PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 Why you should look into Chaos Engineering with Ana Medina | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3402

Daylight savings can bring chaos to systems such as rogue processes consuming CPU or memory and therefore impact your critical systems. The question is: how do you systems react to this chaos? How can you test for this? And how can you make your systems more resilient against this chaos?In this episode we talk with Ana Margarita Medina, Chaos Engineer at Gremlin. In her previous job, Ana (@Ana_M_Medina) was a Site Reliability Engineer at Uber where she helped coping with the “chaos” on New Years Eve or Halloween. Ana gives us great insights into the discipline of Chaos Engineering, that its really about running controlled experiment and that everyone can get started that has an interest in contributing to more resilient systems.Here the additional links we promised during the recording: Drift into failure, Chaos Engineering Community, Chaos Engineering and System Resilience in Practice.https://www.linkedin.com/in/anammedina/https://twitter.com/Ana_M_Medinahttps://eng.uber.com/nye/https://www.amazon.com/Drift-into-Failure-Sidney-Dekker/dp/1409422216https://www.gremlin.com/community/https://www.amazon.com/Chaos-Engineering-System-Resiliency-Practice/dp/1492043869

 How to scale k8s operations from a single to thousands of clusters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3326

We are sitting down with Sebastian Scheele (@sscheele), CEO and co-founder of Kubermatic, to discuss the challenges organizations have as they are moving their workloads to k8s and realize that managing, scaling and operating k8s is not getting easier the more k8s clusters you allow your application teams to spin up or down. We learn more about the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, the Open Source Project, which centrally manages the global automation of thousands of Kubernetes clusters across multi-cloud, on-prem and edge with unparalleled density and resilience.Thanks Sebastian for answering all the questions we threw at you – questions we have received from many organizations that are moving to k8s but get surprised about the complexity as it comes to properly operating and managing k8s.Sebastian Scheele Twitterhttps://twitter.com/sscheeleKubermatic Kubernetes Platformhttps://github.com/kubermatic/kubermatic

 How to scale k8s operations from a single to thousands of clusters | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3326

We are sitting down with Sebastian Scheele (@sscheele), CEO and co-founder of Kubermatic, to discuss the challenges organizations have as they are moving their workloads to k8s and realize that managing, scaling and operating k8s is not getting easier the more k8s clusters you allow your application teams to spin up or down. We learn more about the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, the Open Source Project, which centrally manages the global automation of thousands of Kubernetes clusters across multi-cloud, on-prem and edge with unparalleled density and resilience.Thanks Sebastian for answering all the questions we threw at you – questions we have received from many organizations that are moving to k8s but get surprised about the complexity as it comes to properly operating and managing k8s.Sebastian Scheele Twitterhttps://twitter.com/sscheeleKubermatic Kubernetes Platformhttps://github.com/kubermatic/kubermatic

 What we have learned about K8s and Open-source when building Keptn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3877

Keptn is now a CNCF sandbox project bringing a new event-driven approach to continuous delivery and operations. While many are just hearing about Keptn the first time, it is interesting to learn more about how it started, which challenges the team ran into, what they learned about K8s, and running an open-source project. We therefore invited Johannes Braeuer (@braeuer_j) and Andreas Grimmer (@grimmer_andreas) – both Keptn project maintainers and contributors – who have been working on the Keptn project since its inception.Especially for groups that want to start open-source projects or are on the brink of deciding pro or con Kubernetes should listen until the end as Johannes and Andreas tell us what they would do differently now if they would start today based on the learnings from the past 18 months.If you want to join the Keptn community, make sure to star our GitHub project, join the Slack channel, and join our regular community meetings!Keptnhttps://keptn.sh/Johannes Bräuer on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/braeuer_jAndreas Grimmer on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/grimmer_andreasKeptn Githubhttps://github.com/keptn/keptnKeptn Slackhttps://keptn.slack.com/Keptn Communityhttps://github.com/keptn/community

 What we have learned about K8s and Open-source when building Keptn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3877

Keptn is now a CNCF sandbox project bringing a new event-driven approach to continuous delivery and operations. While many are just hearing about Keptn the first time, it is interesting to learn more about how it started, which challenges the team ran into, what they learned about K8s, and running an open-source project. We therefore invited Johannes Braeuer (@braeuer_j) and Andreas Grimmer (@grimmer_andreas) – both Keptn project maintainers and contributors – who have been working on the Keptn project since its inception.Especially for groups that want to start open-source projects or are on the brink of deciding pro or con Kubernetes should listen until the end as Johannes and Andreas tell us what they would do differently now if they would start today based on the learnings from the past 18 months.If you want to join the Keptn community, make sure to star our GitHub project, join the Slack channel, and join our regular community meetings!Keptnhttps://keptn.sh/Johannes Bräuer on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/braeuer_jAndreas Grimmer on Twitterhttps://twitter.com/grimmer_andreasKeptn Githubhttps://github.com/keptn/keptnKeptn Slackhttps://keptn.slack.com/Keptn Communityhttps://github.com/keptn/community

 Bringing Observability to .NET with Georg Schausberger and Bernhard Ruebl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3641

Getting visibility into .NET code whether it runs on a developer machine, on a windows server on-premise or as a serverless function in the cloud is the day2day job of Georg Schausberger (@BombadilThomas) and Bernhard Ruebl, part of the Dynatrace .NET Agent Team.In this podcast we hear firsthand about the challenges in bringing observability, monitoring and distributed tracing to the .NET ecosystem. They give us insights about their continued effort to reduce startup and runtime overhead, the innovation that comes out of Microsoft as they are moving towards open standards and the noble automated approach to always validated things don’t break monitored code with the constant update of libraries and frameworks.We also got both to talk about their developer experience when working with commercial tools such as Dynatrace and its PurePath technology as well as open source tools when analyzing and debugging their own code or helping users figure out what’s wrong with their code.In the talk both mentioned other tools which we wanted to provide the links for: Benchmark.NEThttps://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/overview.html Ben.Demystifier.https://www.nuget.org/packages/Ben.Demystifier/IIS Module tracinghttps://forums.ivanti.com/s/article/How-To-Enable-IIS-Failed-Request-TracingGeorg Schausbergerhttps://twitter.com/BombadilThomashttps://www.linkedin.com/in/georg-schausberger-6898b6141/Bernhard Rüblhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/bernhard-r%C3%BCbl-084881104/

 Bringing Observability to .NET with Georg Schausberger and Bernhard Ruebl | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3641

Getting visibility into .NET code whether it runs on a developer machine, on a windows server on-premise or as a serverless function in the cloud is the day2day job of Georg Schausberger (@BombadilThomas) and Bernhard Ruebl, part of the Dynatrace .NET Agent Team.In this podcast we hear firsthand about the challenges in bringing observability, monitoring and distributed tracing to the .NET ecosystem. They give us insights about their continued effort to reduce startup and runtime overhead, the innovation that comes out of Microsoft as they are moving towards open standards and the noble automated approach to always validated things don’t break monitored code with the constant update of libraries and frameworks.We also got both to talk about their developer experience when working with commercial tools such as Dynatrace and its PurePath technology as well as open source tools when analyzing and debugging their own code or helping users figure out what’s wrong with their code.In the talk both mentioned other tools which we wanted to provide the links for: Benchmark.NEThttps://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/overview.html Ben.Demystifier.https://www.nuget.org/packages/Ben.Demystifier/IIS Module tracinghttps://forums.ivanti.com/s/article/How-To-Enable-IIS-Failed-Request-TracingGeorg Schausbergerhttps://twitter.com/BombadilThomashttps://www.linkedin.com/in/georg-schausberger-6898b6141/Bernhard Rüblhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/bernhard-r%C3%BCbl-084881104/

 Successful Enterprise Monitoring Projects with Kayan Hales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3430

Successful Cloud Migrations, large scale Kubernetes & OpenShift deployments, making billions of data points actionable and enterprise-wide Citrix & SAP monitoring. These are some of the projects Kayan Hales, Technical Manager at Dynatrace, and her colleagues at Dynatrace ONE help enterprise customers around the world to implement every day.We sat down with Kayan as we wanted to learn what really matters to many large organizations as they embark on automating monitoring into their hybrid multi-cloud environments. While we constantly talk about cloud native and microservices it was interesting to hear what the global team of Dynatrace experts is doing on a day-2-day basis. Kayan gives us insights how important it is to think about meta data, tagging strategies and automation before large scale rollouts and that one of the first question you need to ask is: who needs what type of data at which time through which channels.https://www.linkedin.com/in/kayanhales/https://www.dynatrace.com/services-support/dynatrace-one/

 Successful Enterprise Monitoring Projects with Kayan Hales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3430

Successful Cloud Migrations, large scale Kubernetes & OpenShift deployments, making billions of data points actionable and enterprise-wide Citrix & SAP monitoring. These are some of the projects Kayan Hales, Technical Manager at Dynatrace, and her colleagues at Dynatrace ONE help enterprise customers around the world to implement every day.We sat down with Kayan as we wanted to learn what really matters to many large organizations as they embark on automating monitoring into their hybrid multi-cloud environments. While we constantly talk about cloud native and microservices it was interesting to hear what the global team of Dynatrace experts is doing on a day-2-day basis. Kayan gives us insights how important it is to think about meta data, tagging strategies and automation before large scale rollouts and that one of the first question you need to ask is: who needs what type of data at which time through which channels.https://www.linkedin.com/in/kayanhales/https://www.dynatrace.com/services-support/dynatrace-one/

 Why Performance Engineering in 2020 is still failing with James Pulley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4096

Why do some organizations still see performance testing as a waste of time? Why are we not demanding the same level of performance criteria for SaaS-based solutions as we do for in-house hosted services? Why are many organizations just validating performance to be “within specification” vs “holistically optimized”?In this episode we have invited James Pulley (@perfpulley), Performance Veteran and PerfBytes News of the Damned host, to discuss who organizations can level up from performance testing to true performance engineering. He also shares his approaches to analyzing performance issues and gives everyone advice on what to do to start a performance practice in your organization.https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameslpulley3/https://www.perfbytes.com/p/news-of-damned.html

 Why Performance Engineering in 2020 is still failing with James Pulley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4096

Why do some organizations still see performance testing as a waste of time? Why are we not demanding the same level of performance criteria for SaaS-based solutions as we do for in-house hosted services? Why are many organizations just validating performance to be “within specification” vs “holistically optimized”?In this episode we have invited James Pulley (@perfpulley), Performance Veteran and PerfBytes News of the Damned host, to discuss who organizations can level up from performance testing to true performance engineering. He also shares his approaches to analyzing performance issues and gives everyone advice on what to do to start a performance practice in your organization.https://www.linkedin.com/in/jameslpulley3/https://www.perfbytes.com/p/news-of-damned.html

 Encore - Understanding the Power of Feature Flags with Heidi Waterhouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2722

Imagine a future where we deploy every code change directly into production because feature flags eliminated the need for staging. Feature flags allow us to deploy any code change, but only launch the feature to a specific set of users that we want to expose to new capabilities. Monitoring the usage and the impact enables continuous experimentation: optimizing what is not perfect yet and throw away features (technical debt) that nobody really cares about. So – what are feature flags?We got to chat with Heidi Waterhouse (@wiredferret), Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly (https://launchdarkly.com/), who gives as a great introduction on Feature Flags, how organizations actually define a feature and why it is paramount to differentiate between Deploy and Launch. We learn how to test feature flags, what options we have to enable features for a certain group of users and how important it is to always include monitoring. IF you want to learn more about feature flags check out http://featureflags.io/. If you want to learn more about Heidi’s passion check out https://heidiwaterhouse.com/.

 Encore - Understanding the Power of Feature Flags with Heidi Waterhouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2722

Imagine a future where we deploy every code change directly into production because feature flags eliminated the need for staging. Feature flags allow us to deploy any code change, but only launch the feature to a specific set of users that we want to expose to new capabilities. Monitoring the usage and the impact enables continuous experimentation: optimizing what is not perfect yet and throw away features (technical debt) that nobody really cares about. So – what are feature flags?We got to chat with Heidi Waterhouse (@wiredferret), Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly (https://launchdarkly.com/), who gives as a great introduction on Feature Flags, how organizations actually define a feature and why it is paramount to differentiate between Deploy and Launch. We learn how to test feature flags, what options we have to enable features for a certain group of users and how important it is to always include monitoring. IF you want to learn more about feature flags check out http://featureflags.io/. If you want to learn more about Heidi’s passion check out https://heidiwaterhouse.com/.

 Encore - How to build distributed resilient systems with Adrian Hornsby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3331

Adrian Hornsby (@adhorn) has dedicated his last years helping enterprises around the world to build resilient systems. He wrote a great blog series titled “Patterns for Resilient Architectures” and has given numerous talks about this such as Resiliency and Availability Design Patterns for the Cloud at DevOne in Linz earlier this year.Listen in and learn more about why resiliency starts with humans, why we need to version everything we do, why default timeouts have to be flagged, how to deal with retries and backoffs and why every distributed architect has to start designing systems that provide different service levels depending on the overall system health state.Links:Adrian on Twitter: https://twitter.com/adhornMedium Blog Post: https://medium.com/@adhorn/patterns-for-resilient-architecture-part-1-d3b60cd8d2b6Adrian's DevOne talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLg13UmEXlwDevOne Intro video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXXTyTc3SPU

 Encore - How to build distributed resilient systems with Adrian Hornsby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3331

Adrian Hornsby (@adhorn) has dedicated his last years helping enterprises around the world to build resilient systems. He wrote a great blog series titled “Patterns for Resilient Architectures” and has given numerous talks about this such as Resiliency and Availability Design Patterns for the Cloud at DevOne in Linz earlier this year.Listen in and learn more about why resiliency starts with humans, why we need to version everything we do, why default timeouts have to be flagged, how to deal with retries and backoffs and why every distributed architect has to start designing systems that provide different service levels depending on the overall system health state.Links:Adrian on Twitter: https://twitter.com/adhornMedium Blog Post: https://medium.com/@adhorn/patterns-for-resilient-architecture-part-1-d3b60cd8d2b6Adrian's DevOne talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLg13UmEXlwDevOne Intro video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXXTyTc3SPU


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