Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 10/10/2018 - Typical Wednesday headlines in 2018: The latest category 5 hurricane, voter suppression news, Saudi corruption & murder, Syria, Trump's latest lie, Ron Paul... and way too much more.

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Thom explains the impact of the new ICCP report, climate change, Hurricane Michael and the possibilities of a carbon tax. ---- Greg Palast is always excited to talk about the vast ballot purge the Republicans are rolling out across the country. ---- Then Thom reads from Medea Benjamin's 'Kingdom of the Unjust- Behind the US-Saudi Connection'. . ---- Next- after the likely murder of US resident and US-Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi embassy in Turkey, Thom speaks with a Code Pink activist Paki Weiland fresh from a large protest outside the Saudi embassy in Washington. . ---- Callers on many issues. . ---- And Ellen Rattner of Talk Media News again dishes the scuttlebutt on today's headlines. . ---- And finally, Bill in Kansas and Thom on the cult of personality built around Trump.