PurePerformance show


Summary: The brutal truth about digital performance engineering and operations.Andreas (aka Andi) Grabner and Brian Wilson are veterans of the digital performance world. Combined they have seen too many applications not scaling and performing up to expectations. With more rapid deployment models made possible through continuous delivery and a mentality shift sparked by DevOps they feel it’s time to share their stories. In each episode, they and their guests discuss different topics concerning performance, ranging from common performance problems for specific technology platforms to best practices in development, testing, deploying and monitoring software performance and user experience. Be prepared to learn a lot about metrics.Andi & Brian both work at Dynatrace, where they get to witness more real world customer performance issues than they can TPS report at.

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 Service Meshes: From simple load balancing to securing planet scale architectures with Sebastian Weigand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3802

Whether you are still researching on whether you need a Service Mesh or simple use a load balancer or if you are already deploying multi hybrid-cloud architectures and Service Meshes help you secure the location aware routed traffic. In both cases: listen to this episode!We invited Sebastian Weigand (@ThatDevopsGuy) back to our podcast who wrote papers such as Building a Planet-Scale Architecture the Easy Way. In our episode Sebastian walks us through why Service Meshes have gained so much in popularity, what the main use cases are, how you should decide on whether or not use Service Meshes and which challenges you might run into as you expand into using more features.https://twitter.com/thatdevopsguyhttps://files.devnetwork.cloud/DeveloperWeekNewYork/presentations/2019/scalability/Sebastian_Weigand.pdf

 Service Meshes: From simple load balancing to securing planet scale architectures with Sebastian Weigand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3802

Whether you are still researching on whether you need a Service Mesh or simple use a load balancer or if you are already deploying multi hybrid-cloud architectures and Service Meshes help you secure the location aware routed traffic. In both cases: listen to this episode!We invited Sebastian Weigand (@ThatDevopsGuy) back to our podcast who wrote papers such as Building a Planet-Scale Architecture the Easy Way. In our episode Sebastian walks us through why Service Meshes have gained so much in popularity, what the main use cases are, how you should decide on whether or not use Service Meshes and which challenges you might run into as you expand into using more features.https://twitter.com/thatdevopsguyhttps://files.devnetwork.cloud/DeveloperWeekNewYork/presentations/2019/scalability/Sebastian_Weigand.pdf

 From Postmortems to true SRE Culture with Steve McGhee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4034

Steve McGhee (@stevemcghee) is an expert in post mortems and SRE. He has learned the craft at Google, applied it at MindBody and is now sharing his experiences while back at Google to the larger SRE community. Listen to this episode and learn more about how post mortem analysis can be the starting point of your SRE transformation. How it can help reliability engineering to build and engineer systems that fail gracefully instead of causing full crashes or outages.Steve also went into monitor what matters and only defining alerts on leading indicators with an expiration date – a fascinating concept to avoid a flood of custom alerting in production!If you want to learn more from Steve or SRE check out these additional resources he mentioned in the podcast: The SRE I aspire to be (SRECon19) and his 2 blog part series on blameless.com.https://twitter.com/stevemcgheehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7kD_JfRUY0https://www.blameless.com/blog/improve-postmortem-with-sre-steve-mcghee

 From Postmortems to true SRE Culture with Steve McGhee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4034

Steve McGhee (@stevemcghee) is an expert in post mortems and SRE. He has learned the craft at Google, applied it at MindBody and is now sharing his experiences while back at Google to the larger SRE community. Listen to this episode and learn more about how post mortem analysis can be the starting point of your SRE transformation. How it can help reliability engineering to build and engineer systems that fail gracefully instead of causing full crashes or outages.Steve also went into monitor what matters and only defining alerts on leading indicators with an expiration date – a fascinating concept to avoid a flood of custom alerting in production!If you want to learn more from Steve or SRE check out these additional resources he mentioned in the podcast: The SRE I aspire to be (SRECon19) and his 2 blog part series on blameless.com.https://twitter.com/stevemcgheehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7kD_JfRUY0https://www.blameless.com/blog/improve-postmortem-with-sre-steve-mcghee

 SLO Adoption and Usage in SRE with Sebastian Weigand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3723

Keep hearing the terms SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, Error Budgets and finally want to understand what they are, who should be responsible for and how they fit into SRE (Site Reliability Engineering)?Then listen to our conversation with Sebastian Weigand who has been helping organizations modernizing not only their application stacks but also helping them embrace DevOps & SRE. Learn about who is responsible to define SLIs, what the difference between SLOs and SLAs are and what the difference between DevOps & SRE is in his opinion!Sebastian, who calls himself “That Devops Guy” (@ThatDevopsGuy), also suggests to check out the latest free report on SLO Adoption and Usage of SRE as well as SRE Books from Google to get started with that practice.https://www.linkedin.com/in/thatdevopsguy/https://twitter.com/ThatDevopsGuyhttps://landing.google.com/sre/resources/practicesandprocesses/slo-adoption-and-usage-in-sre/https://landing.google.com/sre/books/

 SLO Adoption and Usage in SRE with Sebastian Weigand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3723

Keep hearing the terms SLIs, SLOs, SLAs, Error Budgets and finally want to understand what they are, who should be responsible for and how they fit into SRE (Site Reliability Engineering)?Then listen to our conversation with Sebastian Weigand who has been helping organizations modernizing not only their application stacks but also helping them embrace DevOps & SRE. Learn about who is responsible to define SLIs, what the difference between SLOs and SLAs are and what the difference between DevOps & SRE is in his opinion!Sebastian, who calls himself “That Devops Guy” (@ThatDevopsGuy), also suggests to check out the latest free report on SLO Adoption and Usage of SRE as well as SRE Books from Google to get started with that practice.https://www.linkedin.com/in/thatdevopsguy/https://twitter.com/ThatDevopsGuyhttps://landing.google.com/sre/resources/practicesandprocesses/slo-adoption-and-usage-in-sre/https://landing.google.com/sre/books/

 Building High Performing Apps on React with Cassidy Williams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3077

Cassidy (@cassidoo) has been building but also educating developers on how to build apps on React, JavaScript, JAMStack and many other technologies over the past years. We got her on our podcast where she gave us insights into React Hooks, how WPO (Web Performance Optimization) plays out in the React world, why it is important to think about state from the start and that its important to always have your end user in mind before even writing your first line of JavaScript.In the podcast she references additional resources which here are the links for: The performance benefits of Variable Fonts, Mandy Michael (@Mandy_Kerr), Isabela Moreira (@isabelacmor) and A/B Testing with React (YouTube).https://twitter.com/cassidoohttps://reactjs.org/https://jamstack.org/https://uxdesign.cc/the-performance-benefits-of-variable-fonts-79af8c4ff56chttps://twitter.com/Mandy_Kerrhttps://twitter.com/isabelacmorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpfR0rRfcNk

 Building High Performing Apps on React with Cassidy Williams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3077

Cassidy (@cassidoo) has been building but also educating developers on how to build apps on React, JavaScript, JAMStack and many other technologies over the past years. We got her on our podcast where she gave us insights into React Hooks, how WPO (Web Performance Optimization) plays out in the React world, why it is important to think about state from the start and that its important to always have your end user in mind before even writing your first line of JavaScript.In the podcast she references additional resources which here are the links for: The performance benefits of Variable Fonts, Mandy Michael (@Mandy_Kerr), Isabela Moreira (@isabelacmor) and A/B Testing with React (YouTube).https://twitter.com/cassidoohttps://reactjs.org/https://jamstack.org/https://uxdesign.cc/the-performance-benefits-of-variable-fonts-79af8c4ff56chttps://twitter.com/Mandy_Kerrhttps://twitter.com/isabelacmorhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpfR0rRfcNk

 Extreme load testing with 2Mio Virtual Users: Lessons learned with Joerek van Gaalen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3494

How do you prepare for a 2Mio concurrent user load that lasts for 7 seconds? What does the load infrastructure look like? How do you optimize your scripts? How do you deal with DNS or CDNs?In this episode we hear from Joerek van Gaalen who has done these types of tests. He shares his experiences and approaches to running these “special event extreme load tests”. If you want to learn more make sure to check out his presentation and read his blog post from Neotys PAC 2020.https://www.linkedin.com/in/joerekvangaalen/https://www.neotys.com/performance-advisory-council/joerek_van_gaalen

 Extreme load testing with 2Mio Virtual Users: Lessons learned with Joerek van Gaalen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3494

How do you prepare for a 2Mio concurrent user load that lasts for 7 seconds? What does the load infrastructure look like? How do you optimize your scripts? How do you deal with DNS or CDNs?In this episode we hear from Joerek van Gaalen who has done these types of tests. He shares his experiences and approaches to running these “special event extreme load tests”. If you want to learn more make sure to check out his presentation and read his blog post from Neotys PAC 2020.https://www.linkedin.com/in/joerekvangaalen/https://www.neotys.com/performance-advisory-council/joerek_van_gaalen

 Everything we messed up and learned when moving to AWS with Justin Donohoo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3826

Have you ever burned 30k because you forgot to turn off your test VMs over the weekend? Have you ever accidentally deleted “the production table” because you thought you were connected to your dev database? We often only hear the good stories and not those that teach us about what we should not do in order to avoid disaster!Join this episode where Justin Donohoo, Founder and CTO of Observian, tells us horror stories from his professional life that taught him great lessons on what not to do when moving to the cloud, re-architecture because of exponential growth or let the intern do things he/she shouldn’t do.https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdonohoo/

 Everything we messed up and learned when moving to AWS with Justin Donohoo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3826

Have you ever burned 30k because you forgot to turn off your test VMs over the weekend? Have you ever accidentally deleted “the production table” because you thought you were connected to your dev database? We often only hear the good stories and not those that teach us about what we should not do in order to avoid disaster!Join this episode where Justin Donohoo, Founder and CTO of Observian, tells us horror stories from his professional life that taught him great lessons on what not to do when moving to the cloud, re-architecture because of exponential growth or let the intern do things he/she shouldn’t do.https://www.linkedin.com/in/jdonohoo/

 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Open Source with Goranka Bjedov | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3476

Goranka Bjedov has seen the different sides of Open Source while she was working for organizations such as Google, Facebook or AT&T Labs. Before she takes the stage at www.devone.at later this year she gives us her take on Scott McNealy’s quote “Open Source is free like a puppy is free”. Tune in and hear her thoughts on how to pick the right tools, languages or frameworks, how to grow a an open source project and what things you should definitely avoid.https://www.linkedin.com/in/goranka-bjedov-5969a6/https://devone.at/

 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Open Source with Goranka Bjedov | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3476

Goranka Bjedov has seen the different sides of Open Source while she was working for organizations such as Google, Facebook or AT&T Labs. Before she takes the stage at www.devone.at later this year she gives us her take on Scott McNealy’s quote “Open Source is free like a puppy is free”. Tune in and hear her thoughts on how to pick the right tools, languages or frameworks, how to grow a an open source project and what things you should definitely avoid.https://www.linkedin.com/in/goranka-bjedov-5969a6/https://devone.at/

 Achieving Reliability through Chaos Engineering with Tammy Bütow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2909

Starting your new job as Infrastructure Engineer in a large bank with your to-be boss and his key architects just leaving feels like Chaos! Maybe that’s why Tammy Butow has made a career in Chaos and Site Reliability Engineering. In this episode, Tammy shares her experiences of bring reliability into highly complex systems at NAB, Digital Ocean, DropBox or now Gremlin through chaos engineering. You learn about the importance to know and baseline your metrics, to define your SLIs and SLOs and to continuously run your fire drills to ensure your system is as reliable as it has to be.If you want to learn more check out Tammy’s presentations on speakerdeck and make sure to join the chaosengineering slack channel.https://www.linkedin.com/in/tammybutow/https://speakerdeck.com/tammybutowhttps://slofile.com/slack/chaosengineering


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