FL 239 – What To Do When Nobody Buys + Google Ads For Webinars + Facebook Audiences

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: Endless summer at FYL world headquarters!<br> <br> Hey Y’all, welcome to another Flipped Lifestyle Podcast Q&amp;A w/ S&amp;J!<br> <br> In the <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/flipyourlife" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Flip Your Life Community</a>, we hold a members-only Q&amp;A twice a month where we answer online business questions of our members live on air!<br> <br> This podcast episode features some of the highlights of these recent live member Q&amp;As to give you a glimpse of how we help the members of our community, and help you as well in online business by listening in.<br> <br> <br> <br> Today’s Q&amp;A highlights answer the following questions: <br> Question One:<br> <br> "What do you do if nobody buys during a sale ? I held a 24 hour flash sale last week and nobody bought . My back to school sale starts today and I am freaking out that no one is going to buy .<br> <br> I emailed my list of about 1600 people posted on Facebook page and my Facebook group Fingers crossed I am panicking for no reason"<br> <br> <br> <br> Question Two:<br> <br> "Should I do a google ad to my webinars? I've been doing them to my website."<br> <br> <br> <br> Question Three:<br> <br> "I've been doing Facebook advertising for 2.5 weeks now. After some trial and error I've been generating 40-50 landing page views a day with a 16-18% conversion rate. Today things hit a lull - have spent half my daily budget and only have 8 landing page views but a 40% conversion rate. While that conversion rate is amazing, I'm surprised there have been so few landing page fews.<br> <br> Is Facebook running out of people to show my ad to? FB says my audience is 'fairly broad' but it shows only 13,000 in the audience. I know the training says my audience should be bigger but this is what I've been able to come up with so far with children/youth/worship pastors and a couple of related ministry magazines.<br> <br> Is it possible to exhaust your audience reach?"<br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="https://flippedlifestyle.com/free">CLICK HERE to get your FREE 30-DAY Membership in the Flip Your Life Community NOW!</a><br> <br> <br> <br> You can connect with S&amp;J on social media too!<br> <br>  <a href="https://www.facebook.com/FlippedLifestyle/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/flippedls/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://twitter.com/FlippedLS" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkGZXoIczv1cA8a_KYkU8Kg/featured" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/flipped-lifestyle-podcast/id902645131?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a><br> <br> Thanks again for listening to the show! If you liked it, make sure you share it with your friends and family! Our goal is to help as many families as possible change their lives through online business. Help us by sharing the show!<br> <br> If you have comments or questions, please be sure to leave them below in the comment section of this post.