The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast

Summary: Hey Y'all! We are Shane & Jocelyn Sams. We are a real family from Kentucky making our entire living on the Internet! We can help you start an online business too! After years of job losses, bad bosses, and trading time for dollars; we decided to look for something different. On a rare day off work, we discovered online business, membership sites, entrepreneurship, and internet marketing. After months of trial and error, we were able to start an online business that would not only replace our 9-to-5 income, but earn millions of dollars online! Memberships gave our family freedom we couldn't imagine. It gave us total control of our lives. That's living the Flipped Lifestyle! We started The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast to help other families find the freedom we have by working at home, making money online, becoming and staying self-employed. Each week we help real members of our Flip Your Life Community LIVE on air overcome their biggest business fears, mindset issues, and challenges so they can take their business to the next level! That's right: we don't interview self-proclaimed gurus or overhyped guests selling their latest book. We've helped thousands of people start, build, and grow an online business. People just like you who are trying to build a better future for their family! We break down their online business and detail next steps so they can succeed. Then we let you listen in so you can do the same! If you are looking for something different, you've found it! So pour a cup of sweet tea, settle in, and learn how you can start, build and grow your own online business! We are living the Flipped Lifestyle, and we are going to help YOU Flip Your Life™ too!

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 Best of: How to Turn a Critic into a Customer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:14

In this Best of Episode we help Daniel decide if he’s expert enough to start his online business. This episode was originally published on July 10, 2018.  You can check out the original episode here: FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn: Hey, y'all!  On today's podcast, we help Daniel decide if he's expert enough to start his online business. Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright, let’s get started. What's going on everybody?  Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, it is great to be back with you again this week!  Super excited to have another member of the Flip Your Life community on the show today. I've been looking forward to this specific interview all week, and you're going to learn why here in just a minute. Jocelyn: I'm pretty sure he's talked about it like every single day.   Shane: Every single day.  I'm so pumped up right now to welcome Daniel Hulsman to the show.   Daniel, what's up man?   Daniel: Hey, how you guys doing?  It's really good to be out here and talking to you both!   Jocelyn: We are pumped to have you here, as Shane has mentioned.   Shane: I am super pumped to have you here! Jocelyn: Shane loves telling stories, so I'm just going to let him take it away.   Shane: Alright, here's how Daniel and I got together, okay? Jocelyn: Something I should know?   Shane: No, no.  This is a G-rated show, Jocelyn.  Alright, so Daniel sent me an email during a recent launch.  A few weeks ago, we opened the doors to the Flip Your Life community and started giving everybody out there a month for free.  Daniel apparently heard this and signed up and you know, and he went through a couple of the emails and things like that. He had not joined yet, he had not joined the membership yet.  So, I wake up one morning, and I get this email because yes, we check our emails, okay. And I get a message and the first line -- what was the subject line on this? Daniel: I'm just shaking my head over here.   Shane: I know, right.  There was some hater-ade in this email, people.  This is a critique, is what I'm about to show you, I'm not going to read the whole thing.  But Daniel's sends me this email and says two things -- a little smug Daniel, I'm not going to lie -- but it said two things: "One, your customer service link in this email leads to a 404 page.”  So that is not a good sign when somebody pointing out a broken link. Jocelyn: When your email starts like that it’s probably not going to go too good. Shane: And he made the emoticon, it wasn't even the Emoji.  He actually used the type of symbols of a smiley face with a tear.  That's sad, guys, we're supposed to have all this together, right?  And then he goes on with this giant block text of paragraph about just all sorts of stuff he didn't like in our marketing and things like that, but here's what drew me in.  Are you ready for this Daniel? This is the turn to the positive, this is the turn to the light side of the force. Daniel: (sighs) Shane: So he's critiquing all of our sales techniques and blah, blah, blah, and I just heard all of this skepticism in all of this stuff.  And then he said, "And you gave me a heart attack on Episode 200 when you said goodbye because I did not want your podcast to go away.”   So that's where the turn was and it says,

 FL306 – How to Start an Online Business When You Don’t Have Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:10

In today's episode, we help Grant make time for his online business. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all. On today's podcast we help Grant make time for his online business. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane Sams: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. We are super excited to welcome another member of the Flip Your Life community onto the show so that we can help them take their online dream to the next level. Shane Sams: Our guest today is our good friend Grant Downes. Grant, welcome to the program. Grant Downes: Hey guys, thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. Jocelyn Sams: We are very excited to talk to you today. You are coming to us from your vehicle, is that correct? Grant Downes: That's true. So, I am securely fastened here in the van in the garage, which hopefully will insulate me from the kid sounds that are upstairs. Shane Sams: Hey, listen, there is no better acoustics, or there are no better acoustics than inside of your car, inside of your garage. When I first started creating our courses, the very first course I ever created, it was the same thing, it was just chaos, kids running around everywhere. I tried every room in the house, from the basement to our bedroom. Jocelyn Sams: And then you listen to it back and it's like oh, kids screaming. Shane Sams: Oh, just terrible. I can hear kids. So, I went out and locked myself in the garage, got in the car, sat in the back seat in the middle, so I could be as far away from anything as possible, and it sounded great. So, if you're struggling to find a place to record anything, go to your car. Jocelyn Sams: And just remember, please do not run it inside your garage. Shane Sams: Yes, don't turn it on if it's cold. We don't want you to do that. Grant Downes: Yeah, pro tip. Shane Sams: And don't record while you're driving, that's, unless you got a lapel mic or something like that on so it's all good. Jocelyn Sams: All right, so you are at home. You have a family. Let's hear a little bit about them and your background. Grant Downes: Yeah, so I am in eastern Ohio. I live with my wife, Sarah, and my three kids, Charlotte, Henry, and Brenna. I grew up on a tree farm kind of around agriculture, a beautiful 300 acres of rolling farmland here in eastern Ohio, went to school for horticulture, which is basically plant stuff, and then worked kind of a couple different jobs in the plant industry. So, I worked at a nursery for a long time, did a little bit of landscaping, also spent time in agriculture, actually, a feed mill. Now I work as a pesticide and fertilizer inspector for the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Grant Downes: And then what's really awesome about that position, actually, is that I am based out of my house. So, I have a nine county territory that I run around in, and I do inspections, and I meet with people, and investigate complaints, and give tests, and all sorts of things. But I come home every day, start at eight AM in my basement, run out and do what I'm doing, come back home, and then I'm done by 4:30 and I'm already home, so it works out pretty well. Shane Sams: So you're not actually working in your home a lot, you're actually out on the road like going to farms. Do you inspect like the plants, or do you inspect like the chemical barrels of chemicals that they're doing? Like, what do you do?

 Best of: Our Story – Chapter 2: The Real World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:01

In this Best of Episode, we re-visit Chapter 2 of the "Our story" series. We'll be sharing our entire "Our Story" episodes in the Saturday "Best of" releases over the next few weeks. You don't want to miss these!  We'll be giving you all the juicy details of who we are, where we began, and how it all happened! This episode was originally published on October 17, 2017.  You can check out the original episode here: FULL TRANSCRIPT Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same.  Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright.  Let’s get started. What’s up, guys! Welcome back to another episode of the Flipped Lifestyle podcast! Super excited to be back with you again today where we are continuing with our story of our entrepreneurial journey. We are taking you back to where it all got started, and we are giving you some information about our background to show you what it was like before we were entrepreneurs and basically take you on the journey of us starting from nothing and building a massive online business that has just produced a lifestyle that we could never have even imagined before we discovered online business. Last time we left off, Jocelyn and I had graduated college, we moved out of those dorms and out of the apartments and out of the college life.  We moved ourselves back to my hometown, and we did not get married at this time, we actually each had our own apartments, we had our own jobs.  I was selling insurance for my dad.  I did not really know what I wanted to do when I grew up.  I went to work for my dad at his insurance agency. Jocelyn: I had to start looking for jobs.  This was no longer practice adulting, this was real adulting. Shane: Take the training wheels off, right? Jocelyn: Yeah.  For me, finding a job was not exactly easy.  I’m going into a town where I know absolutely no one.  Shane and I, we thought we were too young to get married.  I decided, “Okay, well, I will just move to your hometown and try to find a job.”  I, as a 21-year-old female who has been dating her boyfriend for three years, thinks that hopefully, Shane will start to grow up at some point.  Maybe he will be interested in getting married, but we were still kind of just not really ready.  We decided just to move into our own apartments. Shane: We did live in the same apartment building though.  That was pretty cool. Jocelyn: It was sort of like the dorm. Shane: It was sort of like Dorm Plus.  What floor was I on? I was on the third floor? Jocelyn: You’re on the third. Shane: And you were on the second.  We had our own apartments, we had our own things.  When we moved back here, my dad would pick up Jocelyn and drive her around town just introducing her to random people, as many people as possible. Jocelyn: In every industry you can imagine. Shane: Oh my goodness, not even related to your degree. Jocelyn: I probably applied for 50 to 60 jobs, all different kind of jobs.  Because you have to remember that where we’re from is a very small area.  There is not a huge amount of job opportunities available. Shane: Especially professional job opportunities for young, college-educated women, basically. Jocelyn: As someone with a business degree.  I started learning that business probably wasn’t the right choice for the area that I was in.  First of all,

 FL305 – How to Launch Your Product When You Have a Small Audience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:07

In today's episode, we help Pat successfully launch a membership website. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all. On today's show we help Pat successfully launch a membership website. Shane Sams: Welcome to The Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. And now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane Sams: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to The Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. Super excited to help another member of our flip your life community start, build, and grow their own online business. Excited to welcome Pat Eardley to the show today. Pat, welcome to the show. Pat Eardley: Thanks for having me. Jocelyn Sams: We are very excited to talk to you today and I can't wait to see what is going on with you and your business. But before we get there, let's talk a little bit about your background and what led you to kind of pursue online business. Pat Eardley: Currently, okay, so maybe I'll back up and tell you background. So I am from Virginia and I live in Charleston, South Carolina. So like the best place on earth, I believe. And I've lived here for about 12 years. And my background professionally is human resources. I've been in HR for a little over 20 years. So mathematically that means I started when I was about five years-old. Jocelyn Sams: Of course. Yes. Shane Sams: Of course you did. Pat Eardley: And so I have an HR consultancy. I've had this business for 10 years now. This year makes 10 years. And it's myself and I have two employees. But it's just not scalable. We truly are trading dollars for hours. You can say that you're not because there's some automated components, but it really is trading dollars for hours. So that really made me look into online business. And is there a way to scale it by having an online component to the business? Shane Sams: So what exactly is... So you own the business, right? So yourself- Pat Eardley: I do. Shane Sams: So you're kind of in the flipped lifestyle, but your business dominates a lot of your time because you are trading those time for dollars. Correct? Pat Eardley: That's correct. Shane Sams: So you're looking at the other direction. Jocelyn Sams: Well, let's first of all explain HR. Like that's human resources- Shane Sams: For sure. Jocelyn Sams: ... For people who have never been in corporate or maybe they just don't know that. Shane Sams: And what is an HR consultancy? Like what do you? I know there's HR people that work in corporations that handle human resources, and when employees have problems or something like that. But what does an HR consultancy do? Pat Eardley: So what we do is we help small businesses. So typically if you have less than 100 people, you don't have an HR person on staff. It doesn't make sense to have an HR person full time or even part time for that matter. Financially it doesn't work. So what we do is we help small businesses manage the HR component, which is like hiring, firing, the onboarding, the off boarding. What happens when there's bereavement and someone needs an extended amount of time off? Or there's an injury at the workplace? Or maybe it's just annual reviews, like doing that on a regularly scheduled basis. A disciplinary action conversation. Those are the type of HR things that frankly, business owners did not get into business to do. They don't want to manage that stuff. Shane Sams: But they can't afford to basically have someone do it for them. So you're like an HR mercenary, right?

 Best of: Our Story – Chapter 1: Love at First Sight | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:05

In this Best of Episode, we re-visit Chapter 1 of the "Our story" series. We'll be sharing our entire "Our Story" episodes in the Saturday "Best of" releases over the next few weeks. You don't want to miss these!  We'll be giving you all the juicy details of who we are, where we began, and how it all happened! This episode was originally published on October 10, 2017.  You can check out the original episode here: FULL TRANSCRIPT Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same.  Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright.  Let’s get started. What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast.  Great to be back with you again today.  This is going to be a solo show with just me and Jocelyn.  We are not going to have a guest on the program today.  As we continue to tell you a little bit more about our story, about how two normal people from Kentucky were able to start an online business with no money, no time, while working full-time, raising kids, and basically, how maybe you can do it, too.  That is what we are doing today, we are talking about the next chapter in our story. Last week, we told you a little bit about our early life about where we came from, where we grew up, before Jocelyn and I knew each other.  The next chapter in our story is actually about how we met in college at the University of Kentucky. Jocelyn: Alright, in our last episode, we were talking about how young I was when I went to college.  At the time, I thought I was all grown up and independent but looking back now, I realized how incredibly young and naïve I really was. Shane: You technically were not even legally of age.  You are not even 18 years old when you moved away from home.  But could not even vote when you moved out of your hometown and moved to the big city in Lexington. Jocelyn: And the scary thing about that is I think about how my son is eight.  I was nine years older than him when I went to college.  That is just scary.  I can’t even picture my son being that age.  I know there is a big difference between 8 and 17.  But still there is not as big of a difference as you think. Shane: It is scary.  There is no way we would ever let our kids– like Jocelyn, her birthday is on March 27th.  My birthday is actually on March 28th.  Funny story about that, we will talk about that soon.  I will tell you about that later.  Jocelyn was born on March 27th.  She turned 17 on March 27th of her senior year.  Did you move in June? Or when did you move? Jocelyn: I think it was probably like early August of that year. Shane: Yeah, okay. Jocelyn: When I moved into the dorms.  I could not wait, I was counting down the minutes.  I was just a very independent person.  I knew that it would not be a problem.  Honestly, I never even really went home.  I went home sometimes.  You know how sometimes people in college, they will go home every single weekend?  Yeah, that was not me.  I went home maybe once a month if I had to.  Again, it is not because I had a bad home life or anything like that. I was just that fiercely independent.  I just wanted to do my own thing. Shane: So you graduated in 97? I had already been in college a year then, right, when you came to college? Jocelyn: Yeah, you were a sophomore when I got there. Shane: I graduated in 1996, and I was kind of the same way.  I had a dream my whole life to go to the University of Kentucky.

 FL304 – How to be 100% positive your idea will make money online | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:29

In today's episode, we help Brian figure out if his business idea will make money online. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn: Hey y'all, on today's podcast we help Brian figure out if his business idea will make money online. Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. Now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. Super excited to talk to another member of the Flip Your Life community. You'll have to bear with us. Jocelyn and I are just getting back from a conference, and both of our voices are a little shot. We're still a little jet lagged, but that's not going to hold us back from helping today's Flip Your Life community member, Brian Kelley. Brian, we're tired, but welcome to the show. Brian: Thank you. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. Shane: And Brian's on the road too. He's on the road too. Brian: I absolutely am, yup. Shane: He's in Chicago at a conference, so he might be a little tired too. We're going to go through this now. We're going to fight through it together. How's that? Brian: That sounds great. Jocelyn: We're excited to talk to you today, Brian. You are coming to our event, which is coming up very, very soon so that is super exciting. And I know that you have been taking a lot of action lately which is how you got on the show today, so congratulations for that. And we can't wait to hear a little bit more about it, but before we get there let's hear about you and your background. Brian: All right. I work in restaurants. I've been in the restaurant industry for about 25 years, and I actually love it. I love my job. I'm married with two kids, and the issue I tend to run into is that I'm concerned about our financial future. I like what I do, but both of our kids have special needs, and it requires extra planning for the future. I don't think that there's a way for me to get my family where we ultimately need to be at retirement with just our incomes. So I'm looking to supplement it with something online. Brian: And then the other reason that I've been pursuing it is just because I think it's a lot of fun. I've listened to your Podcast for a long time now, and I've actually been a member for a year. Everything that I learn that's new and sitting down and actually creating a website and stuff is really intriguing to me. I find it exciting, and I like it, so that's kind of why I chose this path. I'm just looking for any bit of success at this point. I think I've done a lot of the base level stuff. I'm up and rolling, and I'm just trying to get that first dollar made. Shane: Dude, I get it, man. I sat there for months and months waiting for any amount of money to flow into my pocket. And what's crazy is we ask our guests on the show, we look for people in the forums who are taking action, filling out success stories, helping other people, and you have just had this flurry of activity. You've been taking all the courses, talking in the forums, coming to the live event in September, and all of this stuff lately. And that's kind of how we were like, "Whoa, what is this guy doing? He is doing everything. We've got to get him on the show, we've got to help him because we really want to reward action takers in the community." What caused this flurry of activity. You said you've been in the community for a year now. What's happened lately or changed or how'd you [inaudible 00:03:42] to get moving forward in your business? Brian: It was two things. It was, one, probably first and foremost,

 Best of: Our Story – Prologue: A Couple of Kids from Kentucky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:07

In this Best of Episode, we re-visit the Prologue to:  "Our story." We'll be sharing our entire "Our Story" series in the Saturday "Best of Episode" releases over the next few weeks. You don't want to miss these!  We'll be giving you all the juicy details of who we are, where we began, and how it all happened! This episode was originally published on October 3, 2017.  You can check out the original episode here: FULL TRANSCRIPT Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same.  Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright. Let’s get started. What is going on, everybody? This is Shane and Jocelyn here,, super excited to be back with you for another podcast today.  This one’s going to be a little different than our normal podcast where we’re helping our people take their online business to the next level, members of our Flip Your Life community. Jocelyn and I actually are having a book written about us.  An author is writing a book about our story and a part of that process is we are recording our story on audio for her to listen to, to go through, kind of like in an interview style format. Jocelyn and I were sitting here recording, and we thought, man, what a great opportunity to fill in the gaps and a lot of you listen to our podcast for online business advice and things like that.  But what a great opportunity to share our story with you, how, basically, two normal people from really, really small rural communities in Kentucky over a period of time– we went through our careers, we learned about online business, and we ended up creating this amazing life that we didn’t even know existed a few years ago, and maybe just let you guys in on that, and let you walk that journey with us, listen to it, and listen to our story, let it inspire you, and let you know that you can do this, too. Jocelyn: Today, we are starting out with our early life.  A lot of you guys have listened to us on other podcasts and you’ve heard a lot of our story from the past five years, but what you really don’t know is more about us from the past 35 years or more. Shane: That dated us, Jocelyn, you totally had dated us right there.  What we’re going to do is we’re going to release these every week as we record them and we’re going to let them roll out, and this is going to be our story, our journey how we got to where we are, literally, right now today from A to Z.  We’re going to look back and connect the dots.  We were writing an outline for today’s podcast and it’s mind blowing when we were reading it.  We both just stopped, and we’re like, “This doesn’t even sound real, it doesn’t even sound possible,” like, it’s incredible when you see looking back with 20/20 hindsight how all of the dots aligned and everything, and all the puzzle pieces came together. What we want you to do is listen to these podcasts.  You are going to get a ton of information out of them that is going to help you succeed in your journey, too, and it’s going to help you see those dots in your own life, and see how you have all the puzzle pieces right in front of you, and you just have to move them around and connect them together. Alright, so we’re going to jump right into it.  You want to start? Jocelyn:  Oh, we were just having a conversation who was going to start, and Shane’s like, “You start.”  And I’m like, “No, you were born first.” Shane: So, this is like those board games we play with Anna Jo and she gets really...

 FL303 – How to Grow Your Membership From 0 to 100 Members | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:59

In today's episode, we celebrate with Kevin for crossing the 100 member mark. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all. On today's podcast, we celebrate with Kevin for crossing the 100 member mark. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. Now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane Sams: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. And we are super excited for a number of reasons in this episode of the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. Yes, we have a member of our Flip Your Life Community back on the show today. It's a guest that we have had before. He's actually the most prolific guest in Flipped Lifestyle Podcast history. This is his fourth appearance on the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. And this one is going to be a great one because we are celebrating a major milestone in this member's life. His online business, his membership has just crossed the 100 member mark. Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, our good friend and member of the year at last year's Flip Your Life Live, Kevin Depew. Kevin, welcome back. Kevin Depew: Hey, what's going on guys? It's great to be here. Jocelyn Sams: We are so excited to talk to you today. We got a message not too long ago from Kevin. And he was really excited saying he had crossed over 100 members. And I think that it's safe to say, Kevin, that this was definitely not an overnight success. Kevin Depew: Yeah, this would be the polar opposite of overnight success. Shane Sams: Hey, success is success, right? And it usually takes a long time to become an overnight success. So, real quick, tell us a little bit. How many members do you have now? And- Kevin Depew: We're at ... Go ahead. Shane Sams: How many members do you have now? And tell us a bit about what your business is. Just remind everybody what's going on. Kevin Depew: Okay. Yeah. We are at 105 members. We run a website, where I teach folks over 40 how to play guitar, so they can relax, have fun, and be part of a great online community. Shane Sams: Man, I see your stuff in my newsfeed all the time because you know you see the stuff from your friends and stuff? And I just always see ... like, you always make me want to play guitar. I need to relax and learn ... I need to relax a little bit. I'm a little high strung. So, maybe I need to learn it. But man, that is so incredible just knowing your journey and knowing how long it's taken you to get to that 100 member mark. And that's a really big number for us because we tell everybody if you can get 100 people to give you $50 a month or 200 people to give you $25 a month, you can make real money. You could make $5,000 a month, $60,000 a year. And just getting 100 real people to give you money and you give them value and you make a difference in their life. Like, imagine if you were in your living room and you had 100 human beings pile into your living room right now, what would that look like? Your house would be spilling out into the streets because you couldn't fit 100 people into your house, right? Kevin Depew: Yes, very crowded. Shane Sams: Yes. And you've got 100 people that are in your thriving guitar-based community, man. And how long ago did you start Relax and Learn Guitar? What year did you start that in? Kevin Depew: So, my ... Let's see,

 Best of: How to Get Traction in Your Online Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:05

In this Best of Episode we help Kevin gain traction for his guitar tutorial website. This episode was originally published on August 9, 2016.  You can check out the original episode here: FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn:  Hey y’all!  On today’s podcast, we help Kevin make a pivot to a new online business. Shane:  Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always become work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams.  We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same.  Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright.  Let’s get started. What’s going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast.  It is great to be back with you as always.  This week, we’ve got a beautiful sunny day out the window here in Kentucky at the podcast, and we are excited because we are welcoming back a former guest and friend of ours, Kevin Depew - a Flip Your Life member who has been on the podcast before, but we have something we’ve never done that’s happening here on the podcast today.  We are going to help someone pivot from one online business idea to another.  So, Kevin, welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. Kevin Depew:  Thank you.  Great to be here. Shane:  And, it was very interesting watching the progression of Kevin’s online business since he was on the podcast.  What episode was that Jocelyn? Jocelyn:  I think it was 79. Shane:  Episode 79, so if you want to check out his first episode to kind of partner with this, go back to  Kevin had an online business that was totally different than where he is today and where he is making progress.  So, Kevin, tell everyone a little bit about, just quickly where you were when we last spoke.  And, maybe what your avatar was, what you were trying to do, maybe a couple of, you know, little problems that you had with that and then, tell us about your business and your avatar now. Kevin Depew:  Sure.  So, that was back in late January – so, January, February when I had my first call with you guys.  I was really new.  I had turned a blog in November 2015, just kind of getting idea to want to do online business.  And, at that point I had come across you guys through I believe it was from Pat Flynn’s podcast, really felt like you guys were some real folks I could learn from.  So, I jumped right into the community and I think I did my phone call with you guys.  I was maybe in there a week and a half… Shane:  All right. Kevin Depew:  Yeah.  Got an email and said, “Yes.  I’m going to – I will talk to people in person about online business.  What the heck?” Shane:  I probably will. Kevin Depew:  At that point I was doing the blog with and it was a tag blog.  So, let’s just say that.  The avatar was everyone living in America, basically Shane:  Right.  And literally you said that.  I’m pretty sure you’re like, “Yes, I just wanted to help everybody.”  And I’m like, “No.  That’s not how this works, man.”  You know? Kevin Depew:  Yes.  I learned a lot.  So, at that point... I mean I have strengths in being creative and art, and music, that kind of thing.  And I’m also really good at time management.  I’ve worked my entire career, 25-plus years administration, children and families, multiple projects, you know, hiring and training and working with multiple people. Shane:  Right. Kevin Depew:  So, it was very broad.  That first phone call – we really narrowed down how to choose a more specific avatar, which I was kind of... what ended at that call was figuring out a more specific avatar and a more specific pr...

 FL302 – We Help a Manly Truck Driver Find His Touchy Feely Niche For Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:19

In today's episode, we help a truck driver start an online business. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn: Hey, y'all. On today's podcast, we help a truck driver start an online business. Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes before work. We're your host, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, lets get started. Shane: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. We are super excited to have another member of the Flip Your Life community on the show, so that we can help them find their idea, start, build, and grow their own online business, just like we have, and just like hundreds of other people have in the Flip Your Life community. Shane: Super excited to welcome our guest today, Bryan Goodwin. Bryan, welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. Bryan: Hey guys. I appreciate y'all having me on here today. Shane: I think this is a first Bryan because ... we're going to get into your story in just a second. Bryan is a truck driver, and we are actually recording this podcast, he is in his truck on the side of the road right now. Right? Jocelyn: Not driving. Shane: Not driving, he's not driving, but this is the first time I think anyone has ever recorded a podcast with us inside of a semi truck, so I'm pretty excited about that. Bryan: Well, actually I've heard just about all y'all's episodes, so its ... I think yeah the first one y'all had someone that was a truck driver or is a truck driver. No, there's a truck driver in the forums. Shane: That's right. There is. There is. I remember that podcast, but they were not actually in their truck. Bryan: Yeah, they weren't actually in the truck. Shane: That's where you took it to the next level, Bryan. You took it to the next level. Bryan: Glad I could do that. Jocelyn: I'm just curious. I know you spend a lot of time on the road. I'm sure that you listen to a lot of different stuff, but how did you discover us, and have you listened to everything? Bryan: How I actually found you, I'm not a hundred percent. I believe what happened is I was just looking for a business podcast. I was looking for some more information on businesses, because I listen to the (inaudible) and things like that. Y'all's came up, and so I decided let's give them a try, started listening and, I don't know, got all the way up to one particular episode, and I was like, "All right. Well, they've got me pretty much sold. I've got this, but I want to see what else I can learn," so I jumped all the way back and started with episode one, which I actually had to manually download the first 30 because y'all had already cleared the 300 mark- Shane: Right. Bryan: -by that time, so I had to manually download the first 30 and then go from 30 all the way up to what I had listened to at that time. Shane: Love it. Bryan: I've listened to a whole lot of Shane and Jocelyn Sams. Jocelyn: Bless your heart. Shane: Right, bless your heart, man. I know we had you hooked here because I've heard you say y'all about five times, and as soon as you heard that hey y'all at the beginning of the show, you're like, "Wait a minute." Bryan: Oh, yeah. Shane: These are my people. These are my peeps. I've found my people. Jocelyn: Yeah, so I was curious about that because I know you spend a lot of time driving, and you probably spend a lot of time listening. Shane: Well, I'm glad that we have kept you company on many miles of road.

 FL301 – How Your Hobby Can Make Money Online | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:41

In today's episode, we help Kevin decide between a course and a membership. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all, on today's podcast we help Kevin decide between a course and a membership. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane Sams: What is going on everybody, welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It is great to be back with you again today. Super excited to help another member of our Flip Your Life community take their online dream to the next level. We're really excited because we have met this member in person last year at Flip Your Life Live. Our guest today is Flip Your Life community member, Kevin Crowe. How you doing, Kevin? Kevin Crowe: I'm doing good, how you doing? Jocelyn Sams: We are great. It is great to talk to you today. Love Kevin's story, because he came into the live event last year, and it was so funny because he and another member of our community, Nick, they came up to me, I think it was at the reception, and they're like, "Hey, we're introverts too." Shane Sams: It was all secretive like, "There's a club. We're the introvert club, and we're in it. So, we're all in it together." Jocelyn Sams: Yeah, and I was pumped. I just ... I always will remember that, because it was just awesome. Like coming up, and they're like, "Hey, we're kind of like you." So, it was kind of cool. But you'll be really happy to know, Kevin's coming back to the event this year, and we're thinking about even doing an introvert room. Shane Sams: Yeah, we're going to have it at Flip Your Life Live, dude, we're going to call it The Quiet Room. Kevin Crowe: That's awesome. Shane Sams: Yeah, it's going to be off over to the side, so during the working ... So, how Flip Your Life Live works, for everybody that's not been, Jocelyn and I get up on stage, we answer questions from the audience, and do all of our content, but then we actually have breakout sessions where we work on what we just learned. It's really chaotic when you put 100 people in a big room. Shane Sams: It can get loud, people are talking, there's some music playing, but this year we're going to have the spa room, the quiet room, where we have the lights turned down a little bit, and it's like you go in there's going to be a sign that says, "Shh, online businesses being built." So, there's going to be an introvert room, man. It's going to be awesome. We thought about you, Kevin, when we came up with it. Kevin Crowe: That sounds like paradise. Last time we just kind of tucked ourselves away in the back corner table. Shane Sams: It was ... Everybody's just got their hoodies on just looking down. Shane Sams: It's alright. Jocelyn Sams: Yeah, exactly. I was talking to Shane earlier, and he's like, "Oh, you know, two introverts, it's going to be ... I'm going to have to talk a lot this show.", and I'm like, "Listen, introverts are not necessarily shy, they just need to be alone to process things, and to gain their energy back, that's all." Shane Sams: Yeah, we were having a meeting yesterday, Kevin, you might be able to relate to this, and Jocelyn, I was like ... When I start talking I don't stop, which everyone- Jocelyn Sams: Well, if you listen to our podcasts- Shane Sams: To our podcasts you know, but as I was ... We were writing ideas on Post-it Notes, and I looked over at Jocelyn, and she was carefully writing these ideas on her Post-it Notes in perfect handwriting, and I'm just flying Post-it Notes out,

 FL300 – Entrepreneurship, Paralyzing Anxiety, & Redefining Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:00:37

In today's episode, Jocelyn and I reflect on the past, talk about our fears and struggles, and discuss plans for the future! FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all. You're listening to episode 300 of the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. And now we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane Sams: What is going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. Super excited to be with you this week for episode 300 of the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It's just me and Jocelyn today for episode 300. And if you're wondering what we're going to talk about on today's podcast, on this milestone episode of the Flipped Lifestyle podcast, episode 300. If you're wondering that, good, because so are we. We have no plan, we're going into this ... We tried to come up with some stuff and we just couldn't think of anything or figure it out. Jocelyn Sams: Yeah. We had all kinds of ideas of things that we wanted to do. We've been talking about it forever. And a couple days ago our assistant emails us and she's like, "Hey guys, just wondering if you have anything for episode 300?" When in the back of her mind I know she's thinking, this episode is supposed to come out next week, get this done. Shane Sams: We're batched ahead on all of our interviews before and after, but you guys have not recorded episode 300. And we started talking about it a little bit and we're like, why can we not think about this? Why can we not figure it out? Maybe we should have a guest on. Maybe we shouldn't have a guest on. Maybe we should talk about X. Maybe we should talk about Y. Maybe we should talk about Z. And we just could not come up with any topic. So what we decided to do for episode 300 is one, explore a little bit why we couldn't figure out what we wanted to talk about. Two, talk about some of the projects and things that we're doing right now and how that's going to impact what Flipped Lifestyle looks like in the future. And then we're actually going to go through the same questions. We're going to interview each other a little bit and talk about those internal fears that are holding us back. Those external obstacles that are getting in our way. And we're going to talk about our biggest business questions that we have for growing and scaling our business. Because we are not immune to fear, we are and not immune to the obstacles, and we are definitely not immune to all the questions that rise up. And we find ourselves right now in kind of a weird limbo in our business. Shane Sams: We've got this huge live event coming up, Flip Your Life LIVE. It's happening September 19th through the 21st. We've got new projects that we've started. We recently acquired back some ownership in another company that we owned. So we're going to be able to grow that thing and make it more profitable now. And we've just got a lot going on and it's kind of left us in this weird paralyzed place. Have you ever felt that way in your business? Have you ever felt like there were things happening and you felt busy and you felt like things were going on, you had a lot of ideas, but you were just kind of stuck or plateaued? And that's kind of where we feel right now emotionally, mentally, and everything about our business. Jocelyn Sams: Yeah we thought we would just give you a little bit of insight into what we're thinking, what we're working on, because we really haven't done that I guess in a while. And I was just thinking today that in August this is going to be five years of this podcast, which is kind of crazy. Shane Sams: Unbelievable.

 FL299 – How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:52

In today's episode, we help Sarah sell without being too salesy or spammy. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all, on today's podcast we help Sarah sell without being too salesy or spammy. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast, where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online, and now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane Sams: What's going on everybody? Welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast. It is so great to be with you today. Wherever you're listening to the show, thank you for listening. We're really excited to welcome another member of the Flip Your Life community onto the show, so that we can help them overcome fears, breakthrough obstacles and take action on the next steps in their online business. Our guest today is Flip Your Life community member, Sarah Cottrell. Sarah, welcome to the show. Sarah Cottrell: Hi, thanks so much for having me. Jocelyn Sams: Welcome Sarah, I'm actually sensing a little theme here in the podcast. If you listened a couple weeks ago, we had another attorney on, and Sarah of course is an attorney. Tell us a little bit about you, your background and your online business. Sarah Cottrell: Well, so I worked as a lawyer for the last decade. I graduated from law school in 2008, and last summer, after the last of our kids was born, I left my legal job to stay home with them. My path through being a lawyer was a pretty common story. This is true for a lot of lawyers, which is that I started practicing, and pretty early on realized it was not for me in the longterm. However, we had a lot of student loan debt, and I say we because my husband is also a lawyer. We actually met in law school and combined between the two of us, we had over $400,000. Jocelyn Sams: Ouch! Shane Sams: Oh my God. That is a lot of scary mountainous debt, especially when you're like, "I'm not going to use this degree anymore," right? Sarah Cottrell: Yeah. It's basically like you have a mortgage, except there's no asset associated with it other than your own blood, sweat and tears. Shane Sams: Wow, that's unbelievable. Are you still in debt? Sarah Cottrell: No, we paid off all of our debt last June, so June of 2018. Shane Sams: Well done, congratulations. Sarah Cottrell: Thank you. Shane Sams: I can't even imagine having that much debt coming out of college. Jocelyn Sams: What a weight lifted, oh my goodness. Sarah Cottrell: Yes. I was about two years in to practicing when I realized, "This is just not for me in the longterm." When you have over $400,000 in debt, you can't just chalk it all and leave. We had to make a plan to get out, and it had to be a longterm plan. You know a lot of personal finance guru types will say, "Do all these things and cut everything down, and then pay off your debt in like 5 months and then you'll be great." Well, when you have a mortgage size level of debt, you have to have a little bit of a longer term plan that is survivable for five or 10 years in my case. That's what we did. Sarah Cottrell: We made a plan and got out of debt, and that enabled us to be in a position where I was able to stay home with our kids. I also have started doing some writing on the side, which is something that I've always been interested in. With a full-time job and young kids, especially a job that was a lot of research and writing, not a lot of time for writing. Shane Sams: Well for one thing, what's crazy when you were telling your story I was like, "How was 2008 over 10 years ago?" I saw this thing on Facebook the other day, and it was like,

 FL298 – How to Monetize a Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:48

    In today's episode, we help Marty monetize his golf podcast. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn: Hey y'all. On today's show, we help Marty monetize his golf podcast. Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle Podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online and now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane: What's going on everybody, welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. Great to be back with you again today. Super excited to welcome another member of the Flip Your Life community on to the show. Really excited about our guest today because he is a golfer and I love me some golf. So, welcome to the program, Marty Griffin. Marty, welcome man. Marty: Hey, thank you so much for having me. I'm always happy to talk to anyone who's interested in golf, especially people who have kids who are interested in golf. Jocelyn: Well, that would be us right now because our 10-year-old son, Issac, he has just started getting interested in golf a little bit. We did a golf camp this summer and he was really, really excited about it. And we should also mention that Marty is a fellow podcaster. So, it's always exciting to talk to someone who podcasts on our show. Marty: Yeah, it's a ton of fun to do both of those things. I saw your picture of Issac at golf camp, and I was just like yes. Shane: I think it's a sign. Issac's getting into golf. We've got a golfer on the show. All signs are pointing to getting him out on the range and out on the lakes this summer. So, we're going to do that and we're going to talk about golf later on today. But, Marty, tell us a little bit about you and your background and your online business. Marty: I'm, like a lot of your community members, I'm a husband. I'm a father of two girls. We call them Moose and Goose. They're six and 10. I've been playing golf really, pretty much forever. I had some health issues early in life, and I actually had a couple open-heart surgeries. When I was 12 years old was when I had my second one. And the doctors told me that I couldn't do any of the sports that I was currently doing, which was wrestling and baseball. Marty: So, I happened to follow my dad to the driving range one day and I had enough of a knack for it, and I enjoyed it enough that he saw that interest and he got me lessons. So, that was every single waking moment for about 15 years of my life was golf. I'm talking 16 hours a day over the summer, taking lessons, playing in national tournaments. I even tried to go pro for a little while. Marty: So, I decided that in terms of my online business, like our good buddy Pat Flynn says, use your unfair advantage. I got 23 years in the bank doing something that I love that a lot of other people love, so I wanted to really flex that unfair advantage and really get into the golf side of things with my online business. Shane: That's amazing. I played a lot of golf too, when I was a kid. I started playing when I was like 13. The first time I ever swung a club, my brother hands me a driver. I'm like, what do I do? And he goes, well, just hit it like a baseball, but point down. That's what he said. I'm like, okay, whatever. so I watched him swing for a minute and they showed me how to grip the club. I just torched this thing. It left the driving range straight ahead and I was just addicted. The first time I ever swung a club, this happened. Shane: I got really into golf. We went every single day after school, me and my buddy. We would get straight in his car and drive to the next town over to the golf club that we played at. And I bet you for four straight years,

 FL297 – How to Find the Confidence to Try Your Side Hustle Idea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:56

In today's episode, we help Chris find the confidence to build his side hustle business. FULL TRANSCRIPT Jocelyn Sams: Hey y'all. On today's podcast we help Chris find the confidence to build his side hustle business. Shane Sams: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work. We're your hosts Shane and Jocelyn Sams. We're a real family that figured out how to make our entire living online. And now, we help other families do the same. Are you ready to flip your life? All right, let's get started. Shane Sams: What's going on everybody, welcome back to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast. It is great to be back with you again this week. Super excited to welcome another member of the Flip Your Life community onto the show so that we can help them take their business to the next level. Shane Sams: But before we do that, want to remind you that the Flipped Lifestyle podcast is brought to you by the Flip Your Life Community. We do not sell ads, sponsorships on our show. We are completely supported by you the listener and our members inside of the Flip Your Life community. We would love to help you take your online dreams to the next level, just like we're about to help our guest today. Shane Sams: If you'd like to learn more about the Flip Your Life Community, go to and you can check out all of our amazing membership options we have. We have an entire community of hundreds of entrepreneurs from around the world, courses that can help you at any stage of your online business and if you need a little bit more help from me and Jocelyn, we do live member Q and A's every single month. We'd love to have you in there. Check it out over at Jocelyn Sams: Now it is time to introduce today's guest Chris Holdheide. Welcome to the show. Chris Holdheide: Hi Jocelyn, hi Shane. Thanks for having me on the podcast. I really appreciate it, thanks. Jocelyn Sams: Yeah, we are excited to talk to you today and we cannot wait to meet you in person in Lexington in September. We're very excited that you are coming and that someone in your family too, right? Chris Holdheide: Yes. Actually, it's me and my twin brother. We both signed up at the same time and decided - Shane Sams: That's awesome. Chris Holdheide: Yeah, we kind of debated it at first and then I kinda told him ahead of time that I was gonna buy my ticket and I kinda got him to, push him a little bit to buy his ticket and then, lo and behold here we are, we're going. We're gonna be there. Jocelyn Sams: Well are you guys identical twins, first of all? Chris Holdheide: Yes, we are. Shane Sams: Do you have identical businesses? Chris Holdheide: No. Jocelyn Sams: And, are you not going to switch name tags at the event? I'm just curious. Chris Holdheide: We might, just never know. Shane Sams: See that would just totally mess me up. You look down, you're sitting at different tables. I'm on stage. I'm getting confused. I wouldn't know what was going on, man. You can't do that to us, man. Shane Sams: So before we get started and get deep into your story and help you take your business, what you're working on right now to the next level. Like, what made you decide to come to Flip Your Life LIVE in Lexington, Kentucky this September? What was the big, you know you said you kinda looked at it, you thought about it, and you wrestled with it. What pushed you over the edge and then allowed you to push your brother over the edge too? To drag him down I-75 kicking and screaming to Lexingt...


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