Thom Hartmann Program - 1 Hour Edition - 12/20/18 - As history continues today, Progressives think deeply about how to turn its arc towards justice- today featuring congresswoman and presidential hopeful Maryann Williamson, legal scholar Lisa Graves, Cong

The Hartmann Report show

Summary: Congresswoman and deep thinker Maryann Williamson is with Thom on her possible run for the president. Her view is that we need to have a much wider discussion than just hating on Trump - we need to fight the re-establishment of an economic aristocracy that constantly works against true democracy. And Madison in Portland chimes in. ------- Lisa Graves, author and legal scholar, makes the case that the Senate Judiciary Committee has a legal obligation to recall Brett Kavanaugh for lying to the Senate- and what you can do to help.  ------- TRIGGER WARNING - Anybody who has lost a loved one to the global war on Christmas should not listen to this segment. ------- Talk Media News joins us once again, in the person of Bob Ney. Immigration and our sudden withdrawal from Syria are the subject matter.  ------- Thom reads from 'It's Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration is Doing to America' by David J. Kosten.  ------- Jeff Merkley, Senator from Oregon, champions the cause of immigrant children still held in prison camps near the Texas-Mexico border.  ------- Keeping up to date with the Conways and Trumpses. ------- John in Ohio says things are going ok. ------- Finally, Thom looks at two more important stories in the news today.