Best of: Our Story – Chapter 2: The Real World

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: <br> In this Best of Episode, we re-visit Chapter 2 of the "Our story" series.<br> <br> We'll be sharing our entire "Our Story" episodes in the Saturday "Best of" releases over the next few weeks.<br> <br> You don't want to miss these!  We'll be giving you all the juicy details of who we are, where we began, and how it all happened!<br> <br> This episode was originally published on October 17, 2017.  You can check out the original episode here:  <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br> FULL TRANSCRIPT<br> Shane: Welcome to the Flipped Lifestyle podcast where life always comes before work.  We’re your hosts, Shane and Jocelyn Sams.<br> <br> We’re a real family who figured out how to make our entire living online.  And now, we help other families do the same.  Are you ready to flip your life?  Alright.  Let’s get started.<br> <br> What’s up, guys! Welcome back to another episode of the Flipped Lifestyle podcast! Super excited to be back with you again today where we are continuing with our story of our entrepreneurial journey.<br> <br> We are taking you back to where it all got started, and we are giving you some information about our background to show you what it was like before we were entrepreneurs and basically take you on the journey of us starting from nothing and building a massive online business that has just produced a lifestyle that we could never have even imagined before we discovered online business.<br> <br> Last time we left off, Jocelyn and I had graduated college, we moved out of those dorms and out of the apartments and out of the college life.  We moved ourselves back to my hometown, and we did not get married at this time, we actually each had our own apartments, we had our own jobs.  I was selling insurance for my dad.  I did not really know what I wanted to do when I grew up.  I went to work for my dad at his insurance agency.<br> <br> Jocelyn: I had to start looking for jobs.  This was no longer practice adulting, this was real adulting.<br> <br> Shane: Take the training wheels off, right?<br> <br> Jocelyn: Yeah.  For me, finding a job was not exactly easy.  I’m going into a town where I know absolutely no one.  Shane and I, we thought we were too young to get married.  I decided, “Okay, well, I will just move to your hometown and try to find a job.”  I, as a 21-year-old female who has been dating her boyfriend for three years, thinks that hopefully, Shane will start to grow up at some point.  Maybe he will be interested in getting married, but we were still kind of just not really ready.  We decided just to move into our own apartments.<br> <br> Shane: We did live in the same apartment building though.  That was pretty cool.<br> <br> Jocelyn: It was sort of like the dorm.<br> <br> Shane: It was sort of like Dorm Plus.  What floor was I on? I was on the third floor?<br> <br> Jocelyn: You’re on the third.<br> <br> Shane: And you were on the second.  We had our own apartments, we had our own things.  When we moved back here, my dad would pick up Jocelyn and drive her around town just introducing her to random people, as many people as possible.<br> <br> Jocelyn: In every industry you can imagine.<br> <br> Shane: Oh my goodness, not even related to your degree.<br> <br> Jocelyn: I probably applied for 50 to 60 jobs, all different kind of jobs.  Because you have to remember that where we’re from is a very small area.  There is not a huge amount of job opportunities available.<br> <br> Shane: Especially professional job opportunities for young, college-educated women, basically.<br> <br> Jocelyn: As someone with a business degree.  I started learning that business probably wasn’t the right choice for the area that I was in.  First of all,