The Hartmann Report show

The Hartmann Report

Summary: The Hartmann Report is an independent daily podcast hosted by award winning, author, radio & TV host Thom Hartmann. Thom’s podcast highlights the bigger picture behind politics, science and culture through discussion and debate. Catch Thom’s live show Monday through Friday noon ET / 9am PT-

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  • Artist: Thom Hartmann
  • Copyright: © copyright 2017 Mythical Research, Inc


 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/12/2018 - In this mixed up world where the murder-hungry Saudis are our buddies, and Mitt Rommney spits out some deep pro-Trump wisdom... Thom chews on 'America First' with a sharp woman who wrote the book on th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:24

Thom's take on the headlines of the day- Saudis, BPA in the blood of retail workers, Mitt Romney, and a sneaky caller. ------- Thom speaks with Sarah Churchwell, professor of American literature at the University of London about her new book, Behold, America: The Entangled History of "America First." and "the American Dream". Thom reads a chapter from Sarah Churchwell's book. ------- Congressman Ro Khanna of California's 17th District answers listener calls with Thom about voter suppression, ending the electoral college and the upcoming election.   -------- Bob Ney of Talk Media News looks at the Saudi situation through the lens of his personal knowledge of the Middle East. --------- Jill of Montana calls out a Republican troll.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/11/2018 - Thom asks if may as well draw lots maybe, as the Kavanaugh court gets going with some fresh voter suppression- while monster hurricanes prompt some thought over carbon taxes or other options. One of th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:01

Sortition - Thom muses on the idea of picking random lawyers to serve on the Supreme Court, or a random sample of citizens to be in Congress. ---------- Brett Kavanaugh's 5-4 split ruling legalizes one method of voter supression and Hurricane Michael and prisons,  ---------- Would a carbon tax help heal the damage done by carbon companies like Exxon-Mobil? Similarities drawn to the tobacco and asbestos industries ---------- Mark Pocan joins us once again, answering listener calls. Thom asks about the straight-up lies Republicans are putting out there in their massive midterm election spending. Congressman Mark Pocan and Thom answer listener questions about understanding universal health care and how to navigate the disinformation about it being spread by conservatives to manipulate the mid-term vote. ---------- Luke Vargas with Talk Media News brings us headlines- Malaysia and the death penalty compared to red and blue U.S. states, dueling Eastern Orthodox Churches, and Chinese intelligence assets.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/10/2018 - Typical Wednesday headlines in 2018: The latest category 5 hurricane, voter suppression news, Saudi corruption & murder, Syria, Trump's latest lie, Ron Paul... and way too much more. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:45

Thom explains the impact of the new ICCP report, climate change, Hurricane Michael and the possibilities of a carbon tax. ---- Greg Palast is always excited to talk about the vast ballot purge the Republicans are rolling out across the country. ---- Then Thom reads from Medea Benjamin's 'Kingdom of the Unjust- Behind the US-Saudi Connection'. . ---- Next- after the likely murder of US resident and US-Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi embassy in Turkey, Thom speaks with a Code Pink activist Paki Weiland fresh from a large protest outside the Saudi embassy in Washington. . ---- Callers on many issues. . ---- And Ellen Rattner of Talk Media News again dishes the scuttlebutt on today's headlines. . ---- And finally, Bill in Kansas and Thom on the cult of personality built around Trump. 

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/09/2018 - Politics is the new Reality TV. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:56

Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/09/2018 - Politics is the new Reality TV.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/08/2018 - As Kavanaugh is sworn in multiple times, what is the state of play of the generational strategy being played by the right-wing billionaires, and how can progressives respond in November? Plus, journal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:48

In the wake of the 50-48 Senate vote to put Republican operative Brett Kavanaugh on the supreme court, Thom breaks down the fallout from the vote for Heidi Heitkamp and Joe Manchin. Thom touches on Mike Pence and Columbus Day. And then, Brett Kavanaugh's multiple swearing ins concrete the majority conservative Supreme Court, but does that mean we're losing? Will the November election challenge or support the strategy that wealthy white men are using to hang on to their power? Trumps does his bit using his enormous talent for lying.----Thom reads from 'Warrior Is' by Harley L. Zephier and Robin L. Zephier. ----- Listener Laura engages Thom as to what the conservatives' next moves will be, and how progressives should respond. ----- Thom looks at the bigger picture of the political battle for women's rights. ----- Congressman Bob Ney of Talk Media News touches on two stories of people abducted by their governments. ----- Thom continues the thread of conservative's cynical strategy to get power. Could a one-vote margin, and the activation of women's outrage actually be a win for progressives? ----- Listener Heather asks what would happen if the Democrats leaked the final FBI investigation of nine of Kavanaugh's old friends. Thom thinks this is not the end of something, but the beginning of something. ----- Thom describes how the Powell memo has led to the modern conservative strategy, and touches again on how it's all about white elite holding on to power. Trump is helping with his blatant lies- 'every single Democrat has signed the Open Borders bill', that doesn't exist. And other lies that have become normalized. ----- Bulgarian journalist raped and murdered for exposing corruption in Bulgaria. ----- Listener Richard takes us back to the Powell memo, its implementation, and the corporate bent of mainstream media. ----- Conservatives and what they want - to neuter, or even punish the media, as well as those who dare to publicly challenge the elite. Could libel laws be used to silence the uppity? ----- More on bias in the corporate media. ----- Caller John calls out the hypocrisy of some Christians, and draws a line from there to the Trumpist Republican culture of corruption. 

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/05/2018 - The votes line up for Kavanaugh with one last push from the billionaire propaganda Faux News machine -- But Mimi Kennedy keeps up the good fight -- What is the state of our economy as predator pol | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:53

Of course there is a huge racist plot again Kavanaugh- what? Or rather, a plot by conservatives to use race to get whites to support Kavanaugh. ----- Actress activist Mimi Kennedy on fighting voter suppression. ----- Would-be aborticide laws in Mike Pence's America ----- Caller Toni says white folks are having a black experience right now. Listener Verity on Predators, Protectors, or Partners... ----- Dr. Richard Wolff on the current state of capitalism. ----- Thom reads from 'The Crash of 2016', on how the Powell memo laid the groundwork for the ongoing conservative takeover. ----- Listener calls:: Supreme Court term limits... The controversy of Conserva-Dems...  ----- Who should replace Diane Feinstein? ----- Luke Vargas of Talk Media News on the confusing Amazon pay raise. ----- Thom reads from his book 'Healing ADD', on healing traumatic memories using Neuro-Linguistic-Programming ----- Caller Paul asks 'What is to become of the assault allegations of Brett Kavanaugh?' : he and Thom kick the issues of the week back and forth. 

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/04/2018 - In science, with TV attack ads, and by outsidering LGBTQs, women, and minorites, Trump and the other rich continue their assault on a free society. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:07

Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/04/2018 - In science, with TV attack ads, and by outsidering LGBTQs, women, and minorites, Trump and the other rich continue their assault on a free society.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/03/2018 - Who did Trump turn to when Daddy's 400 million petered out? Why do conservative white women stick with the Republicans? How did ten percent of the voters in Georgia get dropped? Who are the people stan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:03

0:00 - When rich kid Trump spent all 400+ million dollars he got from his dad, who did he find in the early 2000s to keep bailing him out?  ----- 10:31 - Conservative white women, what are they thinking?   ----- 24:44 - Voter purge investigator Greg Pallast calls from Georgia, where he attempted to ask Bryan Kemp why he has purged ten percent of Geogian voters from the polls.   ----- 34:02 - Thom reads from "Kickback: Exposing the Global Corporate Bribery Network" by David Montero  ----- 40:00 - Thom quotes Lunatica from the Democratic Underground- who are the people standing behind Trump at his rallies? And, with an executive branch unwilling to enforce rules to manage corporations, new regulations remove safety checks put in after the massive Deepwater Horizon spill.   ----- 49:33 - And almost concluding the show today, Talk Media News' Ellen Ratner catches us up with the important and lesser-known headlines with scuttlebutt from Washington insiders.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/02/2018 - Quick Kavanaugh catchup, Jack Bryan on Russian subversives, Laurie Wallach of on the new NAFTA, Congressman Mark Pocan takes the pulse, plus Thom's take on disappearing corporate corrupt | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Thom's take on the many lies of Brett Kavanaugh- the murder conviction Judge Kavanaugh overturned. Who was dating Squi? Who refuted what? Legacy student or not? - - - Documentarian Jack Bryan describes his new movie Active Measures - The Russian Story, documenting Russian involvement in our politics from the 1930s to today. - - - Thom reads to us from 'The Fight for the Four Freedoms - What made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great'. - - - Laurie Wallach from looks at the new Mexico trade deal from a progressive perspective. - - - Congressman Mark Pocan notes that Brett Kavanaugh likes beer- and otherwise checks the zeitgeist of the electorate, answering listener calls. - - - Thom reads his book 'Walking Your Blues Away - How the Heal the Mind and Create Emotional Well-Being.' - - - Thom takes listener calls - Verity in Chicago starts an interesting conversation with Thom about the parasitic and predatory brains out there. Then, who should be trusted to text message every phone in America? - - - Finally, Thom asks why corporate crime convictions are down as much as 90 or even 96 percent?

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/01/2018 - Chris Hedges on the decay of America, the implications of a conservative court, more crazed Kavanaugh craziness, and the Macho Paradox | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:15

Chris Hedges engages with Thom on the subject of his latest book - 'America, the Farewell Tour' - how the decay of American society has led to isolation, alienation, and despair that manifests itself in self-destructive behaviors. Next- with Kavananaugh's nomination for King of the Court up in the air, what will it mean to have a reliable conservative court? Thom runs through the evidence and the history so far in the many pro-business and pro-elite judgments already. Thom digs into Kavanaugh's past shenanigans. Marty in Pennsylvania asks why the court can't be impartial? Thom runs through the deep history of the games politicians have been playing with the court since the 1860s. Then, The macho paradox - what do men have to do to protect themselves from assault versus what women do? Three men respond.  Once again Thom checks in with Bob Ney with Talk Media News, and finally- a listener asks why one of the scandals involving Kavanaugh has been swept under the rug.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/28/2018 - The road to a conservative take over gets rocky with the controversial nominee. But could an even more conservative woman be waiting in the wings? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:16

Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/28/2018 - The road to a conservative take over gets rocky with the controversial nominee. But could an even more conservative woman be waiting in the wings?

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/27/2018 - Trump on the couch as the chances for the conservative takeover turns on Christine Blasey Ford's testimony. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:57

Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/27/2018 - Trump on the couch as the chances for the conservative takeover turns on Christine Blasey Ford's testimony.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/26/2018 - On the eve of the crazy Kavanaugh showdown, how are the billionaires, Russians, and other elites warping our political process to their own ends-- and how can we fight back? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:03

First, yet another accuser piles on Brett Kavanaugh and the Rape-publicans. // Next, Thom interviews Professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson, author of 'Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President' to see what evidence she's compiled that the Russians swayed our election in favor of Trump // Representative Mark Pocan takes listener from the swarm of outraged progressives. // Thom reads from the afterword of 'The American Revolution of 1800' by Dan Sissom. // Talk Media News' Ellen Ratner calls in from the United Nations, where Trump just ran a meeting of the Security Council- Ellen tells us about the conservative woman waiting in Kavanaugh's wings, and Trump's new blood-stocked million dollar limousine, and other stories. // And Thom reminds us what is at stake if the billionaire-libertarian-Republican-grifters get control of the judicial branch of government- and how does that connect to Trump's threats to shut down the FBI investigation into his campaign by potentially firing the Justice Department's Rod Rosenstein? And why are Wilbur Ross, Paul Manafort, and so many others around Trump seem to be tied to Russian money? // Finally, listener Mary asks what it will take for the Democrats to get angry?

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/25/2018 - Big picture Republican strategy: dismantle the modern state through judicial dominance and expanded executive power... with a large dose of voter suppression and manufacturing a crisis with Iran might h | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:41

Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/25/2018 - Big picture Republican strategy: dismantle the modern state through judicial dominance and expanded executive power... with a large dose of voter suppression and manufacturing a crisis with Iran might help while we're at it.

 Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/24/2018 - Do you belive the victims? Corporate capitalism and 'hostile sexism' set the scene, while the accusers pile up, and Democrats pile on a certain Republican operative-wannabe-Supreme. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:59

 As a second and even a third woman comes forward with allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, Thom reaches out to Maya Raghu of the National Women's Law Group, originators of the Believe Survivors project. Listeners respond.  Thom reads from the forward he wrote for 'All The World's a Stage', the biography of Dennis Weaver. Bob Ney of Talk Media News brings his deep analysis of the headlines. Morris from Los Angeles asks about impeaching Supreme Court Justices, and other listeners call about Kavanaugh. Political commentator Chauncey Devega weighs in on the concepts of 'hostile sexism' and 'corporate democracy'.  And finally, listener Jack brings us back to Kavanaugh - can a man really change his nature as he ages?


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