Physical, …). In our discussion we find lots of parallels between the problem that DevOps tries to solve and which challenges digital transforming businesses face: Silos! Disconnected Silos! But instead of Silos between Dev & Ops its Silos between your Business Teams that are all strictly focusing on their slice of bread (to reference some great stories from Prashant Karre, Director of Performance Engineering at Panera)Listen in and join our conversation. Make sure to check out the webinar recording Digital Mastery & Joy ( https://info.dynatrace.com/apm_wc_panera_na_registration.html )

 040 101 Series: Cloud Foundry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3026

What is Cloud Foundry? And why does Alois Mayr (@mayralois) say that Cloud Foundry is the most opinionated PaaS Platform in the world? Listen to this 101 show to get a good overview of what Cloud Foundry (CF) is, how it started and what offerings are available right now. Also learn what the main use cases are for CF Cloud Operators as well as for Developers that use the platform to push their applications and services.If you want to learn more or see Alois in action make sure to watch his Full Stack Monitoring on Cloud Foundry PurePerformance Clinic. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsQHtdeizXQ&index=65&list=PLqt2rd0eew1bmDn54E2_M2uvbhm_WxY_6&t=1237s )

 039 101 Series: Azure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3313

If you wonder what the top 3 ways are to pronounce Azure, then check out this episode. Also, if you want to learn more about what Azure really provides, why it used to be ahead of the curve, and why Microsoft had to re-invent it to provide services that software companies really needed, you won't want to miss this episode. Martin Gutenbrunner (@MartinGoodwell) gives us a good overview of the key Azure services and use cases that make Azure an interesting platform for many enterprises. It might also be surprising that it is not just a Microsoft-lock in Technology Stack. Besides .NET, there are many technologies that companies can use to run their applications on Azure IaaS, but more so on Azure Service Fabric. Listen in and learn the core fundamentals of Azure, why it might be interesting for you and what role monitoring plays.

 038 101 Series: Node.js | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2858

If you think Node.js is just a technology used by small start ups then you better listen to this 101 episode. Daniel Khan (@dkhan) – a member of the Node.js community and working group – answers a lot of questions on why large enterprises such as Walmart, Paypal or Intuit use Node.js to innovate. Daniel also explains the internals of Node.js, its event driven processing model, its non-blocking asynchronous nature, and how that enables a list of interesting use cases. We also discuss how to monitor and optimize applications running on Node.js and why that might be different for a developer as compared to an Ops team that runs Node.js in combination with other enterprise software.

 037 101 Series: OpenStack | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2159

What is OpenStack? Oh – it's not the same as OpenShift? So what is OpenStack? If these questions are on your mind and you want to learn more about why OpenStack is used by many large organizations to build their own private cloud offering than listen to this 101 talk with Dirk Wallerstorfer (@wall_dirk). We learn about the different OpenStack core controller services (Cinder, Horizon, Keystone, Neutron, Nova …) as well as the core cloud services (Compute, Storage, Network, …) it provides to its users. Dirk also explains why and who is moving to OpenStack and what the challenges and use cases are when it comes to monitoring OpenStack environments – both for an OpenStack Operator as well as for the Application Owners that run their apps on OpenStack.


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