Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/01/2018 - Chris Hedges on the decay of America, the implications of a conservative court, more crazed Kavanaugh craziness, and the Macho Paradox

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Chris Hedges engages with Thom on the subject of his latest book - 'America, the Farewell Tour' - how the decay of American society has led to isolation, alienation, and despair that manifests itself in self-destructive behaviors. Next- with Kavananaugh's nomination for King of the Court up in the air, what will it mean to have a reliable conservative court? Thom runs through the evidence and the history so far in the many pro-business and pro-elite judgments already. Thom digs into Kavanaugh's past shenanigans. Marty in Pennsylvania asks why the court can't be impartial? Thom runs through the deep history of the games politicians have been playing with the court since the 1860s. Then, The macho paradox - what do men have to do to protect themselves from assault versus what women do? Three men respond.  Once again Thom checks in with Bob Ney with Talk Media News, and finally- a listener asks why one of the scandals involving Kavanaugh has been swept under the rug.