Healthy Holiday Snacks

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Healthy Holiday Snacks<br> Episode 234<br> Healthy holiday snacks don't necessarily taste well. And since when does healthy and snacks go together? In this podcast, I'll share some great suggestions from some of my friends as well! Please share your favorite ideas and recipes with all of us.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Show Notes: Healthy Holiday Snacks<br> <br> When considering healthy holiday snacks we don't have to throw out the flavor! Instead look at some of your favorite recipes and make a healthier version.<br> <br> Look for substitutions such as purred low-fat cottage cheese, or strained Greek yogurt (strain in cheesecloth overnight) instead of using cream cheese. You can substitute low-fat Greek yogurt for sour cream and even the kids won't notice the difference. So making homemade dips with Greek yogurt is not only yummy, it is better for you.<br> <br> Let's face it -- snacks even if healthy can pack on the calories so if you are looking for a "skinny" version,  I have some great websites to check out below. Just plan on talking so much you forget to eat or don't eat much like I do at parties and get-togethers. You'd think I never get out! Seriously, eating healthy will give you an added boost. No sugar crash after indulging in too many sweets.<br> <br> I spent hours online looking for some good alternative recipes and then decided to do what many of us do when we are stuck - we ask our friends! I asked my friends on Facebook and here are some of their suggestions. Thanks! And a shoutout to my Facebook/ and real life friends that I've met for your help! You guys are amazing!<br> <br> Leah recommended this yummy and healthy dish: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Roasted veggies</a><br> <br> Vicki Tillman - one of our podcasters on the Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network (<a href="">she podcasts here</a>) recommends substituting sugar in this recipe with honey. Great idea Vicki!<br> <br> Peanut butter balls--Use natural peanut butter, honey, and oats.  mix well and roll into a balls. This is a simple but better than junk food for active kids' snacks.<br> <br> Tricia (You rock! These are amazing suggestions--and long time online friend.)<br> <br> We love things like<br> <br> * artichoke hummus with veggie sticks<br> * hard boiled eggs, grapes, and cheese<br> * white bean dip with gluten-free crackers<br> * cilantro pesto with veggies<br> * rolled oats mixed with peanut butter, a bit of maple syrup and dark chocolate chips rolled into balls and refrigerate until firm<br> * organic popcorn with coconut oil and sea salt<br> * yogurt parfaits (berries &amp; granola)<br> * Veggie Pinwheels<br> * Roasted Chickpeas with seasoning of choice like cinnamon sugar or a savory one like paprika/chili pepper<br> * Homemade salsa &amp; organic corn chips<br> * 5 layer greek dip with pita chips or gluten-free crackers. :)<br> <br> Heather Laurie another podcaster on this network - she podcasts here: Here recommendation was using tzatziki sauce and cucumber chips instead of wheat chips.<br> <br> Virginia - Homemade salsa is yummy and red. We made apple butter in the crockpot that was delicious. No butter just spices and apples. (Apple butter is one of my favorites on homemade biscuits anytime. Can't wait to try this one.) [Virgina has evaluated my children each year - at the end of the year to check their progress as homeschoolers! Sadly those days are ending, but thanks so much to Virginia for her help and encouragement. A valued friend!]<br> <br> Karen -- a good friend from my early years of homeschooling when she lived i...