Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 9/24/2018 - Do you belive the victims? Corporate capitalism and 'hostile sexism' set the scene, while the accusers pile up, and Democrats pile on a certain Republican operative-wannabe-Supreme.

The Hartmann Report show

Summary:  As a second and even a third woman comes forward with allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, Thom reaches out to Maya Raghu of the National Women's Law Group, originators of the Believe Survivors project. Listeners respond.  Thom reads from the forward he wrote for 'All The World's a Stage', the biography of Dennis Weaver. Bob Ney of Talk Media News brings his deep analysis of the headlines. Morris from Los Angeles asks about impeaching Supreme Court Justices, and other listeners call about Kavanaugh. Political commentator Chauncey Devega weighs in on the concepts of 'hostile sexism' and 'corporate democracy'.  And finally, listener Jack brings us back to Kavanaugh - can a man really change his nature as he ages?