The Hartmann Report show

The Hartmann Report

Summary: The Hartmann Report is an independent daily podcast hosted by award winning, author, radio & TV host Thom Hartmann. Thom’s podcast highlights the bigger picture behind politics, science and culture through discussion and debate. Catch Thom’s live show Monday through Friday noon ET / 9am PT-

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  • Artist: Thom Hartmann
  • Copyright: © copyright 2017 Mythical Research, Inc


 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/25/19 - Thom talks inequality and frames significance of Roger Stone indictment: While Trump's billionaire Treasury Secretary thinks furloughed employees could just get a loan, the financial reality for working | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:55

Kate Pickett, Dr Richard Wolff, Thom Hartmann

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/24/19 - Today, how Progressives can deliver their message more effectively. Roger Wolfson says Democrats try to win with facts and logic, but often fail to communicate because they forget about the heart. Thom | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:26

Roger Wolfson, Thom Hartmann

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/23/19 - Kids are growing up in an America where hateful white supremacy seems to be endorsed from on-high. America responds to a video of teenagers mocking a native American peacemaker in the nation's capitol. S | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:52

Mark Pocan, Ellen Rattner of Talk Media

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/22/19 - Wait a minute- Is Trump secretly trying to break the FBI with the government shutdown?? And in the new Conversations with Great Minds segment: After returning from Iraq to his native Alaska, reporter Dah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:47

Shutdown Crisis: Is Trump trying to break the FBI or all of government? Why is the GOP voting to give millions to Deripaska but won't end shutdown? Author Dahr Jamail talks in person with Thom on the subject of his new book 'The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption.' Dahr argues that we must ultimately take an attitude to our planet more like the indigenous peoples of the earth. Thom describes the history of the Maori and other ancient peoples and the steps their cultures passed through before learning to live in harmony with nature. In the book club, Thom reads a harrowing chapter from Dahr Jamail's new book ' The End of Ice. ' Senator Jeff Merkley speaks with Thom about the refugee family separations at the border and how the Trump regime took deliberate actions to harm. Luke Vargas of Talk Media News gives an update on Venezuela. Thom and listener callers analyze the impact of the shutdown.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/21/19 - The tangled web behind Dr. King's assassination with hard-core researcher and author Lamar Waldron. Uncovered history of how it happened and the connections to Trump's former CIA lawyer Attorney General | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:39

A fascinating deep dive with author and hard-core researcher Lamar Waldron, author and co-author with Thom of numerous books on the related coverups of the MLK & JFK assasinations, Iran Contra, and other crimes. Also, the connection to the former CIA lawyer William Bar who is presently candidate for Attorney General. ---- Thom reads from 'Legacy of Secrecy' by Lamar Waldron and also by Thom himself ---- Scott in Kansas connects the diversity of presidential candidates to diverse superheroes in movies today. Then, Thom flashes back to Lindsey Graham's very public insistance on Bill Clinton's impeachment for the crime of lying about sex- not quite his standard for Don Trump these days. Caller Jan is concerned for Michael Cohen's safety after Trump's tweet threat, reminding Thom of the mysterious witness dissapearances of those who threatened Reagan and Bush. And Sharon in Minnesota says the Constitutional does not specify the President can not be indicted. ---- Finally, Bob Ney of Talk Media News with the stories behind the day's headlines.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/18/19 - Trump's many lies bump up against evidence, facts, and science. Thom discusses the bombshell evidence of at least two broad cases of impeachable criminal lies demonstrated in FBI and New York criminal in | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:49

Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies.... A leaked memo proves that Trump's people lied to congress when they claimed there was no intentional program to take kids from their refugee parents at the border. And Thom covers the bombshell evidence the FBI has discovered of impeachable criminal lies; Trump directly instructed persons- including Cohen and his family- to tell congress about Trump's Russia ties. And there is another impeachable high crime; federal prosecutors in New York have released specific evidence that Trump illegally paid money to hush up his former lovers using campaign dollars and for campaign purposes. ----- Why is the human mind so vulnerable to 'devious communication'? Psychologist Bryan Welch looks at the events that have created two separate realities- the world of Trump supporters and the world of his critics. Thom discusses his new book 'State of Confusion: Assault on the American Mind'. ----- Author of the book 'Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator'- Dr. Greg Jackzo- argues that nuclear power is not practical or sustainable. ----- Thom reads from Jackzo's book. Callers chime in. ----- Luke Vargas of Talk Media News has been keeping up with the trouble American negotiators are having in Syria and North Korea considering the random and unpredictable actions of our president, and especially given his constant lies. ----- Callers respond interestingly to issues raised during the show.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/17/19 - American billionaire fantasy that we can have a country without a government runs up against economic reality as the Trump shake down continues. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:20

Richard Wolff, Bob Ney, Mark Pocan, Thom Hartmann

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/16/19 - The increasing income inequality in America has damaging consequences for real people, and as automation and outsourcing seem set to increase, what could be a solution? Andrew Yang argues it could be a | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Presidential candidate and author Andrew Yang argues that a universal basic income (UBI) is the solution to many of our basic economic problems. He and Thom have a fascinating discussion. ---In today's book club, Andrew Yang's 'The War on Normal People. ---The feasibility of autonomous trucks from the perspective of Bryan in Connecticut, a truck driver. And the discussion continues with our insightful callers. ---Thom word-wrestles with conservative Julio Rivera on the question of inequality of income in America. ---Ellen Rattner of Talk Media News has her ear to the ground, and she's hearing alot of things. ---Thom tears stories from the news, now and then- from the discovery that the oceans are absorbing global warming heat, to former CIA lawyer and later US Attorney General Bill Barr's New York Times cover story from back in the day when he buried Iran-Contra. And callers join in the conversation.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/15/19 - Bill Barr- a man with a history of hiding presidential crimes- is Trump's nominee for attorney general. Thom details Barr's history from covert CIA operative to mass incarceration cheerleader back as | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:02

Trump's latest candidate for attorney general goes before Congress, but who is this guy? Thom reminds us of Bill Barr's history as the former CIA lawyer and Bush insider who was the coverup artist for Iran/Contra. And how does rampant federal corruption tie into Pompeo and Pence seriously expecting Jesus to make all things new? ----- The Brexit deal is heating up, Luke Vargas has the scoop on British Prime Minister Teresa May's plans, and the response of opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn. Plus: Bill Barr's crime coverup resume. ------ We hear briefly from Corey Booker at the attorney general hearing. And, more details on Barr's Bush/CIA inner circle career. ------ Progressive Caucus leader Congressman Ro Khanna takes perceptive listener calls on the politics of the day. ------ Thom reads from 'The Inner Level: How More Equal Societies Reduce Stress, Restore Sanity, and Improve Everyone's Well-Being.' ------- Thom details how former CIA operative Bill Barr orchestrated the burial of the Iran-Contra crimes, and how during his former attorney general gig under HW Bush he helped create the massive levels of incarceration that begun in the 90s. We hear from thoughtful callers and Kamala Harris too.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/14/19 - The government protects the common person from the power of the rich- both foreign and domestic. In a case of whodunnit?, Thom asks whether Trump is sold out to local oligarchs like the Koch brothers, Ru | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:58

We now know the FBI has had reason to investigate Trump's financial obligations to the Russian government since at least 2016. And, financial ties have been demonstrated between foreign governments and some key Republican players in Congress. Thom asks who is really pulling the strings? Could it be oligarchs abroad, and/or at home? Does the federal shutdown further the mission of billionaires to create a disrespect for government generally? ----- Thom keenly discusses his thesis with callers, adding detail and dimension to his argument. ----- The discussion gets heated when Thom takes on conservative commentator Charles Sauer and the reality and causes of inequality in this country. ----- Thom reads from 'The Women's Suffrage Movement', a collection of essays on historic social justice activism.  ----- Thom discusses the Los Angeles teacher's strike in the context of the struggle for freedom from oligarchic power. ----- Thom gets former Republican Congressman Bob Ney's take on just who Trump is sold out to. Plus, John Bolton asks the Pentagon to plan going to war with Iran.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/11/19 - On the 75th anniversary of the 2nd Bill of Rights, Thom reflects on FDR's vision versus Trump's reality. Thom discusses with listeners what a state of emergency would mean for America, and what is the re | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:54

Thom reflects on the 75th anniversary of FDR's 2nd Bill of Rights of considers that vision versus the conditions of today and more news stories. Thom holds a spirited discussion with thoughtful listeners while discussing that Trump lied on TV and made no real effort to compromise with Congress. Professor Richard Wolff shares his insight on what chance Democratic proposals to require pharmaceuticals to limit their price gouging have of passing. Thom discusses with listeners what a state of emergency would mean for America, and what is the reality now for unpaid federal employees. A reading from 'Notes on a Nervous Planet' by Matt Hague. Luke Vargas from Talk Media News updates Thom on the military's mixed command signals on the pull out from Syria and the implications of the Huawei executive arrested in Poland on spying charges.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/10/19 - Will Trump use emergency powers to bypass Congressional disagreement over his wall obsession? What can be done to maintain the constitution's checks and balances, and what should Progressive strate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:02

Thom explores the potential dangers if Trump succeeds at gaining emergency powers and where it will end. Mark Pocan, co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus takes listener calls on the politics of the government shutdown. Former Republican congressman Bob Ney of Talk Media News briefs Thom on the history of presidential use of Emergency Powers, and they consider the state of play of the ever-moving chess board.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/09/19 - Thom argues that although brazenness often makes great presidents, Trump lacks the critical rest of the toolkit, especially empathy. Thom's callers discuss the situation as Trump thoughtlessly uses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:55

In Thom's take today: Brazenness is a leadership quality shared by many great presidents. Although, as Trump scores high on brazenness, yet Trump doesn't have the rest of the presidential toolkit including morality, intelligence, introspection, empathy, and foresight. Thom looks at how this deficit may be a threat to us all. Caller Paulette adds the word 'indifference', which Thom says is the opposite of love, an even more destructive than hatred. Caller Fred has experience in the evangelical movement, but he's pretty pissed about the corrupt way they are supporting Trump. Caller Rudy says racism is in the DNA of this country, and Trump is hurting the standing of white America with other groups. Thom continues today's town hall discussion as Trump tries to work the 'wall thing' BS for his next presidential campaign. Ellen Rattner with Talk Media News has had her ear to the ground, and brings us the latest headlines. Thom reads from Ocean Robbin's new book, 'The 31 Day Food Revolution.' Thom continues today's town hall discussion with thoughtful callers, on the subjects including of Trump, racism and immigration.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/08/19 - How does Democracy work when the news is owned by corporations and billionaires? Is this why they obsess over scandal, celebrity, and horse race instead of real issues?.. the way the media has treated OA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:54

Thom introduces the idea that most of our media is fundamentally corrupt, and the way they misreported OAC's tax ideas is a clear example of this. --------- George in Illinois adds that the major corporate Spanish networks also skew the news.------ Thom welcomes Pulitzer-winning Art Cullen, a small town reporter in Iowa. A discussion on the fact that the national media barely reported the unprecedented crowds welcoming Elizabeth Warren and her critique of corporate power. ------- The discussion of media corruption rolls along between Thom and his callers.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/07/19 - Progressives hone their strategy as Trump continues to milk Latin American refugees for political gain. Author Greg Grandin joins to Thom to discuss what he calls the 'catastrophe' in central America fr | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:02

0:00 - Thom welcomes Greg Grandin, author of 'The End of the Myth from the Frontier to the Border Wall'- a fascinating description of the way both secret and overt American intervention in Latin America has created the flow of refugees that Trump is exploiting for his own purposes. Listeners add their own fascinating dimensions as they chime in. ----16:02 - Thom reads from 'Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator' by Gregory B. Jaczko ----21:33 - Thom has a fascinating talk with listeners about Progressive strategy in responding to Trump's crazy. ----30:30 - The conversaton continues, as Congressman Mark Pocan responds to listener challenges. ----37:41 - Then- as the president's cabinet officials get $10,000 per month raises, even as many ordinary federal workers are out on furlough. Thom extends the conversation to the sometimes harsh economic reality Americans are facing. But hope is on the horizon as the blue wave continues to roll ashore... right? ----48:25 - Former Congressman Bob Ney from Talk Media News brings his insight on the constantly moving chessboard in Washington. ----54:46 - Callers close out the hour with theories and proposals.


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