Gifts Kids Can Make

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make (and you actually want to keep!<br> Episode 242<br> Do your kids want to make gifts? There are plenty of Christmas gifts kids can make that you will actually want to keep - really! I know, we've all received those wonderful heartfelt gifts that our children make, but they sit in a drawer or on a shelf gathering dust.<br> <br> Now your craft loving kids can create gifts and have fun doing it. That is a winning combination for all...especially when you can direct the kids and they can add their own ideas. Remember all of those recyclable items you keep all year? Now is the time to pull them out,  and take inventory. Start with making a list of the people your children want to make gifts for - then think about the types of crafts the children enjoy. Do your kids like to sew, cut out and glue?<br> <br> In this episode I share some tried and true Gifts Kids Can Make that won't break the budget, and best of all -- you actually want to keep them! In addition, these gifts will become treasures.<br> <br> If you are trying to save money using and repurposing household "trash" or recyclables is a great way to stretch your budget and turn that trash into a wonderful gift.<br> <br> Complete guest blog post with details on Heather Bowen's blog, <a href="">Life of a Homeschool Mom</a><br> <br>  <br> <br>  <br> <br> Favorite Christmas Gifts Kids Can Make:<br> <br> * Pillows: do you have pillows you no longer use? Use the stuffing to make other pillows.<br> * The kids can use fabric paint to decorate the pillow<br> * Paint a letter of a first name, a saying or Scripture verse<br> * Mason jars - where do I begin? I love mason jars, and they are so versatile for gifts.<br> * Fill mason jars with candy or homemade trail mix.<br> * Use stickers to decorate the outside of the jar with themes (like horses, or shells, etc.) and use as pencil holders.<br> * Create luminaries, use battery-powered candles<br> * Use the jars as flower containers. Decorate with ribbon.<br> * Fill with sewing items, first aid items, and label.<br> * Fill with homemade bath salts. Easy gifts for kids to make.<br> * Inkblot art - looks great. Fold the paper in half and drizzle paint on the paper fold. Use different color paints, one or three -- allow the paint to smear. Open and lie flat. Use frames (old ones) to frame the art.<br> * Bookmarks: Use photos and glue to make personalized bookmarks.<br> * Clay art: Create a handprint dish, write a verse on it, the child's name and date.<br> * Broken crayon art - Broken crayons can be used to outline letters of names. Frame the art.<br> * Decorated mugs, use permanent markers and allow the children to decorate. You can use unused mugs, or cups to repurpose.<br> * Repurpose other people's trash. My son fixed a bench that the neighbors threw out. The brass on each end was repainted and he replaced the worn wooden boards with new ones. It now resides by our pond, and I love it!<br> <br> Use these ideas as a springboard for creating your own, handmade gifts. These are truly Christmas presents kids can make that you will want to keep.<br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor, Kiwi Crate!<br>  <br> <br> <br> <a href=""></a>We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor, Kiwi Crate! <br> <br> KiwiCo has monthly subscriptions of hands-on projects that make learning fun! Their core offering is projects that make learning about STEAM -- science, technology, engineering, art, and math -- accessible and are designed to spark creativity, tinkering, and learning.