The Hartmann Report show

The Hartmann Report

Summary: The Hartmann Report is an independent daily podcast hosted by award winning, author, radio & TV host Thom Hartmann. Thom’s podcast highlights the bigger picture behind politics, science and culture through discussion and debate. Catch Thom’s live show Monday through Friday noon ET / 9am PT-

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  • Artist: Thom Hartmann
  • Copyright: © copyright 2017 Mythical Research, Inc


 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/04/19 - Is the media's coverage of Elizabeth Warren fair, or can it even be fair given the biases in our culture towards women? And Dr. Richard Wolff takes the pulse of the economy while Like Vargas watches the | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:13

Despite cable media's piling-on of criticism of Elizabeth Warren's ancestry test, it turns out that no Native American elected leaders were asked in the national coverage. When leaders were asked, all supported Warren and yet consensus of the so called debacle continues. Thom continues the conversation on gender and race with his brilliant callers. ---------- Marxist economist Dr. Richard Wolff gives an update on economic news and Thom takes listeners' phone questions. --------- Luke Vargas reports on Talk Media News has the skinny of Chinese tariff negotiations and how the Saudis are handling the Khashoggi killers.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/03/19 - As Nancy Pelosi officially becomes speaker of the House, and Elizabeth Warren explores her options as president, today a vigorous discussion on the subtle and not-so-subtle biases towards women in power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:57

Ass-kicker Nancy Pelosi is now officially the Speaker of the House, and prepared to go toe-to-toe with Trump. And while the partial government shutdown drags on, the president worries he might look foolish. ------- Peter Beinhart joins Thom, his article in The Atlantic considers the degree of bias against Elizabeth Warren in the media, and how she might be considered more fairly. ------- Thom carries on an enthusiastic discussion with diverse callers on the extent of gender and racial bias in our society in 2019. ------- We find out what is the real deal about 'PayGo' from former congressman Bob Ney.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/02/19 - Politics starts with a bang as Elizabeth Warren debuts her Progressive agenda and likely presidential run. But can her issues get a fair hearing? Harry Reid says Trump is amoral. And Food and Water Watch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:09

Elizabeth Warren appears ready to toss her hat in the ring with a campaign issues video. Thom considers her as the first authentically progressive candidate since Jimmy Carter. ------- Thom reads from 'Playing with Fire' by Lawrence O'Donell. ------- Will Elizabeth Warren be able to run on the issues, or will she be judged superficially? Thoughtful callers respond. And, how can we implement the Progressive's 'Green New Deal?' ------- Harry Reid's article in the NY Times asked 'is Trump immoral or amoral?' Thom thinks the Donald is a functioning sociopath. ------- Patty Lovera of Food and Water Watch on Trump appointee's dismantling of USDA regulations that protect the public. ------- Ellen Rattner from Talk Media News is here again with day's most interesting headlines!

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/01/19 - Today, a robust discussion on immigration from down south, Trump's wall fixation, and how Ronald Reagan used undocumented workers to bust unions. Then- from Trump's new Boeing Secretary of Defense, to Go | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:33

Thom calls out Trump for flagrantly violated the Hatch act by using a photo-op with the troops to trash talk the Democrats' lack of support for building a wall. But is this giant project practical or worth the effort? Callers, including a Texas rancher with waterfront on the Rio Grande respond thoughtfully on what impact this proposed project would really have. And Thom shows how Ronald Reagan's union-busting policies are really to blame for mass Hispanic immigration. --------- John Nichols drops in with his most recent article for The Nation magazine, an expose on Trump's acting Secretary of Defense. ------------ Thom reads from Ralph Nader's book 'Breaking Through Power- It's Easier than We Think.' ----------- Professor Robert Reich appears on the show to argue that we must return to enforcing antitrust laws to restore competition and save capitalism from itself.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/31/18 - As we stand on the doorstep of a new year, what does the climate science say the future is likely to have in store for us? Carbon emissions are increasing everywhere but Europe, and Republicans continue | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:14

Climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann is back with the current science, and also specifics on what we need to do to avoid catastrophe.--------- Thom runs us through the state of the world as climate change has already started to bite into the world economy. - Lisa in Ohio wonders if we are witnessing the fall of our civilization. John in Vancouver wonders if we are capable of shifting enough to save the planet. He and Thom agree that buying local is key. And Marta in Big Bear, California argues that a Progressive Green New Deal could save the world that neoliberalism seems intent on consuming. ---------- Thom reads from the 2018 edition of his book 'Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight: The Fate of the World and What We Can Do Before It's Too Late'. -------- Thom interviews Mia K. Van Rossum, author of a new book 'The Green Amendment: Securing Our Right to a Healthy Environment'. ------ Thom's take on some of the latest environmental news, including Trump's rollback of the mercury rule for coal-fired power plants. And Trump thinks letting oil producers flare off carcinogens is a great idea too. ---------- Jacob in Baltimore says a Green New Deal isn't enough, we also need a Global Green Marshall Plan to help nations develop cleanly and win goodwill for our country. Chris in Oakland thinks solar power could get us out of the Middle East for good. ------ Rudy in Georgia says we much change or go extinct. Tom in Indiana wonders if somebody might be testing us to see if we're worthy of settling space.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/28/18 - Economics Richard Wolff thinks we might be on the verge of the recession that was only delayed by government intervention in 2008. And Thom notices that all they talk about on cable news is personality, | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:06

Thom speaks with Economics Professor Richard Wolff on whether a worldwide recession or depression is likely. Dr. Wolff points out that the capitalist economy crashes every eight to ten years, and although there have been many proposed solutions over the years. nothing seems to be working. Thom and the professor speculate on what might done to fix it. ------------ After an injury makes Thom spend extra time with the cable news channels- he's shocked at the near-complete lack of actual issues discussed. Callers and Thom think up alternatives. ------------ Trump's manipulations, lies and insanity deepen. Specifics given. ------------ Thom reads from 'Thunderdome Politics- An Uncivil War' by Greg Seargeant. ------------ Callers challenge Thom. ------------ Brit-watcher Victoria Jones catches us up with the latest moves towards Brexit.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/27/18 - Thom and Rep Mark Pocan field listener questions as the government shutdown continues. Thom speaks with's Candice Berndt on First Step Act. And what happened to "Politics Stops at the Wat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:26

Thom reviews Thomas Friedman's recent opinion piece in The New York Times, "Time for G.O.P. to Threaten to Fire Trump" and ponders what's worse- Trump's crimes or his temperament? Why aren't Republicans outraged? A Democratic Prez could not get away with behaving the same way. And what happened to "Politics Stops at the Water's Edge?" Is Trump violating the Hatch Act? ----------- Thom welcomes's Candice Berndt, who has been looking at the 'First Step Act' that somehow just ends up helping rich criminals stay out of jail. -------- Callers try to put arch-Progressive Representative Mark Pocan against the wall, but he and Thom use their twin super-powers of facts and reason to escape. Timely and interesting calls. ------- Thom reads from his book 'Thresholds', from the chapter 'Sociopathic Paychecks.' --------- The fascinating conversation with Representative Mark Pocan continues. ------- Morris in Long Beach sings us towards justice.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/26/18 - What's the Price Americans Pay for Privatization of the Commons? Thom answers listener questions and gives his take on the latest news. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:19

What's the Price Americans Pay for Privatization of the Commons? Did Romans "The Fall of the Roman Empire" Pay the Same Price? Thom gives his take on the recent news including the more important impact of Donald debunking Santa to children and a new report which indicates that Trump's bone spurs were a lie all along.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/25/18 - As evidence for the ongoing insect apocalypse piles up (but not on our windshields), Dr. Michael Mann is here with the climate science. And Thom connects back to the root problem of unfettered greed. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:12

Thom looks carefully at the science and evidence that we are watching a crash of insect populations around the world. But is this part and parcel with the decline of all life on earth? What is the real cause? -------- Climatologist Dr. Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center speaks with Thom about the recent scientific studies on global climate change and the stark choice between carbon alternatives... or ruin. -------- The ongoing extinctions across the planet are ultimately caused by wealth inequality, a system propped up by elite political power based on manipulating the population via race baiting. But people are starting to see through the lies. -------- Listeners phone in to discuss with Thom questions on climate change, sustainable energy efficiency and the significance of wide-scale human transitioning to a lower carbon lifestyle, including plant-based food instead of funding the extraordinary amount of land farmed with carbon fuels to produce animal feed.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/24/18 - Today, Thom's take on Christmas! Is paganism on the rise? Is James Madison's nightmare of government corrupting Christianity coming true? Interesting callers chime in throughout. Where did Santa Claus co | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:10

Fascinating episode. Merry XMAS!

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/21/18 - Geopolitics is in a tizzy as an economic crisis looms, while Trump plays his border-wall fiddle to distract attention from his plan to abandon our Syrian allies over the objections of, well, almost every | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:36

Dr Richard Wolff and Thom think the crash made inevitable by the Great Recession bailout may be upon us. Evidence is given. -------- Turkey's dictator says he will delay his planned slaughter of the Kurds. What does this mean for the region? And as Trump is willing to partially shut down the government, supposedly for his border wall dream- Thom thinks this is all distraction from the way Trump's family will profit from sacrificing the Kurds to Turkey. Thom gives a clarifying short synopsis of the Syrian conflict in response to caller Matt's inquiry. Thom engages callers on how this all relates to geopolitics, the price of oil, the Saudis, and central American immigrants. ---------------- Former Department of Homeland Security Analyst and owner of DT Analytics, Daryl Johnson has studied right-wing terrorism, and he's here to warn us that the federal government is not monitoring them at all. He argues the primary yet unacknowledged terrorist threat to Americans comes from white, right wing extremists. ----------- Thom reads from Edward Nell's book 'Poverty and Progress in Economics'. -------------- After a call from Turkey, Trump fought his own staff to pull out of Syria- what really went down? Luke Vargas, the chief Foreign Correspondent for Talk Media News, has the real story.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/20/18 - As history continues today, Progressives think deeply about how to turn its arc towards justice- today featuring congresswoman and presidential hopeful Maryann Williamson, legal scholar Lisa Graves, Cong | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:22

Congresswoman and deep thinker Maryann Williamson is with Thom on her possible run for the president. Her view is that we need to have a much wider discussion than just hating on Trump - we need to fight the re-establishment of an economic aristocracy that constantly works against true democracy. And Madison in Portland chimes in. ------- Lisa Graves, author and legal scholar, makes the case that the Senate Judiciary Committee has a legal obligation to recall Brett Kavanaugh for lying to the Senate- and what you can do to help.  ------- TRIGGER WARNING - Anybody who has lost a loved one to the global war on Christmas should not listen to this segment. ------- Talk Media News joins us once again, in the person of Bob Ney. Immigration and our sudden withdrawal from Syria are the subject matter.  ------- Thom reads from 'It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration is Doing to America' by David J. Kosten.  ------- Jeff Merkley, Senator from Oregon, champions the cause of immigrant children still held in prison camps near the Texas-Mexico border.  ------- Keeping up to date with the Conways and Trumpses. ------- John in Ohio says things are going ok. ------- Finally, Thom looks at two more important stories in the news today.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/19/18 - As progressives position themselves to take control of the House of Representatives, issues such as banning assault weapons come to the fore. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:35

Thom discusses the new bump stock ban with Craig DeLuz, Director of Legislative & Public Affairs at the Firearms Policy Coalition.------Wisconsin Representative Mark Pocan joins Thom to answer listener calls about the remaining session of Congress and upcoming transition, the threat of government shut down, health care legislation and more. ------Listeners call-in on subjects including guns and weapons ban.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/18/18 - From Dick Cheney to Trump, rich people have so often had their authoritarian fangs sunk deep in the veins of American working people. But are their economic ponzi schemes unraveling in front of our eyes? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:32

Seven year old Jakelin Caal's death was brought about from dehydration after being denied water in ICE custody. Her death brings a human face to Donald Trump and Stephen Miller's inhuman border policies. How Neoliberal Economics are Creating a Financial Freeze. 2018 ends with the first month since November 2008 where not a single company has borrowed money from the United States high yield corporate bond market. ----------------------------- The Curious Case of Jerome Corsi. Thom interviews Jerome Corsi, author of Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Muellers Witch Hunt, and asks what may be the significance of his testimony to the special prosecutor. Jerome Corsi fashions himself a political prisoner under attack by the Mueller investigation for what he says are partisan reasons. ------------------------------------- VICE : How Bad a Criminal was Dick Cheney? Adam McKay, the writer & director of the new movie, VICE, exploring the vices of former vice president Dick Cheney, joins the program to answer the question.--------------------------------------- Larry Cohen of "Our Revolution" brings an update of the Democracy Initiative. ----------------------------------- Luke Vargas with Talk Media News gives his report.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/17/18 - Is the economy about to tank? With the "The Foreclosure King" fat cat Steve Mnuchin as Trump's Secretary of the Treasury, what could go wrong? Meanwhile- the Affordable Care Act struck down by a judge, G | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:14

Thom looks at signs that we may be on the verge of a re-run of the 2008 financial crisis. David Dayan, author of 'Fat Cat- The Steve Mnuchin Story' has been studying the scam banker who has become fabulously rich exploiting tricks of the financial industry. A man called 'The Foreclosure King' is now the president's Treasury Secretary as the economy begins to tank. What could go wrong? Thom presents a survey of major CEOs that found that even they feel Trump is running our economy into the ground. Bob Ney with Talk Media News is concerned how Congress will respond to a Texas judge striking down the Affordable Care Act. Greg Palast updates us on the crazy case of the elections in Georgia. Robert Wolfson, founder of 'Writers Action Group' is helping Progressive Democrats communicate better. Thom takes fascinating calls on the subjects of proportional representation, communicating climate change, and the Affordable Care Act.


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