Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 01/16/19 - The increasing income inequality in America has damaging consequences for real people, and as automation and outsourcing seem set to increase, what could be a solution? Andrew Yang argues it could be a

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Presidential candidate and author Andrew Yang argues that a universal basic income (UBI) is the solution to many of our basic economic problems. He and Thom have a fascinating discussion. ---In today's book club, Andrew Yang's 'The War on Normal People. ---The feasibility of autonomous trucks from the perspective of Bryan in Connecticut, a truck driver. And the discussion continues with our insightful callers. ---Thom word-wrestles with conservative Julio Rivera on the question of inequality of income in America. ---Ellen Rattner of Talk Media News has her ear to the ground, and she's hearing alot of things. ---Thom tears stories from the news, now and then- from the discovery that the oceans are absorbing global warming heat, to former CIA lawyer and later US Attorney General Bill Barr's New York Times cover story from back in the day when he buried Iran-Contra. And callers join in the conversation.