Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Vintage Homeschool Moms

Summary: Vintage Homeschool Moms preserves the best of the past while blessing future generations with the fruit that comes from putting God first and using experience as a teacher. Tune in with a chance to ask your own questions during the live events. You host, Felice Gerwitz, is a Christian wife, mother, and educator-turned-homeschool-mom in 1986. She began homeschooling as a trial and never looked back. The topics will range from home education, child rearing, enterprising moms , SAHM (Stay at Home Moms), WAHM (Work at Home Moms), and so much more. Best yet, design your own show! Drop Felice a note and let her know what you’d like to hear.

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 Overcome Holiday Stress | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:18

Overcome Holiday Stress Episode 243 Overcome Holiday Stress? Who are you kidding? The holidays are meant to be stressful, disorganized overspending and gluttonous, right? Whether it is Christmas, New Years, Easter, Thanksgiving, or all the celebrations in between there is always room for improvement. Whether stress often appears to be the harsh reality there is a way to overcome all of the typical holiday struggles and stresses. In this episode Felice explains that even while hosting, sometimes upwards of 35 guests of all ages she can enjoy the holidays. Six Stress Busters For The Holiday Stress free celebrations here Overcome Holiday Stress with these quick tips: * Delegate * Shortcuts * Let some traditions (if stressful) go * Identify the holiday stress in  your life * What is on your list that you can avoid? More great tips to overcome holiday stress. * Gift shopping - online, deals or sales in the summer. Make gifts if possible to cut back on the money. * Food shopping use online sources or look at batch shopping or buying in bulk. Utilize family to help out and minimize as much as possible. * Sending cards - do you or don't you like sending them out? If you don't be sure to cut your list way back and only send to family. * Photos - do or don't? We are taking pictures this year however on Christmas Eve before we attend church. It won't be in our card this year, the first time ever! However, with kids in college, the timing just didn't work out this year. Change is not always a bad thing, being adaptable and making the appropriate changes helps. * Letter - do or don't? This year I won't add a family letter. It has been a long time tradition in my family to write letters. However most of our elderly relatives who counted on an update and news are gone, now we connect with family and friends online. * Baking/ cooking/ preparing ahead: I still do this and it is so freeing to have a wonderful, stress-free day with the bulk of the food (except the meats) cooked and ready for heat up. * Presents - to wrap or bag? I mix up the wrapping. One year I went full steam with the bags, but now I do about fifty-percent of each. What are your best tips for cutting back on stress?

 Gifts Kids Can Make | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make (and you actually want to keep! Episode 242 Do your kids want to make gifts? There are plenty of Christmas gifts kids can make that you will actually want to keep - really! I know, we've all received those wonderful heartfelt gifts that our children make, but they sit in a drawer or on a shelf gathering dust. Now your craft loving kids can create gifts and have fun doing it. That is a winning combination for all...especially when you can direct the kids and they can add their own ideas. Remember all of those recyclable items you keep all year? Now is the time to pull them out,  and take inventory. Start with making a list of the people your children want to make gifts for - then think about the types of crafts the children enjoy. Do your kids like to sew, cut out and glue? In this episode I share some tried and true Gifts Kids Can Make that won't break the budget, and best of all -- you actually want to keep them! In addition, these gifts will become treasures. If you are trying to save money using and repurposing household "trash" or recyclables is a great way to stretch your budget and turn that trash into a wonderful gift. Complete guest blog post with details on Heather Bowen's blog, Life of a Homeschool Mom     Favorite Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make: * Pillows: do you have pillows you no longer use? Use the stuffing to make other pillows. * The kids can use fabric paint to decorate the pillow * Paint a letter of a first name, a saying or Scripture verse * Mason jars - where do I begin? I love mason jars, and they are so versatile for gifts. * Fill mason jars with candy or homemade trail mix. * Use stickers to decorate the outside of the jar with themes (like horses, or shells, etc.) and use as pencil holders. * Create luminaries, use battery-powered candles * Use the jars as flower containers. Decorate with ribbon. * Fill with sewing items, first aid items, and label. * Fill with homemade bath salts. Easy gifts for kids to make. * Inkblot art - looks great. Fold the paper in half and drizzle paint on the paper fold. Use different color paints, one or three -- allow the paint to smear. Open and lie flat. Use frames (old ones) to frame the art. * Bookmarks: Use photos and glue to make personalized bookmarks. * Clay art: Create a handprint dish, write a verse on it, the child's name and date. * Broken crayon art - Broken crayons can be used to outline letters of names. Frame the art. * Decorated mugs, use permanent markers and allow the children to decorate. You can use unused mugs, or cups to repurpose. * Repurpose other people's trash. My son fixed a bench that the neighbors threw out. The brass on each end was repainted and he replaced the worn wooden boards with new ones. It now resides by our pond, and I love it! Use these ideas as a springboard for creating your own, handmade gifts. These are truly Christmas presents kids can make that you will want to keep.   Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor, Kiwi Crate!   We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor, Kiwi Crate! KiwiCo has monthly subscriptions of hands-on projects that make learning fun! Their core offering is projects that make learning about STEAM -- science, technology, engineering, art, and math -- accessible and are designed to spark creativity, tinkering, and learning.

 Creating Lasting Holiday Memories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:13

Creating Lasting Holiday Memories Episode 241 Creating lasting holiday memories is easier than you think. Do you want to create that Norman Rockwell feeling when you think about Christmas? You know, everyone sitting around the table, smiling - clean and thankful. The children properly groomed and amazingly quiet, and the feeling that all is well in your life. Reality is a far cry from the picture-perfect holiday whether it is Christmas, the New Year, Easter, or Thanksgiving - plus all the celebrations in between. So, how does a parent do it without losing your mind? In this episode Felice shares some fun, tried and true ways to get into the true meaning of the holiday and leaving the rest behind. To have a wonderful celebration it begins with preparing kids for what to expect and having realistic expectations yourself. Many times we expect perfection and often real life falls short. Here is my short list to make things go so much better when planning to attend a holiday event. * Leave perfectionism behind * Tell the children what to expect * Have their clothes ready * Don't schedule too much at one time * Be sure naptimes are not missed (if possible) * Cut down on sugar * Don't worry about what others think * Expect the unexpected * Have control of your children, wild behavior is not permitted * Pick up after your kids - if they make a mess, take care of it To create memories demonstrate these for your family: * Be thankful. Here is a podcast on teaching  children to be thankful * Realize kids are kids - letting them know what to expect will make the occasion joyful. * Focus on the celebration. Looking at what is missing, or what does or doesn't happen never works well. Focus on the day, the event and let everything else go. * Family traditions: What does that look like for you? Is there a special food, a special activity, or a special idea that works well for you and your children. * Joy is a choice - be joyful * Celebrate - enjoy the moment.  

 Educational Play | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:11

Educational Play Episode 240 Educational play is a great tool to not only teach children but to encourage them to think. Children who think, create! Besides, let's face it parents enjoy giving gifts that encourage learning. In this episode, we explore the criteria I use for purchasing educational gifts as well as the best and most long-lasting toys that will give your children years of enjoyment. The best news? You can pass these down to others or save them for generations to come. Show Notes: Educational Play Educational play is not just for little kids, but the younger you begin the better your children will enjoy toys that do something. The more interactive the better, and encouraging the children to be part of the experience makes it longer lasting. This is why blocks evolved into “Legos®” and they have built an entire industry and even a theme park here in Florida. What is your pre-requisite for educational toys or educational play? * Fun * If a toy isn't fun they won't play with it. * Education doesn't mean boring. * Sturdy * Wood is my favorite type of material for toys. * A toy that won't break easily. * Colorful * Let's face it, kids love color. * Not all toys are colorful, however, if they attract your attention they will attract your kids as well. * Teaches * Some of the best learning comes from self-discovery. * Open-ended is better than only one solution. * Long lasting * Similar to sturdy, you want something that isn't just for one time. * My goals are to give it away or pass it down to a sibling. * No batteries * Battery toys are great for a one-time thing. These types of gifts often break quickly. * If you find a battery toy (I found one that played classical music and was different depending on the way the cubes were inserted in the sturdy plastic case), be sure it will last. * No one way to do it * Open-ended outcomes are my favorite. * Ideas that come to mind are blocks or Lego(r) * Encourages creativity * No one way to do it, but more -- it lends itself to engaging the child to think. * Something you can build again and again, but differently * Artistic or musical * Dramatic play * Interactive and engaging * Building blocks, etc. * Causes the child to input ideas * Kits for building or putting together * Favorites include tinker toys, Lego(r) * Art - origami, 3-D projects Categories for Educational Play: These categories are ones that lend themselves to educational play. My favorites are dramatic play, physical play, cooking, musical, artistic and of course outdoor activities. I'm sure I've left out other ideas so if you have any, post them below. Use these as a springboard and I'm sure you'll think of more ideas on your own. Dramatic Play * Theatre sets * Puppet shows * Dress-up clothes * Old jewelry/ shoes Physical Play * Vintage toys – jump rope * Sporting equipment * Swimming pool/ toys for pool * Slip and slide – water toys * Scooters, skates, bikes * Playhouse Cooking: * Cooking lessons * Kid size utensils * Kid sized cookware * Plastic or wooden food * Tea sets

 Top 10 Kid Gifts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:17

Top 10 Kid Gifts Episode 239 Here are the top 10 kid gifts that have made my list - and they are timeless. Some things on the list may surprise you. It is time to avoid the flashing lights in the stores and even online hype. What are the gifts that keep giving? What are the gifts that make memories? What is your criteria for gift giving? In this episode, I'll share my secrets for selecting that perfect gift.   Show Notes: What Makes the Top 10 Kid Gifts: Not every gift will make it to the top 10 kid gifts or even fit one of the categories below, however, these are things that I look for in selecting a gift for my immediate family and friends. Criteria for finding that perfect gift: * Makes a memory - is there a gift you remember from long ago? That's the idea. The top 10 kid gifts are memorable. * Lasting - The top 10 kid gifts don't easily break. They are made of durable material or they have a great warranty (wink!). * Has meaning - Is this a gift that means something special to the child? To make the top 10 kid gifts list an item must have some type of meaning. *  Pass it down - is this a gift that is from a loved one, or even someone who has passed on? These make the perfect gift that keeps on giving. * Doesn't cost a fortune- Sometimes we can't avoid expensive gifts, ask me how many baseball/softball gloves and bats I've purchased. But, most of the time the gifts we can give don't break the bank and are very useful for years. Top 10 Kid Gifts * Jewelry * Keepsake - locket * Ring * Bracelet * Necklace (with cross) * Gift Subscriptions * Teaches children to cook -- Raddish Kids highly recommended, healthy eating * Teaches children to create -- Kiwi Crate recommended, crafts or science projects * Musical Instruments * Camera * Park Tickets * Zoo * Museum * Theme Parks * Lessons * Art lessons * Karate * Ballet * Music * Etc. * Outdoor Gifts * Trampoline * Tents * Kites * Bikes * Skates * Scooters * Sports equipment * Tablets * Kindle * iPad * Nook * Vintage Toys * Yo-yo * Rubic Cube * Train sets * Rocking horse * Scrabble/ Monopoly * Stuffed Animals Great Gifts that didn't make the top 10 list * Book series * Legos * Dolls * Art Supplies * Craft Kids * Science Kits * Games * Remote control toys * Movies - see my top 50 list of movies here * Puzzles Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor! We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November 17th! Visit to learn more.

 Last Minute DIY Entertainment Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:06

Last Minute DIY Entertainment Tips Episode 238 In this episode, I share my favorite last minute DIY entertainment tips with you. The best thing? No matter if your kids are young, small or grown these ideas will work for all ages. Add your favorite beverage and you are all set to go...and it won't break the bank! What is your favorite last-minute DIY entertainment tips? Share them with us. 1. Now is not the time to get creative - we are talking last minute. Use tried and true recipes. 2. Appetizers are a great asset for early comers - things like: a. cheese cubes b. crackers c. bruschetta - sliced baguettes d. humus/ salsa and pita chips e. fresh fruits f. spinach dip e. salad on a stick - cucumber, green or black olives, yellow/red peppers, cherry tomatoes and cubes of your favorite cheese. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar or leave plain. 3. Fresh flowers - cut them short and stick them in small vases - spread around the house. 4. music - holiday channel with yule log on tv or have one of your kids make up a holiday mix and you can play this in the background 5. activities for kids - whether it is an ornament they can stick together, popsicle stick pilgrims, or a scavenger hunt (keep them running and outdoors if possible) - prizes can be glow sticks. I keep these in bulk on hand for when the kids leave and they love them. 6. Candles - always festive even if you don't light them - one year I found them on sale at Joanne fabrics after bridal season - they are whites, pales yellows - that go with everything. I just add greenery for Christmas - and fall leaves for autumn. 7. Fondue - whether it is cheese for appetizers or chocolate for dessert it is always fun. 8. Make dessert mixes ahead - for example, I make pumpkin pie mix and freeze it - I do use fresh pumpkins, but when I thaw it out it is ready to go - you may need to cut back on the liquids - I always do. I scoop out ice cream ahead in balls and freeze. I make cookie dough ahead and freeze/ refrigerate. 9. Dipped strawberries are a hit. Makes any party festive and it is loved by adults and kids. 10. Disposable plates Use cloth napkins, to use, again and again, homemade napkin rings - took plastic round shower curtain hoops and covered them with ribbon - etc.

 Teaching Kids To Be Thankful Everyday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:20

Teaching Kids To Be Thankful Everyday Episode 230 Many times in an attempt to shelter our children or prevent them from some of the hardships we experienced as children our children may become spoiled and have an entitlement mentality. In this episode, we discuss ways to encourage children to become thankful, not just in the big things, but every day.   Thanks to our sponsor Sony Pictures and Affirms Films and The Star Movie -- the Christmas story definitely brings home the reason for the season and the importance of teaching our children to be grateful for all that God has done for us – sending us His son, to free us. Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor! We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November 17th! Visit to learn more. Our children are sponges, aren’t they? They absorb the good and the bad. We want to teach our children that it is better to give than receive – to be thankful in all things – but it does not come naturally. * How do we expect gratitude IF we don’t model it for our children? * Teaching an attitude of gratitude begins when they are very small. * How is fun this? Learning through doing – working alongside us… * Practice – we practice our math facts, practice our manners, why not practice what to say to be grateful? * Thank you for ------ * I appreciate the time you spent…. * Saying I’m thank-you in the little as well as the big things Friends, manners begin at home – being thankful is a taught skill. No one expects someone profusely thankful – that can become annoying and make us think the person is insecure or not genuine in the thanks – It also breeds extremes – there are families that stop giving gifts at birthdays or Christmas because they feel like opening gifts becomes a feeding frenzie of opening gifts and leaving a feeling of letdown or kids who are unappreciative. I have mixed emotions about this one – and since this is my podcast, I can share with you my take on this idea. Friends, teaching children gratitude does not have to be extreme – and all or nothing. My love language is giving, it gives me a sense of doing something, for the glory of God and also how we are to proceed moving forward in God’s will. Depriving children of a Christmas tree because of pagan roots or gift giving, because they may become selfish, is an extreme. Having the children make gifts for each other, putting a budget on gift giving or making giving coincide with giving to the poor are all things that go much further in fostering good will –with your children and those around us. Our children are only with us for a short time. I’ve been blessed with two families within one family – what I mean is my husband and I married in 1979 and had two children – one in 1980 and one in 1982, then we had a gap of 14 years until our next “family” came – in 1995, 1998, and 2000… I had the blessings of raising children when I was very young, and when I was an “older” mom. I can say what I’ve learned is what is translated into these podcasts. Extremes don’t work and breed children who either become more extreme… or, the other end of the spectrum. And having the experience of parenting for 37 years has shown me that homeschooling is a blessing because having my children with me 24/7 allows me to see when something is going horribly wrong when a child ...

 Teaching Kids True Meaning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:06

Teaching Kids True Meaning of the Holidays Episode 237 Teaching kids the true meaning of the holidays? Why can’t you just let kids be kids? Does everything need a deeper meaning? I believe the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” Just because you delve into the real meaning of Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter – it does not diminish the beauty of the event. People think religion means taking all the fun away – but having faith truthfully add wonder and awe. It takes something that could encourage children to be greedy and turns it into something that brings out the best in people, love, relationships, spending time, generosity, and so much more. Holiday decorations are all over the place - Thanksgiving is still weeks away and yet Christmas decorations often dot the stores. How do you teach children the true meaning of Christmas when all around them colorful decorations are flashing for their attention? How are you teaching your kids the true meaning of the holidays? Start with this list and add your owns. Show Notes: Teaching kids the True Meaning of the Holidays * Be involved but get the children involved * Give to others – angel tree, purchase a gift for others. * Volunteer * Establish Family Traditions such as: * Advent Wreath * Birthday party for Jesus * Nativity/ straw Take an empty manager and record “good deeds” with straw, until Christmas Day when you place baby Jesus in the manger filled with hay. * Midnight Mass * Help set up the decorations; Nativity at Christmas * Read the Christmas account from the Bible * How do you feel about Santa? Each family has to make your own decision. Here are some things to think about. Eventually, your children will learn "Santa" is not real. How you go about telling your child will have a lifelong impact - depending on the sensitivity of your children. * On December 6th St. Nicholas Day is celebrated all over Europe, to honor the “original” Santa Claus. “St. Nick has different traditions and you can select if you want to celebrate any of these. One of my friends who is from Europe has her children place their shoes outside their bedroom door if they have been “good” during the year, “St. Nicholas” comes to leave gifts or treats inside their shoes. Or you can have your children decorate their own “shoe” boxes for St. Nicholas gifts. Other cultures/ traditions: Teaching kids the true meaning of the holidays New Year’s Day – Feast of the Epiphany Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights – an 8-day Jewish celebration of Maccabees and the fight of freedom. The dates correspond to the Hebrew calendar so they change every year, but it usually takes place beginning of December. You can explain the 8 candles – or 8 days are not about receiving a gift each day, but how they represent the miracles the Maccabees experienced.  Definitely read the book of Maccabees with your children – it is a wonderful example of God’s faithfulness and love. Kwanzaa is a holiday that honors African heritage and ends with a large feast. Nickell recommends having your children research Kwanzaa's importance to the African-American culture by finding books and stories, as well as speaking with people who celebrate the holiday. After researching and learning more about the holiday, create a Kwanzaa celebration.   Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor! We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November...

 Top 50 Kid Friendly Movies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:31

Top 50 Kid-Friendly Movies Episode 236 Does the rating have to be “G” to be a kid-friendly movie? In this episode I’ll discuss the way I decide if a movie will make it to our favorite movie list! Have you ever been upset to view a movie that is recommended by a friend only to have to fast forward sections of the movie or even worse telling the boys to cover their eyes while we frantically search for the FF button? It is the most irritating thing and YES I’ve turned off the TV and popped the movie out of the player or stopped the digital feed if we are streaming the movie. So, today I will attempt to explain what we use to test a movie to see if it makes it to our kid safe list. When the children were younger I have to say our expectations were not often tested. It was a simpler time, but even in this simple time, know an agenda or two that did not align with our theology or family focus were often pushed. The very nature of movies or a good story is the need for a protagonist -- someone bad. If everyone is good there is not a story. Even in the story of the Nativity there was a bad guy, King Herod. Let’s face it our kids are going to be exposed to bad – so the key is getting your talking points ready and having a good discussion and use this as a learning tool. On another note – I’m sorry but some of the recommended or good movies with a good moral or Christian theme are just horrible. They either have bad actors or the special effects are lacking or … well you know what I mean. Truly we are spoiled! I remember years ago subscribing to this movie club and they sent us movies every month, and only a few were ones my kids could get all the way through and even less of those are ones they’d watch again. We ended up donating them to the church and even there they gathered dust. We do need to support good movies but friends, we need to pray for those who create these movies in the hopes that they get better. At least – and I’m sorry to be so critical –get people who can act! I’ve seen some college plays where the actors are better than some of those on the screen. Yes, we need to support sites that have good Christian content but we also need to expect more from those who create the films. Even movies I liked, like “God’s Not Dead” – I haven’t seen “God’s Not Dead II” while it had a good acting, really the pastor’s role needed to be entirely rewritten. How could he not see after the second attempt to leave town that God had a greater plan for him? We the viewers knew it even the first time… they made the pastor sort of sappy and films seem to do this…while it is a bad priest or a bad pastor it makes the moviegoer think, okay well I’m not watching this one again. Also, the scene where the girl is slapped – yes, it happens but we don’t want to see this in order to be entertained. Movies are an escape. We want to be entertained, we want to be engaged and we want to walk away with a good feeling – or at least I do. A night of crying out my eyes does not appeal to me! So, when I look at movies those are the points I’m looking for… So, I have my list of what I am looking for in a movie as well as what my kids are old enough to view. It really depends on your children often we get lazy and allow the youngest to sit and watch movies with the older children – and yes, sometimes it just can’t be avoided which is why kids have nightmares! How do you select kid-friendly movies for your family? * Rated PG or less – no R * Look for comedies * Adventures or Action * Animals are okay but not my favorite * Kids and sports * Based on classic novels * Good morals and outcome * Great talking points

 Thanksgiving Kids Crafts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:14

Thanksgiving Kids Crafts Episode 235 Thanksgiving kids crafts are so much fun! I love crafts – especial holiday crafts like Thanksgiving crafts for kids. In this episode of Vintage Homeschool Moms, I’ll share some great Thanksgiving crafts that are easy to make. So much fun and so decorative. Stack up on different colors of foam - it is easy to cut and available at craft stores or online. Glue is a must, with paint brushes to apply Ideas for Thanksgiving crafts for kids: * Crafts for fun: * Turkey bag puppets - cut out construction paper shapes - turkey. * Door hangers - cut a hole for the know, put on a turkey head, and feathers (of course). Use thick paper or craft foam. * Turkey table decorations - layer the front (a turkey head), then scallop shapes - then the feathers. Use craft foam. * Turkey shapes out of a pie plate. * I am thankful - use two paper plates, divide one with a marker in six or eight pie shapes (like a pizza). Have the children label each triangle and draw a picture about something they are thankful for...Take the "top" plate and cut only one triangle out. Then, layer each plate on top of each other. * Crafts for decorations * Collect pine cones for a natural arrangement. Glue pinecones to popsicle sticks, and fit into a flower arrangement. * Collect fall leaves – glue onto clear glass jars (or containers). Use glue or a permanent adhesive like Modge Podge – dries clear and hard. Use as gift containers or place flowers or for table decorations. * Use smaller glass containers, glue on leaves, use these on tables with battery powered lights, or flower arrangements. * Give Thanks – or Happy Thanksgiving – use one sheet of paper (use thick paper or watercolor paper). Color background and hand letter or stencil letters to each sheet of paper, then thread with rope – hang on the walls, on the mantle or in bedrooms. * Name tags, with pilgrims * Thyme - make into a wreath and tie with twine, then decorate with ribbon. Place it on each place setting. * Thankful wreath - create a wreath with construction paper shapes of leaves. Have the children label each with a "thankful word." * Use leaves (construction paper or craft foam) and label each with a thankful word. Glue in the shape of a wreath. * Glass containers with cut out (tissue paper) leaves. Use glue to affix. Place a battery powered candle in each container. * Cut out a pumpkin, fill with floral foam, and use as a vase for flowers. * Use the words Happy Thanksgiving - use one sheet of paper for each letter. Use glue and glitter, or fancy letters. * Pine cones - paint the edges with paint and use for table decorations. * Cut out shapes - turkeys, pilgrims, etc. and string together as a garland. * Crafts for gifts * Fall leave containers * Bracelet – with orange, brown, yellow – “fall” colors – give to guests or have this as a craft for kids. * Trail mix – have the kids fill festive containers they’ve decorated. Use stickers on dollar store plastic containers. * Party favors – decorate an envelope with foam cutouts (turkey, fall leave etc.) and slip in a candy bar or other treats. * Glass container (above) with leaves * Candy corn, or candy with a clear baggie - tie with a ribbon and have the children write a poem, use a scripture verse, etc. * Use a circle sheet of tissue paper, place candy in the middle, and gather in the shape of a pumpkin. Use green tape to make a stem. * Paper cups with a scripture verse on the front or a "thankful" word - fill with candy.

 Healthy Holiday Snacks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:54

Healthy Holiday Snacks Episode 234 Healthy holiday snacks don't necessarily taste well. And since when does healthy and snacks go together? In this podcast, I'll share some great suggestions from some of my friends as well! Please share your favorite ideas and recipes with all of us.   Show Notes: Healthy Holiday Snacks When considering healthy holiday snacks we don't have to throw out the flavor! Instead look at some of your favorite recipes and make a healthier version. Look for substitutions such as purred low-fat cottage cheese, or strained Greek yogurt (strain in cheesecloth overnight) instead of using cream cheese. You can substitute low-fat Greek yogurt for sour cream and even the kids won't notice the difference. So making homemade dips with Greek yogurt is not only yummy, it is better for you. Let's face it -- snacks even if healthy can pack on the calories so if you are looking for a "skinny" version,  I have some great websites to check out below. Just plan on talking so much you forget to eat or don't eat much like I do at parties and get-togethers. You'd think I never get out! Seriously, eating healthy will give you an added boost. No sugar crash after indulging in too many sweets. I spent hours online looking for some good alternative recipes and then decided to do what many of us do when we are stuck - we ask our friends! I asked my friends on Facebook and here are some of their suggestions. Thanks! And a shoutout to my Facebook/ and real life friends that I've met for your help! You guys are amazing! Leah recommended this yummy and healthy dish: Roasted veggies Vicki Tillman - one of our podcasters on the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network (she podcasts here) recommends substituting sugar in this recipe with honey. Great idea Vicki! Peanut butter balls--Use natural peanut butter, honey, and oats.  mix well and roll into a balls. This is a simple but better than junk food for active kids' snacks. Tricia (You rock! These are amazing suggestions--and long time online friend.) We love things like * artichoke hummus with veggie sticks * hard boiled eggs, grapes, and cheese * white bean dip with gluten-free crackers * cilantro pesto with veggies * rolled oats mixed with peanut butter, a bit of maple syrup and dark chocolate chips rolled into balls and refrigerate until firm * organic popcorn with coconut oil and sea salt * yogurt parfaits (berries & granola) * Veggie Pinwheels * Roasted Chickpeas with seasoning of choice like cinnamon sugar or a savory one like paprika/chili pepper * Homemade salsa & organic corn chips * 5 layer greek dip with pita chips or gluten-free crackers. :) Heather Laurie another podcaster on this network - she podcasts here: Here recommendation was using tzatziki sauce and cucumber chips instead of wheat chips. Virginia - Homemade salsa is yummy and red. We made apple butter in the crockpot that was delicious. No butter just spices and apples. (Apple butter is one of my favorites on homemade biscuits anytime. Can't wait to try this one.) [Virgina has evaluated my children each year - at the end of the year to check their progress as homeschoolers! Sadly those days are ending, but thanks so much to Virginia for her help and encouragement. A valued friend!] Karen -- a good friend from my early years of homeschooling when she lived i...

 Halloween Alternatives | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:39

Halloween Alternatives Episode 232 What to do? How about some Halloween alternatives to enjoy with your family? Do you love creating lasting memories with your kids? You are going to love these ideas in today’s podcast. Today we are focused on the upcoming holidays and without a doubt, Halloween causes controversy on both ends – the people who love it and the people who hate it. If you are looking for some fun alternatives, then you won’t want to miss today’s episode. Parents worry about avoiding Halloween because their children will miss out on the candy! Believe me since never celebrating Halloween in all the years I homeschooled and before that, our kids have no shortage of candy. Fast forward and we find ourselves with a houseful of kids and we are ready to focus on some meaningful activities with our kids. 1. Wholesome activities that won’t break the bank 2. Avoided stores and restaurants 3. Wanted to create memories with our children We didn’t need to look far – I live in an area that is not fall-friendly – living in SW FL we have some wonderful beaches and great parks, but nothing that gives you that fall leaf feeling! So one of the things I do each year in my own home is decorated for fall. I have purchased silk flowers and through the years my collection is enough to decorate the entire home. Everywhere I look, even as I am creating this podcast there are signs of fall! Another thing is we focus on the themes of fall – yes, pumpkin spices and pumpkin bread. I just made pumpkin bread using fresh pumpkin and it was delicious! Secondly, I include the children in everything. It is great incentive to complete their school work when they know that they can help plan activities as well as decorate or bake. Even when they get older. I’m going to take a quick commercial break and …. Halloween alternatives come in all shapes and sizes to the extravagant to the smaller and I’ll begin with my list: 1. Fall festival at a church or park 2. Small party at your home 3. Larger party at your home 4. Hayrides, pumpkin treats and snacks, and dressing up 5. All Saints Day parties where the children dress up costumes depicting saints such as Joan of Arc, or Saint Michael the Ark Angel 6. Carnival games 7. Roasting s’mores, campfires and more! 8. Stories around the fire, story starters… There is always plenty of goodie bags with candy. IF you are hosting a party with a group every family brings a bag of candy and believe me there is way more than you need, always! You can even give back to the community. Donate bags of candy. Or donate the money you would use to buy all the candy to a worthy cause. Visit a nursing home or babysit for a friend so they can have an evening out – whatever you decide, include your children in the planning, especially if they are older. My children has some very definite ideas about hosting a party. In fact, after a few years of hosting parties at our home, the kids asked for a private party with just us! It was probably one of the most fun times we had. You want your memories to focus on the happy times because as we all know the older we get, life doesn’t seem to get any easier! I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s episode and are ready to create some wonderful times with your own families.   Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor! We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November 17th! Visit

 Teaching Kids Forgiveness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:48

Teaching Kids Forgiveness Episode 231    In teaching kids forgiveness you are giving your children the tools or fundamentals of forgiveness but arguably one of the best gifts you can ever give them. Please help us out – Please help share this episode with your friends! And, please give this show a star rating on iTunes (search for Vintage Homeschool Mom) or any podcast app on your smartphone. Thanks so much for helping share this show with your friends! Here are the podcasts I did on the topic of forgiveness on our sister network, The Ultimate Christian Podcast Network, Forgiveness Podcast #10 and Asking Forgiveness  Podcast #11 Thanks to our Sponsor! I’d like to thank our sponsor, Sony Pictures --Sony Animation along with Affirms Films brings the Christmas story to life through the eyes of the animals in The Star Movie.   Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor! We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November 17th! Visit to learn more. Show Notes: Teaching Kids Forgiveness: Do you teach your children to say, “I’m sorry – or will you forgive me” when they have hurt someone? I know if you are a mom or dad you most certainly have and I’m sure more than once! In life, people hurt you and even in the Bible Jesus tells us to forgive each day, 77 times! But how do you explain this to your children? Today I’m going to explain how as well as give you some practical applications. Teaching kids forgiveness is not only possible it is amazingly practical and will make your life so much easier. Can you imagine? Kids that truly forgive? Forgiveness, when it happens in the way that God designed, it is truly beautiful. You can teach your children that God forgave us our sins and so, gave us the perfect example of forgiving. You can also teach your children the Lord’s prayer, when we recite, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Here we are praying to the Lord to forgive us in the same way that we forgive others who have hurt us. But, did you know there is a difference between forgiveness as a feeling and as a decision? Teaching your children about forgiveness is really a two-fold situation. It is teaching your child to look for at forgiveness as a give and take. It is not one-sided. So, what do I mean by this? First, there is the person who has been hurt. We always say arguments take two people, at least right? There is a he-said, she-said. But either way, someone is hurt either physically or psychologically. Second, there is a consequence to our actions. We must be held accountable to what we do. If a child hurts someone physically or using words, the consequences tend to be different. Usually parents, and I know I did, give a harsher punishment to a child that hurts another. It is thought that using words is not as bad, however, words sometimes have the lasting effect. But there is good news when teaching kids forgiveness! You are teaching your children that they don’t have to hold grudges forever, they can be set free and so can their siblings, friends or even you the parents.   In sharing with your children about forgiveness I have developed three points I discuss with my children…...

 Show Time With Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:20

Show Time! Movie time with kids… Episode 229 Movies are so much fun, they are a form of adventure, escape and experience we might otherwise not have in life – in this podcast we’ll discuss encourage creativity in your children and making movie time special.   Kids love to put on shows, puppet show or even made up plays. I know my two oldest put on more puppet shows than any other kids I know! They loved it. They had a captive audience, mom, and dad – as well as extended family. Many kids love to watch movies, and the nice thing about watching them at home is you preview the movies before your kids see them, or at least fast-forward scenes you may not want them to view. I’ll share some fun ways to make movie night special with your family. We will discuss both in this podcast. I’d like to thank our sponsor, Sony Pictures --Sony Animation along with Affirms Films brings the Christmas story to life through the eyes of the animals in The Star Movie. Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor! We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November 17th! Visit to learn more. Today it is difficult to watch movies or approve of movies that we as parents feel are acceptable to US and our children. Years ago my husband decided when we had young teens – around 13-15 that if a movie was not acceptable for them, we wouldn’t watch it – he felt it was garbage in and garbage out, let’s face it, some of the images and graphics in graphics whether online or in motion pictures makes a permanent impression in our minds. In looking at lists of favorite movies I have to say on one list of the top 20 or top 50 I had to go to about #12 on one list and #8 on another before I found one I agreed upon. Movies reflect a taste of what we like, whether it is romance, adventure, or action. So, how do we cultivate creativity with our children and make movie night fun? I don’t get the toy and game magazines any longer, I guess the demographics in my family have caught up to the junk-mail people and they realize I no longer have little ones to buy for (well I do – grandkids – but you know what I mean!) I saw so many great things to buy, especially if it was a catalog that had “throwback” toys – wooden puzzles, etc. However, the one thing that always caught my eye, and my pocketbook was anything that sparked creative play. I could do an entire podcast on creative play, it comes from my background in pre-school education. Young children learn so much through play, but so do older children. Encouraging creativity in your children through play acting can also teach them practical skills in reading, writing and even math (timing). I purchased several things for my children that they kept for many, many years. One of them was a tri-fold, stand-up puppet theatre set. It had a marker board on the outside where they could put the time of the show and the name, beforehand, they’d sell “tickets,” write the screenplay and act it out. In later years, they used it more for a set – they would create backgrounds of whatever play they were staging. It was super fun, and in big families, you always have a built-in audience. Never letting anything pass without some type of documentation – I’m such a homeschool mom, I’d videotape these occurrences and document it for school! After all, writing a screenplay with parts should count, right?

 Spiritual Retreat Alone | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:52

Spiritual Retreat Alone with Meredith Curtis and Felice Gerwitz Episode: As a young mom, Meredith yearned for a spiritual retreat alone, just her and God. When another mother offered to trade off days of babysitting so they could each spend the time running errands, Meredith decided to use that time to devise a retreat with the Lord. Learn how this turned into a precious time of spiritual growth and helped her mentor her family and friends. Meredith discusses the how-to's in this episode of Vintage Homeschool Moms The Star Promotion here - Show Notes: Spiritual Retreat Alone * How does this work? Especially with babies? * Traded time with a friend to babysit * Using your time wisely – what does this look like? * Spent time (instead of grocery shopping without the kids) to have quiet time with the Lord * Three hours two times a month * Sat at a secluded spot and read the Bible * Worship and walked around and prayed * Sang to the Lord – so refreshing * Poured heart out to the Lord – in need * Once the little ones grew up… and were no longer nursing… * Drove somewhere to pray alone * Wanted to get away with the Lord * Spent a night alone in a hotel * One time took a keyboard to worship and write music * Brought books to read * Did some writing * Spend time in Bible reading * Making time to refresh your soul * Family retreats * Festival of booths (was camping!) * Even when you are home and praying there are interruptions * Nature, walk around water – sooths my soul * Especially important for young moms * Cleaning is temporary * Time with the Lord is filling, and still with you. * Something precious of time with the Lord * You can’t find that by getting your house clean.


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