048 101 Series: IoT with Harald Zeitlhofer

PurePerformance show

Summary: Most of us remember the DDOS attack last year executed through thousands of Security Camera IoT devices. This raised security questions around IoT but also helped the public to understand that IoT (Internet of Things) is a real thing.<br>In this session, we learn from Harald Zeitlhofer ( <a href="https://twitter.com/HZeitlhofer" rel="noopener">https://twitter.com/HZeitlhofer</a> ) why he rather likes to call this hot trend IoE (Internet of Everything), what the key use cases of IoE are and how proper monitoring of these devices might have been the key to detect the attack before it actually happened.<br><br>To learn more about this exciting next big thing we suggest to start with Harald’s latest blog posts on his most favorite topic.