Teaching Kids True Meaning

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href="http://ultimateradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Teaching-Kids-True-Meaning-of-the-Holidays-1.jpg"></a>Teaching Kids True Meaning<br> of the Holidays<br> Episode 237<br> Teaching kids the true meaning of the holidays? Why can’t you just let kids be kids? Does everything need a deeper meaning? I believe the answer is a resounding, “Yes!” Just because you delve into the real meaning of Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter – it does not diminish the beauty of the event.<br> <br> People think religion means taking all the fun away – but having faith truthfully add wonder and awe. It takes something that could encourage children to be greedy and turns it into something that brings out the best in people, love, relationships, spending time, generosity, and so much more.<br> <br> Holiday decorations are all over the place - Thanksgiving is still weeks away and yet Christmas decorations often dot the stores. How do you teach children the true meaning of Christmas when all around them colorful decorations are flashing for their attention?<br> <br> How are you teaching your kids the true meaning of the holidays? Start with this list and add your owns.<br> <br> Show Notes: Teaching kids the True Meaning of the Holidays<br> <br> * Be involved but get the children involved<br> * Give to others – angel tree, purchase a gift for others.<br> * Volunteer<br> * Establish Family Traditions such as:<br> <br> * Advent Wreath<br> * Birthday party for Jesus<br> * Nativity/ straw Take an empty manager and record “good deeds” with straw, until Christmas Day when you place baby Jesus in the manger filled with hay.<br> * Midnight Mass<br> * Help set up the decorations; Nativity at Christmas<br> * Read the Christmas account from the Bible<br> <br> <br> * How do you feel about Santa? Each family has to make your own decision. Here are some things to think about. Eventually, your children will learn "Santa" is not real. How you go about telling your child will have a lifelong impact - depending on the sensitivity of your children.<br> * On December 6th St. Nicholas Day is celebrated all over Europe, to honor the “original” Santa Claus. “St. Nick has different traditions and you can select if you want to celebrate any of these. One of my friends who is from Europe has her children place their shoes outside their bedroom door if they have been “good” during the year, “St. Nicholas” comes to leave gifts or treats inside their shoes. Or you can have your children decorate their own “shoe” boxes for St. Nicholas gifts.<br> <br> Other cultures/ traditions: Teaching kids the true meaning of the holidays<br> <br> New Year’s Day – Feast of the Epiphany<br> <br> Hanukkah, or the Festival of Lights – an 8-day Jewish celebration of Maccabees and the fight of freedom. The dates correspond to the Hebrew calendar so they change every year, but it usually takes place beginning of December. You can explain the 8 candles – or 8 days are not about receiving a gift each day, but how they represent the miracles the Maccabees experienced.  Definitely read the book of Maccabees with your children – it is a wonderful example of God’s faithfulness and love.<br> <br> Kwanzaa is a holiday that honors African heritage and ends with a large feast. Nickell recommends having your children research Kwanzaa's importance to the African-American culture by finding books and stories, as well as speaking with people who celebrate the holiday. After researching and learning more about the holiday, create a Kwanzaa celebration.<br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor!<br> <a href="http://bit.ly/2fPI4GP"><br> </a><br> <br> <br> We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November...