Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/31/18 - As we stand on the doorstep of a new year, what does the climate science say the future is likely to have in store for us? Carbon emissions are increasing everywhere but Europe, and Republicans continue

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann is back with the current science, and also specifics on what we need to do to avoid catastrophe.--------- Thom runs us through the state of the world as climate change has already started to bite into the world economy. - Lisa in Ohio wonders if we are witnessing the fall of our civilization. John in Vancouver wonders if we are capable of shifting enough to save the planet. He and Thom agree that buying local is key. And Marta in Big Bear, California argues that a Progressive Green New Deal could save the world that neoliberalism seems intent on consuming. ---------- Thom reads from the 2018 edition of his book 'Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight: The Fate of the World and What We Can Do Before It's Too Late'. -------- Thom interviews Mia K. Van Rossum, author of a new book 'The Green Amendment: Securing Our Right to a Healthy Environment'. ------ Thom's take on some of the latest environmental news, including Trump's rollback of the mercury rule for coal-fired power plants. And Trump thinks letting oil producers flare off carcinogens is a great idea too. ---------- Jacob in Baltimore says a Green New Deal isn't enough, we also need a Global Green Marshall Plan to help nations develop cleanly and win goodwill for our country. Chris in Oakland thinks solar power could get us out of the Middle East for good. ------ Rudy in Georgia says we much change or go extinct. Tom in Indiana wonders if somebody might be testing us to see if we're worthy of settling space.