The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast

Summary: Hey Y'all! We are Shane & Jocelyn Sams. We are a real family from Kentucky making our entire living on the Internet! We can help you start an online business too! After years of job losses, bad bosses, and trading time for dollars; we decided to look for something different. On a rare day off work, we discovered online business, membership sites, entrepreneurship, and internet marketing. After months of trial and error, we were able to start an online business that would not only replace our 9-to-5 income, but earn millions of dollars online! Memberships gave our family freedom we couldn't imagine. It gave us total control of our lives. That's living the Flipped Lifestyle! We started The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast to help other families find the freedom we have by working at home, making money online, becoming and staying self-employed. Each week we help real members of our Flip Your Life Community LIVE on air overcome their biggest business fears, mindset issues, and challenges so they can take their business to the next level! That's right: we don't interview self-proclaimed gurus or overhyped guests selling their latest book. We've helped thousands of people start, build, and grow an online business. People just like you who are trying to build a better future for their family! We break down their online business and detail next steps so they can succeed. Then we let you listen in so you can do the same! If you are looking for something different, you've found it! So pour a cup of sweet tea, settle in, and learn how you can start, build and grow your own online business! We are living the Flipped Lifestyle, and we are going to help YOU Flip Your Life™ too!

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 FL252 – We help Treasure create a plan to increase cashflow and grow her online college planning business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:43

In today's episode, we help Treasure create a plan to increase cashflow and grow her online college planning business FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all, on today's podcast we help Treasure take her online college planning business to the next level. Shane Sams: Welcome to The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes first. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. What's going on everybody? Welcome back to The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It's great to be back with you again. This week we are super excited to have another member of the Flip Your Life community on the show so we can work with them one on one and help them take their business to the next level, and this is a special show. This is the first recording that we have done after our massive live event, Flip Your Life, live in Nashville, and we are happy to say we have now met and hugged this person in real life. Our guest today is Treasure Redmond. How you doing, Treasure? Treasure S.-R.: Hey, hey Shane and Jocelyn, how are y'all doing? Jocelyn Sams: We are great. It is so good to have you here today. We knew when we met you that you had to be on our podcast. So thank you so much for being here today. Shane Sams: We were preparing for Flip Your Life Live, Nashville, one of the things that we did that a lot of people don't do for live events is we had ice breaker calls where everyone could come and me and Jocelyn literally went around the room and just talked to every single person on a conference call. I'll never forget Treasure rolling up to the room because she didn't know her mic was off and everybody else was muted, we were talking to somebody, and just like we started this show, she came in, goes, "Hey, hey everybody!" And she starts screaming into the ... It was absolutely amazing and I looked- Jocelyn Sams: We seriously cracked up. Shane Sams: Oh, I laughed so hard. Everybody was just dying laughing, and man, you're just light in your personalty. Just, in person, online, anywhere. I'm just glad that we get to share you with the Flip Your Life audience today. Treasure S.-R.: Well thank you, and light attracts light. So I'm so glad to be here. Jocelyn Sams: All right, well let's dive in a little bit. Tell us a little bit about you and what you're doing online. You can share your website if you would like to. Treasure S.-R.: Sure, my name is Treasure Shields-Redmond and I am known as the debt free degree expert. I help busy parents of college-bound teens secure top-tier education without massive debt, and I do that at Shane Sams: Tell us a little bit about your background too. How did you get into that? That's such a worthy mission by the way, because debt is crushing college students around the country and all of us who had debt at any given time for our college degree know how much of a weight that can be, but how did you get into that? Treasure S.-R.: You know, I earned my credentials through a 20 year teaching career. So I went to undergraduate and you know, took out too much debt as a lot of us do, went on to teach high school English for about a decade, and then moved over into the university arena and became a college professor and was an assistant professor of English for about a decade, and I was always teaching kids who were headed to college, or who had just entered college and freshman writing classes. I started to see the same patterns that happened with me repeat themselves. You know people with a lot of ... with a wonderful resume,

 FL251 – Choosing an Accountability Partner + Creating Training Powerpoints + Improving Autoresponder Conversion Rates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:25

It's Trunk or Treat time! Taking the day off to hand out candy and celebrate reading at Isaac's school! Everyone is a book character. We are cops from "A Day in the Life of a Police Officer" by Linda Hayward! Life is short y'all. Volunteer, show up at school before your kids don't want you there lol!   Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  Question One: "Hi guys I’m really trying to get back onto the online business wagon after falling off for the last month, and posted an Action Plan as such this morning. Beyond the action plan forum, getting a legit accountability partner is something I’ve mulled around but haven’t seriously pursued yet. For someone who struggles with consistency, do you think this (getting an accountability partner) would be worthwhile, and if so, how should I go about finding the right person for that role? Thanks! " Question Two: "You have previously said that you often do a video and then overlay a presentation over it for your trainings. What software do you use to overlay your audio onto your presentation? If it's a mac software, is there' something comparable in a pc?" Question Three: "We have 5000 email subscribers who opted in to receive our free math resource. However, only 8 people bought our one-off product which is a $40 bundle of math resources in our initial autoresponder sequence. What are ways to improve conversion rates on autoresponders? " Question Four: "My husband is starting up a business for basketball out of bounds plays. He's had 30 plays professionally recorded by a videographer of the plays being demonstrated. There will be voice over recording describing the plays and how to best utilize your players in their positions. He has one free play to use as a opt in. Our biggest question moving forward is pricing. He's stuck on how to price the package of 30 plays. Any advice would be awesome. Thanks!" SUCCESS STORY: "SUCCESS! Just got a speaking gig while on this call. Most I've ever been paid so far. I bumped my fees after FYL LIVE just because. I think the higher fees made me more credible." - Jeff CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show!

 FL250 – The Most Important Lessons We Learned From the Biggest Risk We Ever Took | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:22

Flip your Life LIVE was a dream come true!!   In today's episode, S&J talk about lessons learned from the biggest risk they ever took. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey, y'all. On today's podcast, we share the lessons we've learned after hosting our first major live event. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. Now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to Flip Your Life? All right. Let's get started. Shane Sams: What's going on, everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It is great to be back with you again this week. We've got a special episode for y'all. We do not have a guest toady. We will not be doing a Q&A. We will be doing a lot of reflecting back on the lessons that we learned from hosting our first major live event. Not long ago, about three weeks ago, from the time that we're recording this actual podcast, Jocelyn and I hosted an event in Nashville, Tennessee, for over 100 members of the Flip Your Life Community. We all came together over a three-day period to build our online businesses, to grow our online businesses, and to take massive action on changing our family's future. Shane Sams: It was an incredible event, and it went off better than we ever could have dreamed. But as with any major undertaking that Jocelyn and I take on, we like to look back and reflect on the things we did right, the things we did wrong, and try to make things better, make things bigger as we go forward in the future. So, that's what we're going to do today. We're going to share all of these lessons and things that happened to us over the last year of planning and executing this event, so that you can take some of those lessons, take some of those strategies, take some of those things that we've learned, and apply them to whatever your next big project is for your online business. Jocelyn Sams: And many of you have probably seen our pictures on our Facebook page, and just some of the things that we've posted about the event. You've seen the glossy exterior, but we're going to dive into some of the not so pretty things that we encountered on the journey to get there. Shane Sams: Let's take you back to where the birthplace of Flip Your Life Live in Nashville came to be. Last December, about a year ago now, Jocelyn, out of nowhere, came to me and said, "We need to host a major live event, like a big one. Like, over 100 people, and we need to do it all by ourselves. We're going to plan it ourselves. We're going to pay for it ourselves. We're going to be on stage the entire time, and we're going to go ahead and do it next fall. It's going to happen." Jocelyn Sams: For those of you all who know me, it wasn't completely out of nowhere. I had been to another event in the fall. I thought it was really cool, and I was like, "Hey, this is a really good sense of community. I really think that we need to bring our people together." And we had sort of been, not really against it for a long time, but just a little bit uncertain about it for a long time. Shane Sams: I'm going to vote that I was scared to death to try. This is a total role reversal in this situation, because usually, I'm the one coming to Jocelyn going, "Okay, here's the airplane. We're going to jump out of it. We'll sew together a parachute on the way down." And this was totally out of nowhere, because Jocelyn came up to me and said, "We're going to do a live event. There's going to be over 100 people there. It's going to be amazing." My first instinct was just to freeze up, and what are we going to do? I can't do this. No way. Jocelyn Sams: We talked about it a little bit, and as we usually do,

 FL249 – Filming Yourself + Webinar Product Pitch + Free vs $1 Trial | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:15

Taking the day off from vacation to volunteer at a local Jamaican school! Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  Question One: "I would love some tips for making sales videos. I like the script, but I look so stiff on video or super hyper with a bouncing head. LOL. Any tips?" Question Two: "if doing a joint webinar, what is the best way to pitch products - repeat the webinar and do a separate pitch each time or just pick smaller products so attendees can just choose what works best for them? we do NOT want to try to bundle and split payment... too complicated" Question Three: "How is the free trial going vs. a $1 trial? I'm concerned people won't take action if they don't have skin in the game." Question Four: "To get the most out of my ad spend, could I run an add to two closely related topics/pain points for my niche... So when they click on the ad, they can opt in to one of two webinars (instead of just opting into one). Is that a thing? Do people do this? Like instead of deciding to register or not, it would be... Which one WILL they register for? Trying to get more out of my ad spend by offering two webinar options from one landing page. " SUCCESS STORY: "SUCCESS! I crossed the 20-member mark (and briefly had 21). I think adding webinars and member calls is next." - Paul CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.

 FL248 – We help Court plan his organic content strategy for his youth sport coaching website | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:07

In today's episode, we help Court plan his organic content strategy for his youth sport coaching website. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn: Hey you all. On today's podcast, we help Court take his youth sport coaching business to the next level. Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to Flip Your Life? All right. Let's get started. Shane: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again today as we talk to another member of the Flip Your Life community, and I'm really excited about this interview because this is a guy after my own heart. This is a coach. Jocelyn: Is there something I should know? Shane: A sports coach ... No! Stop saying that. No, no. I mean we're just attuned in our souls in the sports coaching world, Jocelyn, because my heart is only for you, baby. All right, in our podcast today, we want to welcome Court. Court, welcome to the show, man. Court: Hey, thanks guys. This is really an honor to be here. I really appreciate it. Jocelyn: We are excited to talk to you today. We know a lot about the coaching world. We have been sports coaches- Shane: Oh, so deep into it. So deep into it. Jocelyn: Sports coaching wives for a long, long time before we started doing online business, so we totally get it. So tell us a little bit about you, your background, and how you got started with your website. Court: Yeah, so real quick, I grew up playing sports. I played everything. If it had a ball. I played basketball, football, baseball, golf, and when I went to college, I went to Kansas State University and had an opportunity to work with the football team there, and I started as an equipment manager, and I worked up to being a student assistant coach. And I really had a passion for that, and I thought that's what I wanted to do after graduating, but I think Shane kinda what maybe you discovered. The pay was not good- Shane: No, it was not. Court: And I knew I was gonna have to move all over the country. Didn't wanna do that, so I decided to, my undergrad degree was in education, so I became a English and Journalism teacher and I coached football and track for about 13 years. And then about five years ago, I went through a divorce and I realized spending time with my kids, I was spending more time coaching. Practice was going until 7:30 every night, and then my kids were already in bed. Or on weekends I was working all weekend and I wasn't able to spend time. So I stepped away from coaching, stepped away from teaching, and took a new job in the business world doing social media. So I really have a background there in marketing and social media. Court: And then when I started coaching my kid's kindergarten soccer team a couple years ago, I said, this will be easy. I've coached high school. I've coached college. This will be no problem at all. And I realized it was a whole different world, and I'm sure you've probably experienced the same thing. So that's what led me to, I said, other moms and dads need support and help to figure out how to coach their kid's teams. So that's what kind of led me to come up with this idea to start Shane: Awesome. Yeah, and it's funny, your story is so- Jocelyn: I'm wondering if you guys are the same person. Shane: I know, right? It sounds so familiar, and because I look back at our journey and where we are now compared to where we've been in the last 15 years, right? And there were really two things that happened to us that I think star...

 FL247 – Promoting A Live Event + Free Trial Pros & Cons + Promoting Evergreen Webinars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:32

On a bus in Jamaica, with people from Canada... and they recognized us from our YouTube channel! Surreal! Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  Question One: "I am launching registration for my big conference next week. My wait list is going great-- 600+ people say they want to come, there are 150 spots. Any tips for promoting sales? also, I'm going to use a Membership plugin to take registrations (MemberPress) because then I thought attendees could use that to login at the conference and get their handouts, etc. Does that sound okay, or should I use a specific event type registration plugin, or something like Eventbrite?" Question Two: "First of all, FYL Nashville Live was AWESOME!! Thanks S+J and team for making this happen. Now, on to my question: You have been offering a free month to the FYL Community. If you're comfortable sharing, what kind of results are you seeing? My membership site is ready and I'm forming my beta group. I am considering having a "free" membership tier, as a way to get folks in the door and get to my first paying customer. Do you think this is a good approach to get my first paying members? Or would you caution away from that?" Question Three: "My question - i am planning on running an evergreen webinar "in the background" while I continue to blog, provide value, etc. Any tips on how to running an evergreen webinar strategy? I am using an old webinar that I have done live over the summer on classroom management that I feel would be really beneficial to teachers now school is in full swing...I am planning on using FB for ads and letting my email lists know that I have this webinar going on...would love any tips and advice and how to maximize this strategy. Thanks, ya'll...gotta get back to my classroom ;/" Question Four: "If you had a medical condition and limited energy, how would you prioritize your time for building and running your membership?" SUCCESS STORY: "SUCCESS! Since the Nashville, I started a waiting list, and yesterday, launched my new class! I have 12 people signed up already. I'm teaching the first webinar one week from today!" CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show!

 FL246 – We help Jen create a weekly webinar strategy to grow her membership | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:49

  In today's episode, we help Jen create a weekly webinar strategy to grow her membership! FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all, on today's podcast we helped Jen take her membership website to the next level. Shane Sams: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again today as we have another member of our Flip Your Life community on the show to celebrate success and to help them take their business to the next level. We're really, really excited to have Jen Camel on the show today. Jen, welcome. Jen Camel: Hey, thank you so much for having me. Jocelyn Sams: We are very excited to talk to you today. You have a very interesting business that I can't wait to dive into a little bit. Jocelyn Sams: Before we go there, tell our audience a little bit about you, your family, and what you're doing online. Jen Camel: I live in Southern California with my husband and my two kids. My background was in commercial real estate doing GIS analysis for companies. Then we decided to start a family, and I got pregnant, and I had planned a completely normal delivery. Never even occurred to me that I would have a c-section, but I was one of those 20% of first-time mothers who had a c-section with her first child. Going through that experience made it very clear to me how difficult it is for parents to find good information on VBAC. Jen Camel: As I dive even deeper- Shane Sams: What is- Jen Camel: ... I saw- Shane Sams: What, what does VBAC mean? Jen Camel: Oh, good segue there. VBAC is vaginal birth after cesarean. So I had just collected a bunch of information for myself and after my VBAC realized how many other parents were seeking this same level of information. So VBAC Facts was born. As the website grew and I collected more of an audience I saw how many birth professionals really had a hard time staying on top of the evidence themselves and really wanted a more in depth understanding of what the research actually said so they can effectively guide their clients. Jen Camel: VBAC Facts was really born again when I started my membership site about four months ago. Shane Sams: Let me ask you this ... Okay, this is a big leap here. You went from commercial real estate to vaginal birth education, right? And it was basically because of this personal experience that you had. You had a c-section with your first child, but when you had other children you wanted to have it the natural way, correct- Jen Camel: Exactly. Shane Sams: ... is that what I'm [crosstalk 00:02:40]. Okay. Jen Camel: Exactly, yeah. Jocelyn Sams: You primarily target birth professionals then? Jen Camel: I do. A lot of parents come to the site as well and there's a ton of information online for parents, but I found that birth professionals are really the ones who were interested in diving deeper and were interested in the higher level of analysis that I offer. Shane Sams: Parents are like my wife's had to have a c-section so now you're like looking for information but it's not like you really want to buy something to really dive and get into it. But for the birth professional are we talking midwives, and doulas, and nurses, and people like that? Jen Camel: Exactly. Shane Sams: They want to go farther, right? Jen Camel: Exactly. I do have online classes for parents available for those who do want to dive deeper. But I just found that birth professionals were really the ones who were interested in that level of information. Shane Sams: Jocelyn, when we had our first child, had to have a c-section. It was scheduled.

 FL245 – Buying A Website + Outsourcing Design + Evergreen Sales Webinars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:54

A #cantmissmoment having breakfast on the beach in Jamaica Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  Question One: "I am looking into buying a new website/business to enhance my current membership. I currently sell a meal plan subscription, this business would do the same, but add more products for me and help me to close the sale to those that may not have bought as the members could pick their own meals and won't have to have them chosen for them. It's a great enhancement to my site, but I don't know if I should spend the money or add the work, when I still have room for growth on my current program. Advice?" Question Two: "My content for my blog also needs to be designed nicely. I do not know how to do design. Write it then outsource?" Question Three: "Talk to me about Evergreen webinars and how I can use them to sell my membership and get more members. How would you suggest I incorporate an evergreen webinar into my current email nurturing sequence for people who have opted into one of my freebies? Or should I have it as a separate freebie, as a separate funnel on my website? Jocelyn, I'd love to hear how you successfully used evergreen webinars for Elementary Librarian " CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.

 FL244 – We help Luke grow his audience to get more consistent membership sales | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:50

  In today's episode, we help Luke grow his audience to get more consistent membership sales. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn: Hey, y'all. On today's podcast, we help Luke take his education business to the next level. Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. Now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to Flip Your Life? All right. Let's get started. Shane: What's going on everybody? And welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. We are super excited to have another member of the Flip Your Life community on today's podcast, on today's show. And we're going to celebrate some big wins with them and help them take their business to the next level. Our guest today is Flip Your Life community member Luke Reed. Luke, welcome to the show. Luke: Hey. Thanks for having me. Jocelyn: It is great to have you today, Luke. And we are super excited because just a few minutes ago before the show started, I heard some gentle mooing in the background. And we determined that this is the first ever cow appearance on the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. Shane: Yeah. [inaudible 00:01:08]. As we talk to Luke, and he is standing outside in a cow pasture apparently, right now. You're going to hear some mooing. Our dogs are in the house. They may come in and start barking at the cows mooing through the microphones. Jocelyn: And you know what, it kind of surprised it's taken us over 200 episodes to get cows on the podcast because- Shane: I know. Right? We lived out in the country. Jocelyn: Kentucky. Shane: We have a cow pasture. We should go out, Jocelyn, to the cow pasture next door. And maybe our cows could talk to Luke's cows. That would be amazing. Jocelyn: You can never have too many cows on a podcast. Right? Luke: Why don't we try it, see? Shane: Where are you and why do you have so many cows surrounding you right now? And should we be worried for your safety? Luke: No, I am perfectly safe. But I'm in the middle of a cattle ranch, so there are cows about 200 yards away from me right now. Shane: Nice. Okay. Well, if they charge, you let us know and we'll pause the recording. And we'll edit out any trampling that happens. Okay? Jocelyn: If this whole cow thing doesn't work out for you, we need to know a little bit more about what you're doing online, so tell us a little bit about you, your family, your background, and your online business. Luke: My online business started as many of your members, after listening to Pat Flynn and hearing your story on Pat Flynn's podcast. And I heard your story, and it just sounded so real. It really resonated with what I wanted to do and the freedom that I wanted to try and build for my family. I really took off after listening to that. I'm in the education business, so I was able to model a lot of what I've done after what you started with, with Elementary Librarian and US History Teachers. And it's gone pretty well. In, let's see, it's been just about exactly one year, I found a business partner to do the curriculum side of the business. And we built the website and put together the curriculum. Now we've got our first few sales already, so it's gone pretty quickly. Shane: Tell us a little bit about your family and where you're from. Where are you at? What is your background? Like you said, you're in the education field. Tell us a little bit more about that. Tell us about your wife, kids, stuff like that. Luke: Okay. I'm in Central California.

 FL243 – Beta Launch Or Challenge + Aspirin Vs Vitamin + Pre-launching Products | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:44

Never a dull moment on the Flipped Lifestyle lake! Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  Question One: "Question: What is the best way to do a beta launch for piano lessons? I plan to have around 6-8 lessons finished when I launch. Each lesson has multiple videos and worksheets? I’m thinking $19.99/month for Beta and $29.99/month for regular members. Then having a discounted annual price." Question Two: "I'm worried my niche is too vitamin-y...while sustainability in and around the home is important and something more people should be doing, it's not necessarily a requirement. How do I make a pitch that's more aspirin-y? - try to appeal to any money-saving tips (even if there's only a few of those) in order to draw people into the site/mindset?" Question Three: "I would like to begin adding products inside my membership. What is considered enough at the beginning phase because I do not want to overwhelm my members with too much! Also, I’d like to have beta testers, but I don’t know how I should go about asking them to become testers. What are some offers that I could entice my subscribers to become testers? Thank you!" CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.

 FL 242 – It’s the 5 Year Quit-iversary of leaving our jobs to run our online business full time! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:34:30

Celebrating five years of online business with a trip to Jamaica! This is a very special episode, we celebrate our FIVE YEAR anniversary of quitting our jobs to work on our online business full time.  We asked our Flip Your Life Community a question: Imagine, Shane and Jocelyn are travelling back in time and are talking to the Shane and Jocelyn from 2013. (Stay with us...) They're standing in a room together and it's right before they quit their jobs. What would YOU want to ask the five year into the future S&J if you could be in that room? We answer those questions on today's episode. Question One: "How did you ignore the endless amounts of personal/household to do's and actually get work done?" Question Two: "How do you just go for it and know that there’s not a steady paycheck coming anymore? It’s so much easier in some regards to keep this as a side hustle while getting guaranteed pay from a company...How did you know it was time to QUIT?" Question Three: "With everything being so new to you at the time.... How did you determine what goals to set along the way? Did you find that your goals were too conservative, too crazy, focused on the wrong things?" Question Four: "What would you do different when starting from square one to bring in $$$ quicker?" Question Five: "What mindset did you each need to have to make the transition in the beginning? What mindset did you need right after you quit? What did you do immediately to develop systems, processes, etc to keep money rolling in and increasing over time?" Question Six: "What is the way you WISH or fantasize about REALLY quitting your job? Like do you wish you could have told them how horrible they were for keeping you from your kids and that you are going to do everything in your power to make sure no one is a teacher again and say I quit and throw glitter at them as you walk out." Question Seven: "What has the transition from a Full Time J-O-B cost you, that you never anticipated? Examples: physical, social, emotional, family, relationships, perspective? How did you cope with those consequences, or how are you accepting that?" Question Eight: "You know what I’d love to hear from 2013 S&J? Where they would hope to be in 5 years and how that compares with now. I think as I set goals it’s be helpful to hear others’ reflections of what they were and weren’t able to accomplish and what they couldn’t even imagine." Question Nine: "What did you say YES to in the beginning, that you would say NO to now?" Question Ten: "What TECH would you have spent more time adopting in the beginning to grow faster? What TECH would you get rid of now that you shouldn't have used in the first place?" Question Eleven: "What were the unexpected outcomes that 2013 S&J didn't even think would happen? What was the biggest worry/fear in 2013 that had absolutely zero impact on anything?" Question Twelve: "How do you continue to make progress and smash through roadblocks in business? What tips do you have to stay CONSISTENT and keep growing step by step?" Question Thirteen: "Did you worry about paying for insurance vs. your employer paying for it? What about retirement and all the tax stuff your job usually takes care of for you? Is it as scary as it sounds (asking for a friend ;))" Question Fourteen:

 FL 241 – SEO for Blog Posts + Webinar Sales Tip + 100 Members, Now What? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:24

Shane and Jocelyn at FYL Live 2018 Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  Question One: "Hi guys! My question is whether or not I need to optimize all pages on my website for SEO--for example my landing pages, sales pages etc. I ensure that I optimize all blog posts etc, but Yoast SEO is telling me that my SEO and Readability is bad on these other pages, but I'm not sure if it matters." Question Two: "I had mentioned my use of a TOUR instead of a WEBINAR and it worked, and someone suggested I shared what I did. You agreed. However, I don't know where would be a good place to share because that particular thread was in the Success Stories and I am not sure how useful it would be there. So where would you suggest that i share that for more people to benefit from it?" Question Three: "I am about to take a break from promoting so I can focus on taking care of my students. After 3 months of HARD WORK with webinars, facebook ads, live events I am closing my summer with almost 100 members/students :) SUPER HAPPY!!! Now what? Should I focus on preparing for the next promotion? Focus on creating systems to scale more? Should I focus on webinars? or Free Facebook live? So much to do! Gracias" CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.

 FL 240 – We help Laura get new members and also retain current members in her education business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:12

In today's episode, we help Laura get new members and also retain current members in her education business. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn: Hey, y'all. In today's podcast, we help Laura take her online education business to the next level. Shane: Welcome to the Flip Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sam. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane: What's going on everybody, welcome back to the Flip Lifestyle Podcast, it is great to be back with you again. Today, super excited to be with another member of the Flip Your Life community. This is a great episode, because this is a success story episode. This is a story with someone who has flipped their life. We're talking to Flip Your Life member Laura Keybart today. Hey, Laura, welcome to the program. Laura: Hey, thanks for having me, today. Jocelyn: Yes, we are so excited to talk to you, especially with this awesome success story. We look for cool success stories to find people to be on the podcast. This one was one we did not want to miss, for sure. So before we jump into all that, we want to know a little bit about you, your family, and what you're doing online. Laura: Okay, sure. So I have a wonderful, supportive husband who has been behind me every step of the way that I've been going through this journey. I'm a step mom, I love dogs, I'm a distance runner, always running marathons, training for something. I've always got something on the calendar. We love traveling, we love planning vacations and different experiences around running events like those. So while I run while he watches football or visits a history museum. Shane: Me and your husband would get along, dude. Like, if he's watching football, I just went to Philadelphia, and I hit like five history museums. He should have went with me, I'm just saying. He should have went with me. Laura: Yeah, yeah. Well, when I ran the Washington DC, the Marine Corp marathon, he was hitting the museums and visiting those places. So yeah, it works out. Jocelyn: Cool, cool. Laura: So I just completed my 18th year in education as a teacher. I taught english/language arts, which is reading and writing for, oh gosh, 15, 16 years, grade 6th through 12. The past couple of years, I was an instructional coach working with teachers at a local school district. Most of that was great, I love teaching and working with kids and teachers. But, it's kind of the same thing that we all experience. We become fed up with terrible bosses, all the crazy workplace drama, mind numbing, ridiculous meetings and committees that go nowhere, and you start just kind of looking around. Laura: What else could I do? I went through that. Is there something remote I could do? Something online I could do? Maybe I could teach myself how to code and build websites? Which, that was a joke, I tried that for a month. That's not me. But what could I do so that I have a purpose, I can serve people, but I can also bring in an income that I can live on? What options are there? So I started listening to podcasts around setting goals, and working remotely, maybe even working for yourself. I would listen to all of these podcasts while I was doing my long training runs. That's about the time I stumbled upon your podcast, it was maybe around episode, I don't know, 40 or 50 or so, starting binge listening. I thought, okay, that makes sense. This whole thing makes sense now. I think maybe I could do that. Maybe one day, I can quit my job. That sounds crazy, but so was running 22.6 miles. That's ridiculous too. Shane: That is totally ridiculous.

 FL 239 – What To Do When Nobody Buys + Google Ads For Webinars + Facebook Audiences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:46

Endless summer at FYL world headquarters! Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&A w/ S&J! In the Flip Your Life Community, we hold a members-only Q&A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air! This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in. Today’s Q&A highlights answer the following questions:  Question One: "What do you do if nobody buys during a sale ? I held a 24 hour flash sale last week and nobody bought . My back to school sale starts today and I am freaking out that no one is going to buy . I emailed my list of about 1600 people posted on Facebook page and my Facebook group Fingers crossed I am panicking for no reason" Question Two: "Should I do a google ad to my webinars? I've been doing them to my website." Question Three: "I've been doing Facebook advertising for 2.5 weeks now. After some trial and error I've been generating 40-50 landing page views a day with a 16-18% conversion rate. Today things hit a lull - have spent half my daily budget and only have 8 landing page views but a 40% conversion rate. While that conversion rate is amazing, I'm surprised there have been so few landing page fews. Is Facebook running out of people to show my ad to? FB says my audience is 'fairly broad' but it shows only 13,000 in the audience. I know the training says my audience should be bigger but this is what I've been able to come up with so far with children/youth/worship pastors and a couple of related ministry magazines. Is it possible to exhaust your audience reach?" CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW! You can connect with S&J on social media too!   Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show! If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.

 FL 238 – We help Carla and Al grow their fitness membership website | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:07

  In today's episode, we help Carla and Al grow their fitness membership website You Will Learn * Why a free consultation may make a bad lead magnet * Shane's tips for running facebook ads and why frequency is something people always get wrong! * How working together as a couple can be awesome and challenging at the same time FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all, on today's podcast we help Carla and Al take their fitness business to the next level. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online and now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. What's going on, everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, great to be back with you again today. Super excited to welcome another member of theFlipped Your Life community and, in fact, we've got two members on today. We've got a couple with us to take their online business to the next level, it's Carla and Al. Carla, Al, welcome to the show. Carla: [00:00:30] Hey. Alan: Hey. Carla: Thank you for having us. Jocelyn Sams: All right, guys, we are excited to talk to you today. We have actually talked to you before on a workshop that we have done, so that is very exciting. You guys are taking massive action. Shane Sams: Massive action. That's why you're on the show, by the way, that's why you got the invite, because we're like, every day Jocelyn goes, "Have you seen this Carla and Al? They are posting every day. They are success stories all the time, they're killing it. Let's go. Let's talk to them." Jocelyn Sams: [00:01:00] Yeah, and a lot of people, they think that we don't come in the community or whatever, but we do. And we look to see who's taking action and who's posting regularly and those success stories and that's how you guys got here today because I said, "These guys are action takers and we want to talk to them." So, we are glad you're here today. Carla: Awesome. Alan: Awesome. Carla: Well, we wouldn't be having all those success stories if we hadn't of found you all. And we'll get into it a little later, I know, but part of the reason why I've been posting so many of those success stories is just because of you all and just pushing us to do more. Jocelyn Sams: [00:01:30] Love it. Shane Sams: That's our job. Push people off a cliff, baby, and I taught you to shoot down on your way. Right? Jocelyn Sams: You may or may not have a parachute. You know, whatever. Shane Sams: That's right but whatever. It doesn't matter. Jocelyn Sams: All right, well let's jump into a little bit about you guys. Our audience would love to know a little bit more about you, your background, and what you're doing online. Carla: [00:02:00] Well, it's the both of us but it started out just being me at first and I honestly, I had a daycare for 20 years. A very successful, in-home daycare, a waiting list, you know. There was nothing to complain about in that business at all other than the fact that I was home-bound all the time. So, even though I was able to be here with our son when he was younger at home, once he got to school, I couldn't be involved in school and all of those things because I had to take care of everybody else's kids. And then transitioned out of daycare when I was going into ministry, I was actually, my degrees are in Christian ministry and Biblical studies but then I was going on to seminary and that was going to require daytime classes out of the city,


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