055 Monitoring in the Time of Cloud Native with James Turnbull

PurePerformance show

Summary: James Turnbull ( <a href="https://jamesturnbull.net/" rel="noopener">https://jamesturnbull.net/</a> ) is an author of 10 books on topics like Docker, Packer, Terraform, Monitoring, … and is currently writing a book on Monitoring with Prometheus <a href="https://prometheusbook.com/" rel="noopener">https://prometheusbook.com/</a> . We got to chat about what modern monitoring approaches look like, how to pull in developers to start building monitoring into their systems and how to bridge the gap between monitoring for operations vs monitoring for business. Having a monitoring expert like James that knows many tools in the space was great to validate what we at Dynatrace have been doing to solve modern monitoring problems. We learned a lot about key monitoring capabilities such as capturing data vs capturing information, providing just nice dashboards vs providing answers to known and unknown questions and making monitoring easy accessible so that monitoring can benefit both business, operations and developers.<br><br>We hope you enjoy the conversation and learn as much as we did. A blog we have been referencing several times during the talk was this one from Cindy Sridharan on Monitoring in the time of Cloud Native: <a href="https://medium.com/" rel="noopener">https://medium.com/</a>@copyconstruct/monitoring-in-the-time-of-cloud-native-c87c7a5bfa3e