050 How Infrastructure as Code and Immutable Infrastructure enabled us to scale

PurePerformance show

Summary: Are you still deploying machines manually? Do you have to login to machines to apply changes? Do you spend hours or even days to detect infrastructure issues messing with your test execution or even production? We have the answer for your pain: Listen to this podcast!<br>Markus Heimbach leads the Infrastructure and Service team at Dynatrace and explains how they got rid of Snowflakes (not in the political sense), tackled the Configuration Drift issue, and how his team became a Service Organization powering the innovation at Dynatrace R&amp;D. Get a glimpse of his talk track from his presentation at #devone.at - <a href="https://speakerdeck.com/markusheimbach/infrastructure-as-code" rel="noopener">https://speakerdeck.com/markusheimbach/infrastructure-as-code</a> <br><br>As another teaser: you will hear about Test Automation of Infrastructure Code, leveraging Docker and Kubernetes (k8s) and how to use and leverage Immutable Infrastructure!