019 DevOps Stories, Practices and Outlooks with Gene Kim: Part 2

PurePerformance show

Summary: Gene Kim has been promoting a lot of the great DevOps Transformation stories from Unicorns (Innovators) but more so from "The Horses" (Early Adopters). The next DOES (DevOps Enterprise Summit) is just on its way helping him with his mission to increase DevOps adoption across the IT world.<br>In our 3 podcast sessions we discussed the success factors of DevOps adoption, the reasons that lead to resistance as well as how to best measure success and enforce feedback loops.<br>Thanks Gene for allowing us to be part of transforming our IT world.<br><br>Related Link:<br>Get a free digital 160 page DevOps Handbook Excerpt<br><a href="http://itrevolution.com/handbook-excerpt?utm_source=PurePerformance&amp;utm_medium=organic&amp;utm_campaign=handbookexcerpt&amp;utm_content=podcast" rel="noopener">http://itrevolution.com/handbook-excerpt?utm_source=PurePerformance&amp;utm_medium=organic&amp;utm_campaign=handbookexcerpt&amp;utm_content=podcast</a>