Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/25/18 - As evidence for the ongoing insect apocalypse piles up (but not on our windshields), Dr. Michael Mann is here with the climate science. And Thom connects back to the root problem of unfettered greed.

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Thom looks carefully at the science and evidence that we are watching a crash of insect populations around the world. But is this part and parcel with the decline of all life on earth? What is the real cause? -------- Climatologist Dr. Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center speaks with Thom about the recent scientific studies on global climate change and the stark choice between carbon alternatives... or ruin. -------- The ongoing extinctions across the planet are ultimately caused by wealth inequality, a system propped up by elite political power based on manipulating the population via race baiting. But people are starting to see through the lies. -------- Listeners phone in to discuss with Thom questions on climate change, sustainable energy efficiency and the significance of wide-scale human transitioning to a lower carbon lifestyle, including plant-based food instead of funding the extraordinary amount of land farmed with carbon fuels to produce animal feed.