Top 10 Kid Gifts

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Top 10 Kid Gifts<br> Episode 239<br> Here are the top 10 kid gifts that have made my list - and they are timeless. Some things on the list may surprise you. It is time to avoid the flashing lights in the stores and even online hype. What are the gifts that keep giving? What are the gifts that make memories? What is your criteria for gift giving? In this episode, I'll share my secrets for selecting that perfect gift.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Show Notes: What Makes the Top 10 Kid Gifts:<br> <br> Not every gift will make it to the top 10 kid gifts or even fit one of the categories below, however, these are things that I look for in selecting a gift for my immediate family and friends.<br> <br> Criteria for finding that perfect gift:<br> <br> * Makes a memory - is there a gift you remember from long ago? That's the idea. The top 10 kid gifts are memorable.<br> * Lasting - The top 10 kid gifts don't easily break. They are made of durable material or they have a great warranty (wink!).<br> * Has meaning - Is this a gift that means something special to the child? To make the top 10 kid gifts list an item must have some type of meaning.<br> *  Pass it down - is this a gift that is from a loved one, or even someone who has passed on? These make the perfect gift that keeps on giving.<br> * Doesn't cost a fortune- Sometimes we can't avoid expensive gifts, ask me how many baseball/softball gloves and bats I've purchased. But, most of the time the gifts we can give don't break the bank and are very useful for years.<br> <br> Top 10 Kid Gifts<br> <br> * Jewelry<br> <br> * Keepsake - locket<br> * Ring<br> * Bracelet<br> * Necklace (with cross)<br> <br> <br> * Gift Subscriptions<br> <br> * Teaches children to cook -- Raddish Kids highly recommended, healthy eating<br> * Teaches children to create -- Kiwi Crate recommended, crafts or science projects<br> <br> <br> * Musical Instruments<br> * Camera<br> * Park Tickets<br> <br> * Zoo<br> * Museum<br> * Theme Parks<br> <br> <br> * Lessons<br> <br> * Art lessons<br> * Karate<br> * Ballet<br> * Music<br> * Etc.<br> <br> <br> * Outdoor Gifts<br> <br> * Trampoline<br> * Tents<br> * Kites<br> * Bikes<br> * Skates<br> * Scooters<br> * Sports equipment<br> <br> <br> * Tablets<br> <br> * Kindle<br> * iPad<br> * Nook<br> <br> <br> * Vintage Toys<br> <br> * Yo-yo<br> * Rubic Cube<br> * Train sets<br> * Rocking horse<br> * Scrabble/ Monopoly<br> <br> <br> * Stuffed Animals<br> <br> Great Gifts that didn't make the top 10 list<br> <br> * Book series<br> * Legos<br> * Dolls<br> * Art Supplies<br> * Craft Kids<br> * Science Kits<br> * Games<br> * Remote control toys<br> * Movies - <a href="">see my top 50 list of movies here</a><br> * Puzzles<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor!<br> <a href=""><br> </a><br> <br> <br> We'd like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor Sony and their new movie, The Star, the Story of the First Christmas - Coming in Theaters November 17th! <br> <br> Visit <a href="%22"></a> to learn more.<br> <br> <br> <br>