Halloween Alternatives

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href="http://ultimateradioshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Halloween-alternatives-1.jpg"></a>Halloween Alternatives<br> Episode 232<br> What to do? How about some Halloween alternatives to enjoy with your family? Do you love creating lasting memories with your kids? You are going to love these ideas in today’s podcast. Today we are focused on the upcoming holidays and without a doubt, Halloween causes controversy on both ends – the people who love it and the people who hate it. If you are looking for some fun alternatives, then you won’t want to miss today’s episode.<br> <br> Parents worry about avoiding Halloween because their children will miss out on the candy! Believe me since never celebrating Halloween in all the years I homeschooled and before that, our kids have no shortage of candy.<br> <br> Fast forward and we find ourselves with a houseful of kids and we are ready to focus on some meaningful activities with our kids.<br> 1. Wholesome activities that won’t break the bank<br> 2. Avoided stores and restaurants<br> 3. Wanted to create memories with our children<br> We didn’t need to look far –<br> <br> I live in an area that is not fall-friendly – living in SW FL we have some wonderful beaches and great parks, but nothing that gives you that fall leaf feeling! So one of the things I do each year in my own home is decorated for fall. I have purchased silk flowers and through the years my collection is enough to decorate the entire home. Everywhere I look, even as I am creating this podcast there are signs of fall!<br> <br> Another thing is we focus on the themes of fall – yes, pumpkin spices and pumpkin bread. I just made pumpkin bread using fresh pumpkin and it was delicious! Secondly, I include the children in everything. It is great incentive to complete their school work when they know that they can help plan activities as well as decorate or bake. Even when they get older.<br> <br> I’m going to take a quick commercial break and ….<br> <br> Halloween alternatives come in all shapes and sizes to the extravagant to the smaller and I’ll begin with my list:<br> <br> 1. Fall festival at a church or park<br> 2. Small party at your home<br> 3. Larger party at your home<br> 4. Hayrides, pumpkin treats and snacks, and dressing up<br> 5. All Saints Day parties where the children dress up costumes depicting saints such as Joan of Arc, or Saint Michael the Ark Angel<br> 6. Carnival games<br> 7. Roasting s’mores, campfires and more!<br> 8. Stories around the fire, story starters…<br> There is always plenty of goodie bags with candy. IF you are hosting a party with a group every family brings a bag of candy and believe me there is way more than you need, always!<br> <br> You can even give back to the community. Donate bags of candy. Or donate the money you would use to buy all the candy to a worthy cause. Visit a nursing home or babysit for a friend so they can have an evening out – whatever you decide, include your children in the planning, especially if they are older. My children has some very definite ideas about hosting a party. In fact, after a few years of hosting parties at our home, the kids asked for a private party with just us! It was probably one of the most fun times we had.<br> You want your memories to focus on the happy times because as we all know the older we get, life doesn’t seem to get any easier!<br> <br> I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s episode and are ready to create some wonderful times with your own families.<br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br> Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor!<br> <a href="http://bit.ly/2fPI4GP"><br> </a><br> <br> <br> We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November 17th! <br> <br> Visit <a href="%22http://bit."></a>