How to scale Performance Engineering in enterprises with Roman Ferstl

PurePerformance show

Summary: Performance Engineering is not about running a performance test twice a year. That is just a poor attempt trying to validate your non functional requirements.<br><br>Roman Ferstl, Managing Directory at Triscon, has discovered his love for performance engineering while optimizing code for software used in a space program. He then founded Triscon who is now helping to establish and scale performance engineering at large enterprises. In this episode we get his insights on how he approaches a new project, which bottlenecks to address first and how to motivate more people within an organization to invest in performance engineering.<br><br>If you want to learn more don’t miss to check out Roman’s presentation from Perform 2021 titled “Turbocharging your Performance Engineering teams to scale efficiently”<br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a><br><br><a href="" rel="noopener"></a>